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English-German Dictionary

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carboxyl groupsCarboxygruppen {pl}
carboxyl terminus <C terminus>Carboxyl-Terminus {m} <C-Terminus> [veraltet]
carboxyl terminus <C terminus>Carboxy-Terminus {m} <C-Terminus>
carboxylaseCarboxylase {f}
carboxylase reaction Carboxylase-Reaktion {f}
carboxylate Carboxylat {n}
carboxylate component Carboxylatkomponente {f}
carboxylate ion Carboxylation {n}
carboxylate ionCarboxylat-Ion {n}
carboxylated carboxyliert
carboxylation Carboxylierung {f}
carboxylesteraseCarboxylesterase {f}
carboxylic acid Carbonsäure {f}
carboxylic acidKarbonsäure {f} [veraltend] [Carbonsäure]
carboxylic acid chloride Carbonsäurechlorid {n}
carboxylic acid group Carbonsäuregruppe {f}
carboxylic acids Carbonsäuren {pl}
carboxyl-terminal <C-terminal>C-terminal
carboxymethylcellulose <CMC> Carboxymethylcellulose {f} <CMC>
carboxymethyllysine <CML> Carboxymethyllysin {n} <CML>
carboxypeptidaseCarboxypeptidase {f}
carboxypolypeptidaseCarboxypolypeptidase {f}
carboxysomeCarboxysom {n}
carboyBallonflasche {f}
carboy Glasballon {m}
carboyKorbflasche {f}
carboy emptierBallonentleerer {m}
carboy pourerBallonausgießer {m}
carbromide [C6H12BrNO]Carbromid {n}
carbs [short for: carbohydrates] Kohlehydrate {pl}
carbs [short for: carbohydrates]Kohlenhydrate {pl}
carbuncle Karbunkel {m}
carbuncleKarfunkel {m}
carbuncleGeschwür {n}
carbuncle Karfunkelstein {m}
carbuncle Karfunkel {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Karbunkel]
carbuncle Kohlenbeule {f}
carbuncles Karbunkel {pl}
carbunculosis Carbunculosis {f}
carburationGemischbildung {f}
carburationVergasung {f} [von Kraftstoff]
carburator [spv.] Vergaser {m}
carburator jetVergaserdüse {f}
carburet freezingVergaservereisung {f}
carburet hydrogen Kohlenwasserstoffgas {n}
carburetor [Am.] Vergaser {m}
carburetor barrel [Am.] Lufttrichter {m} [Vergaser]
carburetor fire [Am.]Vergaserbrand {m}
carburetor float [Am.] Vergaserschwimmer {m}
carburetor heat [Am.]Vergaservorwärmung {f}
carburetor icing [Am.] Vergaservereisung {f}
carburetor jet [Am.] Vergaserdüse {f}
carburetor setting [Am.]Vergasereinstellung {f}
carburetor throat [Am.]Lufttrichter {m} [Vergaser]
(carburetor) venturi [Am.] Lufttrichter {m} [Vergaser]
carburetors [Am.] Vergaser {pl}
carburettedmit Kohlenstoff verbunden
carburetted hydrogen gasKohlenwasserstoffgas {n}
carburetter [esp. Br.] [spv.] Vergaser {m}
carburettor [esp. Br.] Vergaser {m}
carburettor control cable [esp. Br.]Vergaserzug {m}
carburettor fire [esp. Br.] Vergaserbrand {m}
carburettor float [esp. Br.]Vergaserschwimmer {m}
carburettor heating [esp. Br.] Vergaservorwärmer {m}
carburettor icing [esp. Br.]Vergaservereisung {f}
carburettor jet [esp. Br.]Vergaserdüse {f}
carburettor linkage [esp. Br.]Vergasergestänge {n}
carburettors [esp. Br.] Vergaser {pl}
carburisation [Br.] Aufkohlen {n} [Härten von Stahl]
carburisation [Br.]Karbonisation {f} [Härten von Stahl]
carburisation depth [Br.] [in metal processing] Aufkohlungstiefe {f} [bei der Metallverarbeitung]
carburised [Br.] aufgekohlt
carburizationAufkohlen {n} [Härten von Stahl]
carburization Karbonisation {f} [Härten von Stahl]
carburization Zementation {f} [Einsatzhärten]
carburization Zementierung {f} [Einsatzhärten]
carburization depth [in metal processing] Aufkohlungstiefe {f} [bei der Metallverarbeitung]
carburization profile Aufkohlungsprofil {n}
carburized aufgekohlt
carburized steeleinsatzgehärteter Stahl {m}
(carburized) case Einsatz {m} [Härten]
carburizing Zementation {f} [Einsatzhärten]
carburizing boxZementationskasten {m}
carburizing depth Zementationstiefe {f} [Einsatzhärten]
carburizing furnaceZementierofen {m} (Einsatzhärten)
carburizing material Zementationsmittel {n} [Einsatzhärten]
carburizing mediumZementationsmittel {n} [Einsatzhärten]
carcajou [Gulo gulo] Vielfraß {m}
carcajou [Gulo gulo] Bärenmarder {m}
carcajou [Gulo gulo]Gierling {m}
carcajou [Gulo gulo] Giermagen {m}
carcajou [Gulo gulo] Gierschlund {m}
carcanet [archaic] [jewelled collar, necklace or headband][juwelen- und/oder perlenbesetztes Hals- oder Stirnband]
car-carrying train Autozug {m}
carcase [Br.] Schlachtkörper {m}
carcase [Br.]Tierkörper {m}
carcase [Br.] Kadaver {m}
carcase [Br.] [carcass] Korpus {m} [Rumpf, Grundteil]
carcase [Br.] [of tyre, chicken etc.]Karkasse {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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