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currentlyderzeit <dz.> <dzt. [österr.]>
currentlyaugenblicklich [derzeitig, momentan]
currently gegenwärtig
currentlyim Augenblick
currently gerade [derzeit]
currentlyim Moment
currentlyStand jetzt [ugs.] [Redewendung]
currently in force [postpos.]jeweils gültig
currently under construction [postpos.]im Bau befindlich
currently unlocatable in Verstoß geraten [österr.] [Amtsjargon]
currently used sales documentsaktuelle Vertriebsdokumente {pl}
(currently) acceptedgeltend [vorherrschend]
(currently) being prepared [postpos.] in Vorbereitung befindlich
currentness Aktualität {f}
currentness [Am.]Brisanz {f} [Aktualität]
currents Strömungen {pl}
currentsStröme {pl}
current-saving [economical] stromsparend
current-time characteristicsStrom-Zeit-Kennlinien {pl}
current-time curvesStrom-Zeit-Kennlinien {pl}
current-value depreciation Teilwertabschreibung {f}
current-voltage characteristic <I-V curve>Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinie {f}
current-voltage characteristic <IVC> Strom-Spannungs-Charakteristik {f}
curricle offener Zweispänner {m}
curricula Lehrpläne {pl}
curricula Studienpläne {pl}
curriculaBildungsinhalt {m}
curricula vitaeLebensläufe {pl}
curricular lehrplanmäßig
curriculum Lehrplan {m}
curriculumStudienplan {m}
curriculum Bildungsplan {m}
curriculum Curriculum {n} [Lehrplan]
curriculum Kurrikulum {n} [Lehrplan]
curriculum Fächerkanon {m}
curriculum Lehrangebot {n}
curriculum developmentCurriculumentwicklung {f}
curriculum reform Lehrplanreform {f}
curriculum reformCurriculumreform {f} [auch: Curriculum-Reform]
curriculum researchCurriculumforschung {f}
curriculum vitae <CV> Lebenslauf {m}
curriculum vitae <CV>Curriculum Vitae {n}
curriculum vitae <CV>Curriculum vitae {n} [alt]
curriculumsLebensläufe {pl}
curriculums vitae Lebensläufe {pl}
curried [combed]gestriegelt
curried chicken Curryhuhn {n}
curried riceCurryreis {m}
curried sausage Currywurst {f}
curried shrimps {pl} Shrimpscurry {n}
[curried sausage bought and consumed during a football / soccer match] Stadioncurrywurst {f}
currish [archaic] hundsföttisch [veraltet]
currish [archaic] [bad-tempered, rude]unwirsch
currish [archaic] [bad-tempered, snarling]knurrig
currish [archaic] [bad-tempered, snarling] bärbeißig
currish [archaic] [bad-tempered]kurrig [regional] [mürrisch]
currishly [dated]bissig [streitlustig]
currishness Bissigkeit {f}
curry Currygewürz {n}
curry [RAL 1027] [curry yellow]Currygelb {n} [RAL 1027]
curry [spice; dish] Curry {m} [auch {n}] [Gewürz; Gericht]
curry aromaCurryaroma {n}
curry comb Striegel {m}
curry dishCurrygericht {n}
curry flavor [Am.] Curryaroma {n}
curry flavoring [Am.] Curryaroma {n}
curry flavour [Br.] Curryaroma {n}
curry flavouring [Br.] Curryaroma {n}
curry house [Br.]Indisches Restaurant {n}
curry leavesCurryblätter {pl}
curry milkcap [Lactarius camphoratus] Kampfer-Milchling {m}
curry milkcap [Lactarius camphoratus] Kampfermilchling {m}
curry pasteCurrypaste {f}
curry plant [Helichrysum italicum, syn.: Helichrysum angustifolium] Italienische Strohblume {f}
curry plant [Helichrysum italicum, syn.: Helichrysum angustifolium]Italienische Immortelle {f}
curry plant [Helichrysum italicum, syn.: Helichrysum angustifolium] Currykraut {n}
curry powder Currypulver {n}
curry sauceCurrysoße {f}
curry sauce Currysauce {f}
curry sausage Currywurst {f}
curry soup Currysuppe {f}
currycombStriegel {m}
Curry-Howard correspondence Curry-Howard-Korrespondenz {f}
Curry-Howard isomorphism Curry-Howard-Isomorphismus {m}
currying Schönfinkeln {n} [selten]
curryingCurrying {n}
currying favour [Br.] Anbiederung {f}
Curry's (butterfly) bat [Glauconycteris curryae]Currys Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f}
Curry's paradoxCurrys Paradoxon {n}
currywurst Currywurst {f}
currywurst fork Pommesgabel {f} [ugs.]
currywurst fork Frittengabel {f} [ugs.]
currywurst stall Currywurstbude {f}
Curschmann's spirals [also: Cruschmann spirals] [spiral-shaped mucus plugs] Curschmann-Spiralen {pl} [im Auswurf vorkommende Schleimspiralen]
Curschmann-Steinert disease [myotonic dystrophy type 1, DM1]Morbus Curschmann-Steinert {m} [myotone Dystrophie Typ 1, DM1]
curseFluch {m}
« curmcurrcurrcurrcurrcurrcurscurscurtcurvcurv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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