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curvature of the fieldFeldkrümmung {f}
curvature of the spine Rückgratverkrümmung {f}
curvature of the spineKrümmung {f} des Rückgrats
curvature of the spine Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung {f}
curvature property Krümmungseigenschaft {f}
curvature radius Wölbungsradius {m}
curvature radius Krümmungsradius {m}
curvature radiusKrümmungshalbmesser {m}
curvature tensorKrümmungstensor {m}
curvature to the left Linkskrümmung {f}
curvaturesKrümmungen {pl}
curve Krümmung {f}
curveKurve {f}
curveLinie {f}
curve Rundung {f}
curve Biegung {f}
curve Kurvenlinie {f}
curveBogen {m} [gekrümmte Linie]
curve [curve ball]im Bogen geworfener Ball {m}
curve [line] krumme Linie {f} [Kurve]
curve ballim Bogen geworfener Ball {m}
curve chartKurvendiagramm {n}
curve cutter Kreisschneider {m}
curve diagramKurvendiagramm {n}
curve digitizer Kurvenleser {m}
curve estimation Kurvenschätzung {f}
curve evaluation Kurvenauswertung {f}
curve fitting Angleichung {f} einer Kurve
curve fittingCurve Fitting {n} [Einpassung einer Kurve in Punktwolken]
curve fitting (process)Kurvenangleichung {f}
curve follower Kurvenleser {m}
curve in the track Gleisbogen {m}
curve integral Kurvenintegral {n}
curve lubricating car [tramway] Kurvenschmierwagen {m}
curve of constant widthKurve {f} konstanter Breite
curve of decayAbklingkurve {f}
curve of displacementVerdrängungskurve {f}
curve of occlusion Okklusionskurve {f}
curve of pursuit Verfolgungskurve {f}
curve of Spee Speesche Kurve {f}
curve of Speesagittale Okklusionskurve {f}
curve of Spee Spee-Kurve {f}
curve of the road Straßenkurve {f}
curve plotterKurvenschreiber {m}
curve plotter Kurvenzeichner {m}
curve plotter Linienschreiber {m}
curve radii {pl} Kurvenradien {pl}
curve radiusKurvenradius {m}
curve radius Bogenhalbmesser {m}
curve radius Bogenradius {m}
curve shape Kurvenverlauf {m}
curve shapeKurvenform {f}
curve sketchingKurvendiskussion {f}
curve templateKurvenlineal {n}
curve tracerKurvenverfolger {m}
curve warning Kurvenwarnung {f}
curve-accentuated kurvenbetont
curve-accentuating dress kurvenbetonendes Kleid {n}
curve-accentuating skirtkurvenbetonender Rock {m}
curveball [Am.] [baseball][Ball, der bogenförmig vom Werfer zum Schlagmann geworfen wird]
curveball [Am.] [baseball] Effetball {m}
curveball [fig.]unerwartete Wendung {f}
curve-billed cacique [Cacicus uropygialis] Scharlachbürzelkassike {f}
curve-billed cacique [Cacicus uropygialis] Nord-Scharlachbürzelkassike {f}
curve-billed reedhaunter [Limnornis curvirostris] Krummschnabel-Riedschlüpfer {m}
curve-billed scythebill [Campylorhamphus procurvoides]Dunkelsensenschnabel {m}
curve-billed thrasher [Toxostoma curvirostre] Krummschnabel-Spottdrossel {f}
curve-billed tinamou [Nothoprocta curvirostris] Krummschnabel-Steißhuhn {n}
curve-billed tinamou [Nothoprocta curvirostris] Krummschnabelsteißhuhn {n}
curved gebogen
curved gerundet
curved geschweift
curved gewölbt
curved geschwungen
curved gekurvt
curved verkrümmt
curved kurvenförmig
curved krumm
curved gewunden
curved bogenförmig
curved and conically tapering headpiece gekrümmt und konisch auslaufendes Kopfstück {n}
curved array scannerCurved-Array-Scanner {m}
curved array transducer Curved-Array-Schallkopf {m} [Konvexsonde]
curved bars harrow Z-förmige Egge {f}
curved blade Spatenmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
curved blade Sichelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
curved bladeMulchmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
curved bracketsrunde Klammern {pl}
curved brackets geschweifte Klammern {pl}
curved brushRundbürste {f}
curved cassette Sattelkassette {f}
curved closed bracket < } >geschweifte Klammer {f} zu / geschlossen < } >
curved cornett krummer Zink {m}
curved daggerKrummdolch {m}
curved feather gekurvter Federschritt {m} [Slowfox, Foxtrott]
curved feather gekurvte Feder {f} [Slowfox, Foxtrott]
curved half round bearing scraperLöffelschaber {m} [gebogener Schaber mit zwei Schneiden]
curved handle gebogener Griff {m}
curved intersection line gekrümmte Schnittlinie {f}
« currcurrcurscurscurtcurvcurvCushCusicustcust »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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