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English-German Dictionary

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cryptical mysteriös
cryptical kryptisch
cryptically geheim
cryptically verborgen
cryptically hintersinnig
cryptically rätselhaft
cryptically schleierhaft [ugs.]
cryptid Kryptid {m}
cryptitis Kryptitis {f}
crypto- Geheim-
crypto heimlicher Anhänger {m}
crypto [coll.] [cryptosporidiosis] Kryptosporidiose {f}
crypto [coll.] [cryptosporidium]Cryptosporidium {n}
crypto art Kryptokunst {f}
crypto currency Kryptowährung {f}
crypto exchange [also: crypto-exchange]Kryptobörse {f}
crypto phone [mobile] Krypto-Handy {n}
cryptoanalysisGeheimanalyse {f}
cryptoanalysis Schlüsselanalyse {f}
crypto-anarchismKrypto-Anarchismus {m}
crypto-anarchy Krypto-Anarchismus {m}
cryptoasset Kryptowert {m}
cryptoasset Krypto-Asset {m}
cryptobenthic kryptobenthisch
cryptobiosis Kryptobiose {f}
cryptobiotic kryptobiotisch
cryptobiotically kryptobiotisch
cryptoblast Kryptoblast {m}
cryptobotanyKryptobotanik {f}
Crypto-Calvinism [pej.] Kryptocalvinismus {m} [pej.]
crypto-Catholicism Krypto-Katholizismus {m}
cryptoclimateKryptoklima {n}
cryptococcal disease Kryptokokkose {f}
cryptococci {pl}Kryptokokken {pl}
cryptococcids [family Cryptococcidae] Rindenrissschildläuse {pl}
cryptococcosisKryptokokkose {f}
cryptococcosis Cryptococcose {f}
cryptococcus Kryptokokkus {m}
cryptococcusKryptokokke {f}
cryptocracyKryptokratie {f}
cryptocurrencies Kryptowährungen {pl}
cryptocurrencyKryptowährung {f}
cryptocurrency exchange Kryptobörse {f}
cryptocurrency marketKryptowährungsmarkt {m}
cryptodata Chiffrierdaten {pl}
cryptofauna Kryptofauna {f}
cryptogamKryptogame {f}
cryptogamSporenpflanze {f}
cryptogamic floraKryptogamenflora {f}
cryptogenic kryptogen
cryptoglandular abscesskryptoglandulärer Abszess {m}
cryptoglandular anal fistula kryptoglanduläre Analfistel {f}
cryptogramKryptogramm {n}
cryptogramGeheimtext {m}
cryptograms Kryptogramme {pl}
cryptographSchriftstück {n} in Geheimschrift
cryptographerEntschlüssler {m}
cryptographer Kryptograph {m}
cryptographerKryptograf {m}
cryptographic in Geheimschrift geschrieben
cryptographic kryptographisch
cryptographic kryptografisch
cryptographic compromise Geheimcodepreisgabe {f}
cryptographic methodskryptographische Verfahren {pl}
cryptographic procedureskryptographische Verfahren {pl}
cryptographic processes kryptographische Verfahren {pl}
cryptographic system Verschlüsselungssystem {n}
cryptographicallyin Geheimschrift geschrieben
cryptographs Geheimschriften {pl}
cryptography Kryptographie {f}
cryptographyKryptografie {f}
cryptography [writing codes] Codieren {n}
cryptohalite [(NH4)2SiF6] Kryptohalit {m}
crypto-Jew Kryptojude {m}
crypto-JewsKryptojuden {pl}
crypto-Judaism Kryptojudentum {n}
cryptolect [cant] Geheimsprache {f}
cryptologist Kryptologe {m}
cryptologist [female] Kryptologin {f}
cryptologistsKryptologen {pl}
cryptology Kryptologie {f}
cryptology Lehre {f} von der Verschlüsselung
cryptomedusoid Cryptomedusoid {m}
cryptomelane [K(Mn,Mn)8O16] Kryptomelan {m}
cryptomnesiaKryptomnesie {f}
cryptomnesic kryptomnesisch
crypto-modernist Kryptomodernist {m}
cryptonephry Cryptonephrie {f}
cryptonym Kryptonym {n}
crypto-paganismKryptopaganismus {m}
« cruscruscruscry-cryocrypcrypCryscrysCU![Cuba »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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