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crossing pointQuerungspunkt {m}
crossing pointKreuzungspunkt {m}
crossing pointKreuzpunkt {m}
crossing symmetry <CS> Crossingsymmetrie {f}
crossing the lineAchsensprung {m}
Crossing the Sierra de GredosDer Bildverlust oder Durch die Sierra de Gredos [Peter Handke]
crossing time Überfahrzeit {f} [bes. bei Ampeln, Kreuzungen]
crossing towerVierungsturm {m}
[crossing or wandering eyes of babies during the first few months of life]Babyschielen {n}
(crossing) frog Herz {n} [Weiche]
crossingsKreuzungen {pl}
crossingsStraßenkreuzungen {pl}
crossings Übergänge {pl}
crossing-the-line ceremony Äquatortaufe {f}
cross-in-square church Kreuzkuppelkirche {f}
Crosskill [Garry Disher] Willkür
cross-laminationKreuzlaminierung {f}
cross-language [attr.]sprachübergreifend
crosslay [rope technology]Kreuzschlag {m} [Seiltechnik]
crosslay [rope technology] Gegenschlag {m} [Seiltechnik]
cross-lay rope [also: crosslay rope] Kreuzschlagseil {n}
crossleaf heath [Erica tetralix] Glocken-Heide {f} [auch: Glockenheide]
crossleaf heath [Erica tetralix] Moor-Glockenheide {f}
cross-leaved bedstraw [Galium boreale] Nordisches Labkraut {n}
cross-leaved gentian [Gentiana cruciata] Kreuzblättriger Enzian {m}
cross-leaved gentian [Gentiana cruciata] Kreuzenzian {m}
cross-leaved heath [Erica tetralix] Moorheide {f}
cross-leaved heath [Erica tetralix]Moor-Glockenheide {f}
cross-leaved heath [Erica tetralix] Glocken-Heide {f} [auch: Glockenheide]
cross-leggedim Schneidersitz
Crossley's babbler [Mystacornis crossleyi]Crossleytimalie {f}
Crossley's babbler-vanga [Mystacornis crossleyi] Crossleytimalie {f} [auch: Crossley-Timalie]
Crossley's dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus crossleyi] Rötlicher Fettschwanzmaki {m}
Crossley's ground roller [Atelornis crossleyi]Lätzchenerdracke {f}
Crossley's ground thrush [Zoothera crossleyi] Crossleydrossel {f}
Crossley's ground thrush [Zoothera crossleyi] Crossley-Drossel {f}
Crossley's groundroller / ground-roller [Atelornis crossleyi] Lätzchenerdracke {f} [auch: Lätzchen-Erdracke]
Crossley's ground-thrush [Zoothera crossleyi, syn.: Geokichla crossleyi]Crossleydrossel {f} [auch: Crossley-Drossel]
Crossley's orange ground-thrush [Zoothera crossleyi, syn.: Geokichla crossleyi] Crossleydrossel {f} [auch: Crossley-Drossel]
Crossley's thrush [Zoothera crossleyi, syn.: Geokichla crossleyi]Crossleydrossel {f} [auch: Crossley-Drossel]
Crossley's vanga [Mystacornis crossleyi]Crossleytimalie {f} [auch: Crossley-Timalie]
cross-licence agreement [Br.] [patents]Kreuzlizenzvertrag {m} [Patente]
crosslineCrossline {f}
cross-line Querlinie {f}
crossline Querlinie {f}
cross-linguistic sprachübergreifend
crosslinguistic influenceSpracheneinfluss {m}
cross-linkage Vernetzung {f}
crosslinked quervernetzt
cross-linked vernetzt
crosslinker Vernetzer {m}
crosslinkerQuervernetzer {m}
cross-linkerVernetzungsmittel {n}
crosslinkerCrosslinker {m}
cross-linking Vernetzung {f}
cross-linking [also: crosslinking] Quervernetzung {f}
crosslinking agentVernetzer {m}
cross-linking agentVernetzungsmittel {n}
cross-linking level Vernetzungsgrad {m}
cross-linking time Vernetzungszeit {f}
cross-listed zweitgelistet
cross-listingZweitlisting {n}
cross-listing Zweitnotierung {f}
crossly verärgert
crossly böse
crossly [annoyedly] sauer [ugs.] [verärgert]
cross-marked langur [Presbytis chrysomelas]Sarawak-Langur {m}
cross-market marktübergreifend
cross-match Kreuzprobe {f}
cross-match testBlutgruppenkreuzversuch {m}
crossmatching / cross-matchingKreuzprobe {f}
cross-media [attr.] crossmedial [medienübergreifend]
cross-media advertising crossmediale Werbung {f}
crossmemberQuerträger {m}
cross-member Traverse {f}
cross-mentoring Cross-Mentoring {n}
crossmentoring [also: cross-mentoring] Crossmentoring {n} <CM>
cross-modality service softwaremodalitätsübergreifende Servicesoftware {f}
cross-motion Gegenantrag {m}
crossness Verdrießlichkeit {f}
crossnessschlechte Laune {f}
cross-note tuning [open minor tuning for guitar]Cross-Note-Tuning {n} [offene Moll-Stimmung für Gitarre]
cross-off listStreichliste {f}
crossoverÜberführung {f}
crossoverÜbergang {m}
cross-over überkreuz
crossover Crossover {n}
crossover Gleiskreuzung {f}
crossoverKreuzung {f}
crossoverQuerschluss {m}
crossoverFrequenzweiche {f}
crossover Kreuzungspunkt {m}
crossover [also: cross-over] [pair of switches that connects two parallel rail tracks] Überleitstelle {f} <Üst> [Weichenpaar, das von einem Gleis aufs andere leitet]
crossover [figure skating]Übersetzen {n} [Eiskunstlauf]
crossover [railway, tramway] Gleiswechsel {m}
crossover artist Grenzgänger {m} [fig.]
« croscroscroscroscroscroscroscroscrosCrotcrow »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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