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crook Betrüger {m}
crook Bischofsstab {m}
crookGanove {m}
crookGauner {m}
crookHaken {m}
crook Hirtenstab {m}
crook Krümmung {f}
crookSchwindler {m}
crookBogen {m} [Blechblasinstrument]
crookAufsatzbogen {m} [Blasinstrument]
crook [Aus., NZ] [coll.] krank
crook [Br.] [coll.] [dated]illegal
crook [coll.] Schlitzohr {n} [ugs.]
crook [crutch] Krücke {f}
crook [curve] Biegung {f}
crook [of a staff]Krümme {f}
crook [of the arm] Beuge {f}
crook [staff] Stab {m} [z. B. Schäferstab]
crook and flail [emblems of the pharaoh] Krummstab und Geißel [Herrschaftszeichen des Pharao]
crook of the armArmbeuge {f}
crook of the armEllenbeuge {f}
crook of the neckHalsbeuge {f}
crooked gebogen
crookedkorrupt [pej.]
crooked schief [nicht parallel]
crooked verkrümmt
crookedschepp [regional] [schief]
crooked windschief
crooked [coll.] [dishonest]betrügerisch
crooked [mostly trees]verwachsen
crooked [road, path]gewunden
crooked [wood] nichtschnürig [Holz]
crooked [also fig.: inappropriate] schepps [südd.] [auch fig.] [schief]
crooked [coll.] [dishonest]unehrlich
crooked [coll.] [illegal] krumm [ugs.] [unrechtmäßig]
crooked [shifty, tricky]verschlagen
crooked cross Hakenkreuz {n}
Crooked House [Agatha Christie]Das krumme Haus
crooked knife [curved carving knife]Rundbogen-Schnitzmesser {n}
crooked nail [less frequent than: ram's horn nail] [onychogryphosis] Hakennagel {m} [seltener für: Krallennagel] [Onychogrypose]
crooked nose Schiefnase {f}
crooked nose schiefe Nase {f}
crooked seamsschiefe Nähte {pl}
crooked sedge [Carex curvula]Krumm-Segge {f}
crooked smile schiefes Lächeln {n}
crooked stick Krückstock {m}
crooked tooth krummer Zahn {m}
crooked ways [fig.] krumme Wege {pl} [fig.]
crooked wing Kippflügel {m}
crooked woodKrummholz {n}
crookedest krummste
crookedly schief
crookedlyschepp [regional] [schief]
crookednessVerworfenheit {f}
crookedness [dishonesty] Unehrlichkeit {f}
crookerySchwindeleien {pl}
Crooke's radiometerCrookes'sches Radiometer {n}
Crooke's radiometerRadioskop {n}
Crookes tube Crookes-Röhre {f}
Crookes tubeCrookes'sche Röhre {f}
crookesite [Cu7(Tl,Ag)Se4]Crookesit {m}
crooking krümmend
crookneck / crook-neck pumpkin [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata] Butternusskürbis / Butternuss-Kürbis {m}
crookneck / crook-neck pumpkin [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata] Bisam-Kürbis / Bisamkürbis {m}
crookneck / crook-neck pumpkin [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata]Moschus-Kürbis / Moschuskürbis {m}
crookneck / crook-neck squash [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata] Bisam-Kürbis / Bisamkürbis {m}
crookneck / crook-neck squash [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata]Moschus-Kürbis / Moschuskürbis {m}
crooksGauner {pl}
crooks krümmt
Crookshanks [Harry Potter] Krummbein {m}
crooner Schlagersänger {m}
crooner Schnulzensänger {m}
croonersSchlagersänger {pl}
crooning Crooning {n} [Gesangsstil]
crop Kultur {f}
cropMenge {f}
crop Kehlsack {m} [Kropf]
crop Anbaupflanze {f}
crop Nutzpflanze {f}
cropFrucht {f} [regional] [Getreide]
cropAnbauprodukt {n}
crop [amount of produce harvested at one time] Ernte {f} [Ertrag, Ausbeute]
crop [cereal] Getreide {n}
crop [cultivated plant]Kulturpflanze {f} [Feldfrucht]
crop [cultivated plant]Feldfrucht {f}
crop [for riding, hunting]Gerte {f}
crop [hair cut] Schnitt {m} [Kurzhaarschnitt]
crop [hairstyle][sehr kurzer Haarschnitt]
crop [harvested crop]Erntegut {n}
crop [part of bird's gullet] Kropf {m}
crop and animal producer with master's diploma Landwirtschaftsmeister {m}
crop area Anbaufläche {f}
crop area Anbaugebiet {n}
crop camera [coll.]Crop-Kamera {f} [ugs.]
crop circle Kornkreis {m}
crop circle Getreidekreis {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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