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crest [top of roof]Dachfirst {m}
crest clearance [thread]Kopfspiel {n} [Gewinde]
crest clearance [thread]Spitzenspiel {n} [Gewinde]
crest coronet [also: crest-coronet]Helmkrone {f}
crest factorScheitelfaktor {m}
crest height [of a wave] Kammhöhe {f} [einer Welle]
crest level Kronenhöhe {f}
crest line Scheitellinie {f}
crest line [dam]Staukante {f} [Staudamm, Wehr]
crest line [reservoir]Staulinie {f} [Stausee]
crest line [waterfall] Fallkante {f} [Wasserfall]
crest of a hillHügelkuppe {f}
crest (of a wave) Wellenkamm {m}
crest of the Alps Alpenkamm {m}
crest ringWappenring {m}
CREST syndromeCREST-Syndrom {n}
crest valueScheitelwert {m}
crest vertical curveKuppe {f}
crested verziert
crested Hauben-
crested [climbed]erklommen
crested aeolis [Br.] [Janolus cristatus, syn.: Antiopella cristata, Eolis cristatus]Gestreifte Dickkolbenschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
crested agouti [Dasyprocta cristata] Haubenaguti {n}
crested ant tanager [Habia cristata]Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare {f}
crested ant-tanager [Habia cristata] Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare {f}
crested ant-tanager / ant tanager [Habia cristata] Scharlachhaubenhabia {f}
crested argus [Rheinardia / Rheinartia ocellata] Perlenfasan {m}
crested argus [Rheinardia ocellata]Perlenpfau {m}
crested argus pheasant [Rheinardia ocellata]Perlenpfau {m}
crested argus pheasant [Rheinardia ocellata]Perlenfasan {m}
crested auklet [Aethia cristatella] Schopfalk {m}
crested barbet [Trachyphonus vaillantii] Haubenbartvogel {m}
crested barbet [Trachyphonus vaillantii]Hauben-Bartvogel {m}
crested barbet [Trachyphonus vaillantii]Schwarzrücken-Bartvogel {m}
crested baza [Aviceda subcristata]Papuaweih {m}
crested becard [Pachyramphus validus]Schopfbekarde {f}
crested bellbird [Oreoica gutturalis] Haubendickkopf {m}
crested bellowfish [Notopogon lilliei] Kronen-Blasebalgfisch {m}
crested berrypecker [Paramythia montium]Schopfbeerenfresser {m}
crested bird of paradise [Cnemophilus macgregorii]Furchenparadiesvogel {m}
crested black macaque [Macaca nigra, syn.: Cynopithecus nigra, Macaca lembicus, M. malayanus] Schopfaffe {m}
crested black macaque [Macaca nigra, syn.: Cynopithecus nigra, Macaca lembicus, M. malayanus]Schopfmakak {m}
crested black tyrant [Knipolegus lophotes]Langschopf-Mohrentyrann {m}
crested black tyrant [Knipolegus lophotes] Haubendunkeltyrann {m}
crested bobwhite [Colinus cristatus] Haubenwachtel {f}
crested buckler fern [Dryopteris cristata] Kammfarn {m}
crested buckler fern [Dryopteris cristata] Kamm-Wurmfarn {m}
crested bulbul [Pycnonotus jocosus] Rotohrbülbül {m}
crested bullhead shark [Heterodontus galeatus] Kamm-Stierkopfhai {m}
crested bunting [Emberiza lathami, syn.: Melophus lathami] Haubenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
crested bustard [Lophotis ruficrista, syn.: Eupodotis ruficrista]Rotschopftrappe {f}
crested capuchin [Sapajus robustus] Schopfkapuzineraffe {m}
crested caracara [Caracara cheriway]Karibikkarakara {m}
crested caracara [Polyborus plancus]Schopfkarakara {m}
crested cardinal [Paroaria coronata]Graukardinal {m} [auch: Grau-Kardinal]
crested catstail [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis]Zarte Kammschmiele {f}
crested catstail [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis]Zartes Schillergras {n}
