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cuiu cuiu [Oxydoras niger] Schwarzer Dornwels {m}
Cujo [Lewis Teague] Cujo
Cujo [Stephen King] Cujo
cuke [coll.] [short for: cucumber]Gurke {f}
cuke [coll.] [short for: cucumber] Gurkerl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Gurke]
culantro [Eryngium foetidum]Langer Koriander {m}
culatello Culatello {m}
culchie [Dublin sl.]Landei {n} [ugs., pej.: Hinterwäldler]
Culdees {pl} [monastic order] Kuldeer {pl}
Culdees {pl} [monastic order] Culdeer {pl}
cul-de-sacTasche {f}
cul-de-sac [also fig.] Sackgasse {f} [auch fig.]
Cul-de-sac [Roman Polanski] Wenn Katelbach kommt...
cul-de-sac [with a turning area] Stichstraße {f}
cul-de-sac blind snake [Typhlops tetrathyreus]Port-au-Prince-Blindschlange {f}
cul-de-sac resonance Cul-de-Sac-Resonanz {f}
culdoscopeKuldoskop {n}
culdoscopy Kuldoskopie {f}
Culebra Island giant anole [Anolis roosevelti, syn.: Xiphosurus roosevelti] [possibly extinct] Roosevelts Anolis {m} [womöglich ausgestorben]
Culemeyer heavy trailerCulemeyer {m} [ugs.] [Straßenroller; schwerer Tieflader, z. B. für Eisenbahnwaggon-Transport]
culet [gemology]Kalette {f} [Gemmologie]
culet [gemology] Rippe {f} [Kalette in der Gemmologie]
culinarian Kulinariker {m} [versierter Koch]
culinarily kulinarisch
culinary [e.g. art, skills, studio] Koch- [z. B. Kunst, Künste, Studio]
culinary [e.g. herbs, department, use] Küchen- [z. B. Kräuter, Abteilung, Gebrauch]
culinary art Kochkunst {f}
culinary artkulinarische Kunst {f}
culinary art Kulinarik {f}
culinary delightGaumenschmaus {m}
culinary delightsTafelfreuden {pl}
culinary department Küchenabteilung {f}
culinary festival kulinarische Festveranstaltung {f}
culinary herbKüchenkraut {n}
culinary herb Würzkraut {n}
culinary herbs Küchenkräuter {pl}
culinary schoolKochschule {f}
culinary scienceWissenschaft {f} der Kochkunst
culinary skill Kochkunst {f}
culinary skills Kochkünste {pl}
culinary studio Kochstudio {n}
culinary torch [e.g. for caramelization]Küchenbrenner {m} [z. B. zum Karamellisieren]
culinary tourism Kulinariktourismus {m} [auch: Kulinarik-Tourismus]
culinary use Küchengebrauch {m}
Culion tree squirrel [Sundasciurus moellendorffi] Culion-Hörnchen {n}
cullMerzvieh {n}
cull Ausgesondertes {n}
cullWildstandsregelung {f} [Forstwirtschaft]
cull [Am.] Ausschussholz {n}
cull [rejected item]Ausschuss {m}
cull [selection] Auswahl {f}
cull henSuppenhuhn {n}
cull hen ausgemerzte Legehenne {f}
cull me [Viola arvensis, syn.: V. tricolor L. subsp. arvensis] (Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
cull red stag [undesirable red deer stag] Abschusshirsch {m}
culled ausgewählt
culled cattle {pl} Merzvieh {n}
culled forestgesäuberter Wald {m}
Cullen earthSaftbraun {n}
Cullen numberCullen-Zahl {f}
cullender [archaic] [spv. for collander] Sieb {n}
Cullen's sign [also: Cullen sign] Cullen-Zeichen {n}
cullet Bruchglas {n}
culletBruch {m} [Silikattechnik]
Cullinan DiamondCullinan-Diamant {m}
cullingKeulung {f}
culling [act of selection and killing] Erlegung {f}
culling [act of selection and killing] Erlegen {n}
culling of sealsRobbenschlag {m}
Cullum's bumblebee [Bombus cullumanus]Cullumanushummel {f}
cully [coll.] [archaic] Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
culmHalm {m}
culm Grashalm {m}
culmStängel {m}
culmStengel {m} [alt]
culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack] Grus {m}
culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack]Kohlenstaub {m}
culmenCulmen {n}
culmen [dorsal ridge of a bird's bill] Schnabelrücken {m}
culmiferous [containing coal dust] kohlenstaubhaltig
culminantauf dem Höhepunkt stehend
culminant kulminierend
culminating gipfelnd
culminating kulminierend
culminating in economic crises bis hin zu Wirtschaftskrisen
culminating point Höhepunkt {m}
culmination Anhäufung {f}
culminationGipfelpunkt {m}
culmination höchster Stand {m}
culmination Höhepunkt {m}
culmination Kulmination {f}
culmination Krönung {f} [fig.]
culminationAufgipfelung {f}
culmination [climax, highlight] krönender Abschluss {m}
culotte skirtHosenrock {m}
culottes {pl} [one pair]Hosenrock {m}
culottes {pl} [one pair] Culotte {f}
« CubaCubecubocucucuddcuiuculpcultcultcultcult »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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