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crocodilefish [Cymbacephalus beauforti] Braunkopf-Plattkopf {m}
crocodilefish [Cymbacephalus beauforti]Braunwangen-Plattkopf {m}
crocodilefish [Papilloculiceps longiceps] Teppich-Krokodilsfisch {m}
crocodile-infested krokodilverseucht [ugs.]
crocodiles [family Crocodylidae ] (Echte) Krokodile {pl}
crocodile's eyeKrokodilauge {n}
crocodile-skin handbag Krokodillederhandtasche {f}
crocodile-skin shoe Krokodillederschuh {m}
crocodilian [order Crocodylia] Panzerechse {f}
crocoisite [dated] [PbCrO4] [crocoite]Krokoit {m}
crocoite [PbCrO4] Rotbleierz {n}
crocoite [PbCrO4] Krokoit {m}
croconazole Crocoazol {n}
croconic acid [C5H2O5]Krokonsäure {f}
crocosmia [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora]Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}
Crocs ™ Crocs ™ {pl} [Gummischuhe]
crocus Krokus {m}
crocus [Am.] [Aus.]Polierrot {n}
crocus [Br.] [Micropogonias undulatus] [Atlantic croaker]Westatlantischer Umberfisch {m}
crocus [Br.] [Micropogonias undulatus] [Atlantic croaker] Atlantischer Umber {m}
crocus bag [Am.] [regional] [tow sack, burlap sack]Jutesack {m}
crocus clam [Tridacna crocea]Eingewachsene Riesenmuschel {f}
crocus sack [Am.] [regional] [tow sack, burlap sack]Jutesack {m}
crocus tritonia [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora] Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}
(crocus) giant clam [Tridacna crocea, syn.: T. (Chametrachea) crocea]Eingewachsene Riesenmuschel {f}
crocuses Krokusse {pl}
crocus-leaved romulea [Romulea bulbocodium, syn.: Ixia bulbocodium, Trichonema bulbocodium](Großblütiger) Scheinkrokus {m}
crocus-leaved romulea [Romulea bulbocodium, syn.: Ixia bulbocodium, Trichonema bulbocodium]Sandkrokus {m}
Croesus [also fig.: rich person] Krösus {m} [auch fig., oft hum.: reiche Person]
croft kleiner Acker {m} beim Haus
croft [obs.] [Lancashire dialect] [also whitening croft and bleaching yard] Bleichwiese {f}
croft [Scot.] kleiner Bauernhof {m}
crofter [Scot.] Kleinbauer {m}
crofter [Scot.] Crofter {m} [kleinbäuerlicher, auf Nebenerwerb angewiesener Pächter in Schottland]
crofton weed / croftonweed [Ageratina adenophora, syn.: Eupatorium adenophorum, E. glandulosum] [crofton weed] Drüsiger Wasserdost {m}
Crohn's disease <CD> Morbus Crohn {m} <MC> [Crohn Krankheit]
croissant Hörnchen {n}
croissant Kipferl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
croissantCroissant {n}
croissantKipfel {n} [österr.] [Hörnchen]
croissantGipfeli {n} [schweiz.] [Hörnchen]
croissantBeugel {n} [österr.] [Hörnchen]
croissants Croissants {pl}
Croll GlacierCroll-Gletscher {m}
Cro-Magnon [pre-historic human] Cromagnonmensch {m}
Cromargan ® (stainless steel) Cromargan ® {n} [rostfreier Chrom-Nickel-Stahl]
crombec [Sylvietta brachyura] Braunbauchsylvietta / Braunbauch-Sylvietta {f}
Crombie coat [Crombie®] Crombie® {m} [Mantel]
cromlech Kromlech {m}
cromoly steelChrom-Molybdän-Stahl {m}
cromoly steelCroMoly-Stahl {m}
cromorneKrummhorn {n}
cromulent [hum.] [neol.] [from The Simpsons TV series]akzeptabel
Cromwellian Cromwell'sch
Cromwellian period Cromwell-Ära {f}
Cronbach's alpha <Cronbach's α> Cronbachs Alpha {n} <Cronbachs α>
cronealtes Weib {n}
croneTante {f} [ugs. für: altes Weib]
croniesKumpane {pl} [ugs.]
cronstedtite [Fe2Fe(SiFe)O5(OH)4] Cronstedtit {m} [ein Chlorit]
CronusKronos {m}
cronusite [Ca0.2CrS2·H2O]Cronusit {m}
cronut Cronut {n} [Gebäck]
crony alter Kamerad {m}
cronySpezi {m} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
crony [coll.] [often pej.] Kumpan {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
crony capitalism Nepotismus {m} [geh.]
crony capitalism Vetternwirtschaft {f} [pej.]
cronyismGünstlingswirtschaft {f}
cronyism Filzokratie {f} [ugs.]
cronyismHaberei {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [Vetternwirtschaft]
cronyismFreunderlwirtschaft {f} [österr.] [Vetternwirtschaft] [südd.] [ugs.]
cronyismKlüngel {m}
cronyism Vetterliwirtschaft {f} [pej.] [schweiz.] [Vetternwirtschaft]
cronyism Klientelpolitik {f} [Vetternwirtschaft]
cronyismÄmterpatronage {f}
cronyism [pej.] Vetternwirtschaft {f} [pej.]
cronyism [pej.] Nepotismus {m} [geh.]
crookBetrüger {m}
crookBischofsstab {m}
crook Ganove {m}
crook Gauner {m}
crook Haken {m}
crook Hirtenstab {m}
crookKrümmung {f}
crook Schwindler {m}
crook Bogen {m} [Blechblasinstrument]
crookAufsatzbogen {m} [Blasinstrument]
crook [Aus., NZ] [coll.]krank
crook [Br.] [coll.] [dated]illegal
crook [coll.] Schlitzohr {n} [ugs.]
crook [crutch] Krücke {f}
crook [curve]Biegung {f}
crook [of a staff] Krümme {f}
crook [of the arm] Beuge {f}
crook [staff] Stab {m} [z. B. Schäferstab]
crook and flail [emblems of the pharaoh] Krummstab und Geißel [Herrschaftszeichen des Pharao]
crook of the arm Armbeuge {f}
crook of the armEllenbeuge {f}
« criscritcritCritcroccroccroocropcroscroscros »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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