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crustose lichenKrustenflechte {f}
crustose thallus Krustenthallus {m}
crusts Brotrinden {pl}
crustsKrusten {pl}
crusts [crusty ends of bread]Ränfte {pl} [regional]
crusty knusprig [Brötchen]
crusty krustig
crusty [fig.]barsch
crusty [person] mürrisch
crusty [person]bärbeißig
crusty [snow] verharscht
crutchHalt {m} [z. B. seelischer Halt]
crutchGehkrücke {f}
crutch [fig.] [e.g. emotional or rhetorical] Hilfskrücke {f} [fig.] [grobe, unvollkommene Übergangslösung]
crutch [of a garment] Schritt {m}
crutch [support]Stütze {f} [Unterstützung]
crutch [walking support]Krücke {f}
crutch [walking support]Gehstütze {f}
crutch cross Hammerkreuz {n}
crutches Krücken {pl}
crutchesGehstützen {pl}
Cruveilhier-Baumgarten bruit Cruveilhier-Baumgarten-Geräusch {n}
Cruveilhier-Baumgarten disease [also: Pégot-Cruveilhier-Baumgarten disease]Cruveilhier-Baumgarten-Krankheit {f}
Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome <CBS> Cruveilhier-Baumgarten-Syndrom {n} <CBS>
cruxHaken {m} [fig. für Krux]
cruxKernpunkt {m}
cruxSchlüsselstelle {f}
crux Crux {f} [entscheidender Punkt]
crux Krux {f} [Last, Kummer, strittiger Punkt]
Crux [Southern Cross] Kreuz {n} des Südens
crux ansata Crux ansata {n} [koptisches Kreuz]
crux ansata [Coptic ankh] Henkelkreuz {n}
crux mortis [death cross]Totenkreuz {n} [ein Zeichen des drohenden Todes]
crux mortis [death cross]Todeskreuz {n}
crux of the matterCasus knacksus {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Knackpunkt]
crux (of the matter) Knackpunkt {m}
crux pitch [of a climb]Schlüssellänge {f} [auch: Schlüsselseillänge]
cruxes Haken {pl}
Cruyff turnCruyff-Turn {m}
Cruyff turn [also "Cruijff Turn" in the Netherlands] Cruyff-Drehung {f}
Cruyff turn [football]Bauerntrick {m}
crwth Crotta {f} [keltisches Saiteninstrument]
crwthChrotta {f} [Rsv.] [keltisches Saiteninstrument]
crwth Crwth {f}
cry Ruf {m}
crySchrei {m}
cry [appeal] Appell {m} [Forderung]
cry [fit of weeping] Heulanfall {m} [ugs.]
cry [hue and cry]Geschrei {n}
cry [of hounds] Gebell {n}
cry [outcry] Aufschrei {m}
cry [proclamation] Proklamation {f} [mündlich]
cry [slogan] Parole {f}
cry [weeping] Weinen {n}
cry / shout of delightFreudenschrei {m}
cry / shout of joy Freudenschrei {m}
cry against sth. Protest {m} gegen etw.
cry for attention Schrei {m} nach Zuwendung
cry for help Hilferuf {m}
cry for help Hilfeschrei {m}
cry for help Notschrei {m}
Cry Freedom [Richard Attenborough]Schrei nach Freiheit
cry from the heartHerzensschrei {m} [selten]
Cry me a river! [idiom] [sarcastic]Heul doch! [ugs.] [sarkastisch]
cry of anguishAngstgeschrei {n}
cry of astonishmentAufschrei {m} der Verwunderung
cry of astonishment Ausruf {m} des Erstaunens
Cry of Balintawak Ruf {m} von Pugadlawin
cry of delight Wonneschrei {m}
cry of desperation Verzweiflungsschrei {m}
cry of dismay Schreckensschrei {m}
cry of fearAngstruf {m}
cry of fear Angstschrei {m}
cry of glee Freudenschrei {m}
cry of hounds [fox hunting]Hundemeute {f}
cry of joy Jubelschrei {m}
cry of love Liebesschrei {m}
cry of pain Schmerzensschrei {m}
cry of pain Schmerzenslaut {m}
cry of pleasure Lustschrei {m}
cry of protest Protestruf {m}
cry of terror / anguish Angstschrei {m}
Cry of the Hunter [Jack Higgins]Gehetzt bis zum Morgen [Alternativtitel: Schrei in der Nacht]
Cry Wolf [Jeff Wadlow]Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf [Wilbur Smith] Roter Sand
cryaesthesia [Br.]Kryästhesie {f}
Cryalf [also: cryalf] Cryalf {m}
Cryand [also: cryand]Cryand {m}
crybabies Heulsusen {pl}
crybabies Schreibabys {pl}
crybaby Heulsuse {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
cry-babyWeichling {m}
crybabySchreibaby {n}
cry-babySchreibaby {n}
cry-baby Heulsuse {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
crybabyHeulliese {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
crybaby Tränentier {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Heulsuse]
cry-baby [coll.] Memme {f} [ugs.]
cry-baby [pej.] [coll.] [baby, small child] Schreihals {m} [pej.] [ugs.] [Baby]
« cruecruicrumcruscruscruscry-cryocrypcrypCrys »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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