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crested hairgrass [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis]Zierliches Schillergras {n}
crested hairgrass [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis] Zartes Schillergras {n}
crested hairgrass [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis] Zarte Kammschmiele {f}
crested hairtail [Tentoriceps cristatus] Kamm-Haarschwanz {m}
crested hawk-eagle [Spizaetus cirrhatus]Einfarb-Haubenadler {m}
crested hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Nisaetus cirrhatus, syn.: Spizaetus cirrhatus] Haubenadler {m}
crested honeycreeper [Palmeria dolei] Akohekohe {f}
crested hornbill [Bycanistes brevis, syn.: Ceratogymna brevis]Silberwangenhornvogel {m} [auch: Silberwangen-Hornvogel]
crested hornbill [Bycanistes brevis, syn.: Ceratogymna brevis] Schopfhornvogel {m}
crested hornero [Furnarius cristatus] Schopftöpfer {m}
crested ibis [Nipponia nippon] Japanischer Ibis {m}
crested ibis [Nipponia nippon]Nipponibis {m}
crested ibis [Nipponia nippon] Japanischer Schopfibis {m}
crested ibon [Lophozosterops dohertyi] Schopfbrillenvogel {m}
crested iris [Iris gracilipes] Japanische Zwerg-Schwertlilie / Zwergschwertlilie {f}
crested iris [Iris japonica] Gefranste Schwertlilie {f}
crested jay [Platylophus galericulatus] Haubenhäher {m}
crested jayshrike [Platylophus galericulatus]Haubenhäher {m}
crested kingfisher [Megaceryle lugubris, syn.: Ceryle lugubris] Trauerfischer {m} [auch: Trauer-Fischer]
crested koehleria [Koeleria macrantha, syn.: Koeleria gracilis] Zierliches Schillergras {n}
crested lark [Galerida cristata] Haubenlerche {f}
crested late summer mint [Elsholtzia ciliata, syn.: Hyssopus bracteatus, Mentha cristata, M. ovata, Perilla polystachya, Sideritis ciliata] Echte Kammminze {f}
crested latesummer mint [Elsholtzia ciliata, syn.: Hyssopus bracteatus, Mentha cristata, M. ovata, Perilla polystachya, Sideritis ciliata]Echte Kammminze {f}
crested lizard [Hydrosaurus pustulatus]Philippinische Segelechse {f}
crested long-tailed pigeon [Reinwardtoena crassirostris] Helmtaube {f}
crested lousewort [Pedicularis comosa] Schopfiges Läusekraut {n}
crested Madagascar coucal [Coua cristata] Spitzschopf-Seidenkuckuck {m}
crested malimbe [Malimbus malimbicus] Haubenweber {m}
crested mangabey [Cercocebus galeritus]Haubenmangabe {f}
crested mangabey [genus Lophocebus] Schwarzmangabe {f}
crested mona monkey [Cercopithecus pogonias]Kronenmeerkatze {f}
crested morwong [Cheilodactylus vestitus] Schmuck-Fingerflosser {m}
crested murrelet [Synthliboramphus wumizusume] Japanalk {m}
crested myna [Acridotheres cristatellus] Haubenmaina {m}
crested myna [Basilornis galeatus] Helmatzel {f} [Helm-Atzel]
crested myna / mynah [Acridotheres cristatellus, syn.: Aethiopsar cristatellus]Schopfmaina {m}
crested oropendola [Psarocolius decumanus, syn.: Xanthornus decumanus]Schwarzhaubenstärling {m}
crested oropendola [Psarocolius decumanus] Krähenstirnvogel {m}
crested owl [Lophostrix cristata] Haubenkauz {m}
crested partridge [Rollulus rouloul]Straußwachtel {f}
crested peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron malacense]Malayischer Spiegelpfau {m}
crested peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron malacense] Malaia-Spiegelpfau {m}
crested peacock-pheasant [Polyplectron malacense] Malayenpfaufasan {m}
crested pigeon [Ocyphaps lophotes]Spitzschopftaube {f}
crested pigeon [Ocyphaps lophotes]Australische Schopftaube {f}
crested pitohui [Pitohui cristatus] Schopfpitohui {m}
crested plants [cristates]Cristaten {pl}
crested polypore [Am.] [Albatrellus cristatus, syn.: Scutiger cristatus](Gelbgrüner) Kamm-Porling / Kammporling {m}
crested polypore [Am.] [Albatrellus cristatus, syn.: Scutiger cristatus] Grüner Kamm-Porling / Kammporling {m}
crested porcupine [Hystrix cristata] Gewöhnliches Stachelschwein {n}
crested porcupine [Hystrix cristata] Westafrikanisches Stachelschwein {n}
