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crippled [fig.] [company] angeschlagen [Unternehmen]
crippledomVerkrüppelung {f} [Verkrüppeltsein]
cripples Krüppel {pl}
crippleware Krüppelware {f}
crippling lähmend
crippling verkrüppelnd
crippling clumsiness lähmende Schwerfälligkeit {f}
crippling load Knicklast {f}
cripplingly expensive unerschwinglich
CrișanaKreischgebiet {n}
Crisco ® [a U.S. make of vegetable shortening][pflanzliches Brat- und Backfett]
crisesKrisen {pl}
crisic krisenhaft
crisis Krise {f}
crisis Notstand {m}
crisisKrisis {f} [Nebenform von Krise] [veraltend]
crisisNotlage {f}
crisis {sg} of conscienceGewissensbisse {pl}
crisis [attr]krisenhaft
crisis [climax]Höhepunkt {m}
crisis [decisive point] entscheidender Punkt {m}
crisis [turning point in the course of something]Wendepunkt {m} [im Geschehensverlauf von etwas]
crisis area Krisengebiet {n}
crisis cabinetKrisenkabinett {n}
crisis chancellor [female] Krisenkanzlerin {f}
crisis committee Krisenstab {m}
crisis communication Krisenkommunikation {f}
crisis cult Krisenkult {m}
crisis experience Krisenerfahrung {f}
crisis game [game theory]Krisenspiel {n} [Spieltheorie]
crisis handlingKrisenmanagement {n}
crisis handling Krisenhandling {n}
crisis hotline Krisenhotline {f}
crisis in a relationshipBeziehungskrise {f}
crisis in Russia Russlandkrise {f}
crisis intervention Krisenintervention {f}
crisis intervention service Kriseninterventionsangebot {n}
crisis intervention team Kriseninterventionsteam {n}
crisis intervention training Kriseninterventionstraining {n}
crisis line Telefonseelsorge {f}
crisis management Krisenstab {m}
crisis managementKrisenmanagement {n}
crisis managementKrisenbewältigung {f}
crisis managementKrisenpolitik {f}
crisis managementKrisenbekämpfung {f}
crisis management centre [Br.] <CMC>Krisenzentrum {n}
crisis management groupKrisenstab {m}
crisis management team Krisenstab {m}
crisis managerKrisenmanager {m}
crisis manager [female] Krisenmanagerin {f}
crisis meetingKrisentreffen {n}
crisis meeting Krisensitzung {f}
crisis missionKrisenmission {f}
crisis mode Krisenmodus {m}
crisis of acceptance Akzeptanzkrise {f}
crisis of confidence Vertrauenskrise {f}
crisis of conscience Gewissenszweifel {pl}
crisis of democracyDemokratiekrise {f}
crisis of faith Glaubenskrise {f}
crisis of identity Identitätskrise {f}
crisis of leadership Führungskrise {f}
crisis of legitimacyLegitimitätskrise {f}
crisis of legitimationLegitimationskrise {f}
crisis of meaningSinnkrise {f}
crisis of postpartum depression postpartale Stimmungskrise {f}
crisis of the aristocracy Adelskrise {f}
crisis of values Wertekrise {f}
crisis periodKrisenperiode {f}
crisis period Krisenzeit {f}
crisis phenomena Krisenphänomene {pl}
crisis phenomenaKrisenerscheinungen {pl}
crisis plan Krisenplan {m}
crisis preventionKrisenprävention {f}
crisis reaction Krisenreaktion {f}
Crisis Reaction Force <CRF>Krisenreaktionskräfte {pl} <KRK>
crisis region Krisenregion {f}
crisis response Krisenreaktion {f}
crisis scenarioKrisenszenario {n}
crisis sitting [rare] Krisensitzung {f}
crisis situationKrisensituation {f}
crisis stabilityKrisenstabilität {f}
crisis strategyKrisenstrategie {f}
crisis summitKrisengipfel {m}
crisis talks Krisengespräche {pl}
crisis team Krisenstab {m}
crisis theory Krisentheorie {f}
crisis year Krisenjahr {n}
crisis zone Krisenzone {f}
crisis-hit countriesKrisenländer {pl}
crisis-prone krisenanfällig
crisis-pronenessKrisenhaftigkeit {f} [Anfälligkeit]
crisis-proof krisenfest
crisis-proof investments krisensichere Anlagen {pl}
crisis-ridden krisengeschüttelt
crisis-ridden krisenreich
« crimcrimcrimcrimcrimcripcriscriscritcritCrit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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