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curled dock [Rumex crispus] Wilder Mangold {m} [Krauser Ampfer]
curled dock [Rumex crispus]Zitterwurz {f} [Krauser Ampfer]
curled endive [Cichorium endivia var. crispum] Krause Endivie {f}
curled hook-moss [Palustriella commutata, syn.: Cratoneuron commutatum] Veränderliches Sichel-Starknervmoos {n}
curled hook-moss [Palustriella commutata, syn.: Cratoneuron commutatum] Gemeines Starknervmoos {n}
curled lettuce [Lactuca sativa L.] Eichblattsalat {m}
curled lettuce [Latuca sativa var. crispa]Schnittsalat {m}
curled lettuce [Latuca sativa var. crispa] Pflücksalat {m}
curled lettuce [Latuca sativa var. crispa] Blattsalat {m}
curled mallow [Malva verticillata, syn.: M. chinensis, M. crispa, M. meluca, M. montana]Wirtelmalve / Wirtel-Malve {f}
curled mallow [Malva verticillata, syn.: M. chinensis, M. crispa, M. meluca, M. montana] Quirl-Malve / Quirlmalve {f}
curled mallow [Malva verticillata, syn.: M. chinensis, M. crispa, M. meluca, M. montana] Krause Malve {f}
curled mint [Mentha spicata var. crispa] Krause Minze {f}
curled notchwort [Sphenolobus saxicola, syn.: Anastrophyllum saxicola] Blockhalden-Kahnblattmoos {n}
curled octopus [Eledone cirrhosa] Zirrenkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
curled octopus [Eledone cirrhosa] Nördlicher Krake {m} [auch {f}: Nördliche Krake]
curled plumeless thistle [Carduus crispus] Krause Ringdistel {f}
curled plumeless thistle [Carduus crispus] Krause Distel {f}
curled pondweed [Potamogeton crispus]Krauses Laichkraut {n}
curled pondweed [Potamogeton crispus] Gekräuseltes Laichkraut {n}
curled pondweed [Potamogeton crispus] Froschsalat {m} [Krauses Laichkraut]
curled pondweed [Potamogeton crispus] Teichampfer {m} [Krauses Laichkraut]
curled pondweed [Potamogeton crispus] Kraus-Laichkraut {n}
curled rose sawfly [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus] Rosen-Sägewespe / Rosensägewespe {f}
curled rose sawfly [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus] Weißgegürtelte Rosen-Blattwespe / Rosenblattwespe {f}
curled rose sawfly [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus] Weißband-Rosenblattwespe {f}
curled shot [football / soccer]gezirkelter Schuss {m}
curled shot [football / soccer] gezirkelter Ball {m} [gezirkelter Schuss]
curled thistle [Carduus crispus] Krause Distel {f}
curled thistle [Carduus crispus] Krause Ringdistel {f}
curled up in a ball eingekringelt [ugs.] [zusammengerollt]
curled up in a ball [animal, child]zusammengerollt [kugelförmig]
curled wood Maserholz {n}
(curled) sex featherErpellocke {f}
curlerLockenwickel {m}
curlerLockenwickler {m}
curlerWickler {m} [ugs.] [Lockenwickler]
curlerHaaraufwickler {m} [ugs. für: Lockenwickler]
curler [coll.]Effetschuss {m}
curler [curling player] Curler {m}
curler [female curling player] Curlerin {f}
curler [football] angezirkelter Schuss {m}
curler [football] Schlenzer {m}
curler [for hair]Haarwickel {m}
curler brush Rundbürste {f} [zum Frisieren]
curlersLockenwickel {pl}
curlers Lockenwickler {pl}
curlew [genus Numenius]Brachvogel {m}
Curlew River [Benjamin Britten] Fluss der Möwen
curlew sandpiper [Calidris ferruginea]Sichelstrandläufer {m}
curlew-berry / curlewberry [Empetrum nigrum]Gemeine Krähenbeere {f}
curlew-berry / curlewberry [Empetrum nigrum](Schwarze) Krähenbeere {f}
curlew-berry / curlewberry [Empetrum nigrum] Rauschbeere {f}
curlews [genus Numenius]Brachvögel {pl}
curley dock [Rumex crispus] [curled dock]Krausblättriger Ampfer {m} [Krauser Ampfer]
curley dock [Rumex crispus] [curled dock] Krauser Ampfer {m}
curlicue Schnörkel {m}
curlicued verschnörkelt
curlicues Geschnörkel {n} [ugs.]
curlier krauser
curliest krauseste
curlily [preferred: in a curly manner, way, etc.] lockig
curlinessLockigkeit {f}
curlinglockend [Haar]
curling Kräuseln {n}
curling Curling {n}
curling Gekräusel {n}
curling broomCurlingbesen {m}
curling brush Rundbürste {f} [zum Frisieren]
curling brush Curlingbesen {m}
curling cross [football]Bananenflanke {f}
curling horn [of a mouflon ram] Schnecke {f} [Jägerspr.: Horn eines männl. Mufflons]
curling horns [of a mouflon ram] Schnecken {pl} [Jägerspr.: Hörner eines männl. Mufflons]
curling iron Brennschere {f}
curling ironLockenstab {m}
curling ironOndulierstab {m}
curling ironOnduliereisen {n} [veraltet] [Brennschere]
curling iron [Am.] Lockenschere {f} [ugs. für Lockenstab]
curling lotion Lockenlotion {f}
curling pins {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Lockenschere {f} [ugs. für Lockenstab]
curling ribbon Kringelband {n}
curling shot [football / soccer]Effetschuss {m} [auch: Effet-Schuss] [Fußball]
curling stone Curlingstein {m}
curling teamCurlingteam {n}
curling teamCurlingmannschaft {f}
curling team Curling-Mannschaft {f}
curling tong / tongsLockenstab {m}
curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Frisierstab {m} [Lockenstab]
curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Curlingstab {m} [Lockenstab]
curling tongs {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Lockenschere {f} [ugs. für Lockenstab]
curling tweezers {pl} [one pair] Haarzange {f} [veraltet] [Lockenschere]
curlpaper Papillote {f} [dünner Lockenwickler aus Papier]
curls Locken {pl}
curls [made from butter, chocolate, etc.]Röllchen {pl} [aus Butter, Schokolade usw.]
curltop ladysthumb [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium]Acker-Ampferknöterich {m}
curltop ladysthumb [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium]Fluss-Ampferknöterich {m}
curltop ladysthumb [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium] Ampferblättriger Knöterich {m}
curltop ladysthumb [Persicaria lapathifolia, syn.: Polygonum lapathifolium] Ampfer-Knöterich / Ampferknöterich {m}
curlygewellt [Blatt]
curly kraus
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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