crested prickly poppy [Argemone polyanthemos] Gehörnter Stachelmohn {m}
crested prickly poppy [Argemone polyanthemos] Vielblütiger Stachelmohn {m}
crested pricklypoppy [Argemone polyanthemos]Gehörnter Stachelmohn {m}
crested pricklypoppy [Argemone polyanthemos]Vielblütiger Stachelmohn {m}
crested quail [Colinus cristatus] Haubenwachtel {f}
crested quail-dove [Geotrygon versicolor] Kurzschopftaube {f}
crested quail-dove [Geotrygon versicolor] Jamaika-Erdtaube {f}
crested quetzal [Pharomachrus antisianus]Kammtrogon {m}
crested rat [Lophiomys imhausi]Mähnenratte {f}
crested redbird [Cardinalis cardinalis, syn.: Richmondena cardinalis] Rotkardinal {m}
crested redbird [Cardinalis cardinalis, syn.: Richmondena cardinalis]Roter Kardinal {m}
crested satinbird [Cnemophilus macgregorii] Furchenvogel {m}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata]Halsband-Wehrvogel {m}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata]Halsbandtschaja {m} {f}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata] Halsband-Tschaja {m} {f}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata]Tschaja {m} {f}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata] Schopfwehrvogel {m}
crested screamer [Chauna torquata] Tschaya {m} {f} [selten] [Tschaja]
crested seal [Cystophora cristata] Klappmütze {f} [Robbenart]
crested seriema [Cariama cristata]Rotfußseriema {f}
crested serpent eagle [Spilornis cheela]Schlangenweihe {f}
crested (servaline) genet [Genetta cristata]Hauben-Ginsterkatze {f}
crested (servaline) genet [Genetta cristata]Niger-Genette {f}
crested (servaline) genet [Genetta cristata] Niger-Ginsterkatze {f}
crested sheldrake [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct]Schopfkasarka {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested sheldrake [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct] Korea-Brandente {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested sheldrake [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct]Hauben-Brandente {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested shelduck [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct] Schopfkasarka {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested shelduck [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct]Korea-Brandente {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested shelduck [Tadorna cristata, syn.: Pseudotadorna cristata] [probably extinct] Hauben-Brandente {f} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
crested shield fern [Dryopteris cristata] Kammfarn {m}
crested shield fern [Dryopteris cristata] Kamm-Wurmfarn {m}
crested shrike tit [Falcunculus frontatus] Meisendickkopf {m}
crested shrikejay [Platylophus galericulatus] Haubenhäher {m}
crested shrike-tit [Falcunculus frontatus]Meisenwürger {m}
crested spinetail [Cranioleuca subcristata / Certhiaxis subcristata] Haubenschlüpfer {m}
crested starling [Basilornis galeatus]Helmatzel {f} [auch: Helm-Atzel]
crested starling [Fregilupus varius] [extinct]Réunion-Star {m} [ausgestorben]
crested starling [Fregilupus varius] [extinct] Hopfstar {m} [ausgestorben]
crested swifts [family Hemiprocnidae, genus Hemiprocne]Baumsegler {pl}
crested tit warbler [Leptopoecile elegans]Schopfhähnchen {n}
crested toad [Ingerophrynus biporcatus, syn.: Bufo biporcatus] Haubenkröte {f}
crested tree swift [Hemiprocne coronata]Kronenbaumsegler {m}
crested tree swift [Hemiprocne longipennis]Haubenbaumsegler {m}
crested valve shell [Valvata cristata, syn.: V. (Valvata) cristata] Flache Kiemenschnecke {f}
crested valve shell [Valvata cristata] Flache Federkiemenschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
crested vertigo [Vertigo pygmaea, syn.: V. geyeri] Gemeine Windelschnecke {f}
crested vertigo [Vertigo pygmaea] Vierzähnige Windelschnecke {f}
crested wedgebill [Psophodes cristatus] Buschflöter {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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