crested catstail [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis]Zierliches Schillergras {n}
crested chameleon [Trioceros cristatus, syn.: Chamaeleo cristatus]Kammchamäleon {n}
crested cnemophilus [Cnemophilus macgregorii] Furchenvogel {m}
crested coot [Fulica cristata] Kammblässhuhn {n}
crested coua [Coua cristata] Spitzschopf-Seidenkuckuck {m}
crested coua [Coua cristata] Hauben-Seidenkuckuck {m}
crested coua [Coua cristata] Spitzschopfcoua {m}
crested cow-wheat [Melampyrum cristatum]Kamm-Wachtelweizen {m}
crested cuckoo dove [Reinwardtoena crassirostris] Helmtaube {f}
crested cuckoo-dove [Reinwardtoena crassirostris] Salomonen-Schopftaube {f}
crested curassow [Crax alector, syn.: C. erythrognata, C. nigra]Glattschnabelhokko {m}
crested dog's-tail [Cynosurus cristatus] [grass species]Wiesen-Kammgras / Wiesenkammgras {n}
crested dog's-tail [Cynosurus cristatus] [grass species] (Gemeines) Kammgras {n}
crested dog's-tail [Cynosurus cristatus] [grass species] Weide-Kammgras / Weidekammgras {n}
crested dogtail-grass [Cynosurus cristatus](Gemeines) Kammgras {n}
crested dogtail-grass [Cynosurus cristatus]Wiesen-Kammgras / Wiesenkammgras {n}
crested dogtail-grass [Cynosurus cristatus] Weide-Kammgras / Weidekammgras {n}
crested doradito [Pseudocolopteryx sclateri] Schopfdoradito {m}
crested drongo [Dicrurus forficatus] Gabeldrongo {m}
crested duck [Lophonetta specularioides, syn.: Anas specularioides]Schopfente {f}
crested duck [Lophonetta specularioides]Haubenente {f}
crested dwarf iris [Iris cristata] Kamm-Iris / Kammiris {f}
crested dwarf iris [Iris cristata]Kamm-Schwertlilie / Kammschwertlilie {f}
crested eider [Somateria spectabilis] Prachteiderente {f}
crested elsholtzia [Elsholtzia ciliata, syn.: Hyssopus bracteatus, Mentha cristata, M. ovata, Perilla polystachya, Sideritis ciliata] Echte Kammminze {f}
crested elsholtzia [Elsholtzia ciliata, syn.: Hyssopus bracteatus, Mentha cristata, M. ovata, Perilla polystachya, Sideritis ciliata] Vietnamesische Melisse {f}
crested eolis [Am.] [Janolus cristatus, syn.: Antiopella cristata, Eolis cristatus]Gestreifte Dickkolbenschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
crested finchbill [Spizixos canifrons]Finkenbülbül {m}
crested fireback (pheasant) [Lophura ignita]Feuerrückenfasan {m}
crested fireback (pheasant) [Lophura ignita] Haubenfasan {m}
crested foliage-gleaner [Anabazenops dorsalis] Schopfbaumspäher {m}
crested francolin [Dendroperdix sephaena, syn.: Francolinus sephaena, Peliperdix sephaena] Schopffrankolin {m}
crested gallito [Rhinocrypta lanceolata] Schopfbürzelstelzer {m}
crested gallito [Rhinocrypta lanceolata] Schopfgallito {m}
crested gliding lizard [Draco fimbriatus] Fransen-Flugdrache {m}
crested goby [Rhinogobiops nicholsii]Schwarzaugengrundel {f}
crested green wood partridge [Rollulus rouloul]Straußwachtel {f}
crested guan [Penelope purpurascens, syn.: P. purpurea, P. cristata] Rostbauchschaku {m} [auch: Rostbauch-Schaku]
crested guan [Penelope purpurascens] Rostbauchguan {m}
crested guan [Penelope purpurascens]Rostbauch-Schakuhuhn {n}
crested guineafowl [Guttera pucherani] Kräuselhauben-Perlhuhn {n}
crested hair grass [Koeleria pyramidata]Großes Schillergras {n}
crested hair grass [Koeleria pyramidata] Pyramiden-Schillergras {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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