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Cusick's quamash [Camassia cusickii, syn.: Quamasia cusickii]Gewöhnliche Prärielilie {f}
cusimanse [Crossarchus obscurus] Dunkelkusimanse {f}
cusk [Brosme brosme]Lumb {m} [dorschartiger Fisch]
cusk [Brosme brosme] Brosme {m} [dorschartiger Fisch]
cusk-eel [family Ophidiidae] Bartmännchen {n}
cusp Scheitelpunkt {m}
cusp Spitze {f}
cusp spitzes Ende {n}
cusp Höcker {m}
cusp Segel {n} [an Herzklappen]
cusp Cuspis {f}
cusp Kuspe {f} [Spitze]
cusp [in Gothic tracery]Nase {f} [im gotischen Maßwerk]
cusp [pointed end] Zipfel {m} [spitzes Ende]
cusp angleHöckerwinkel {m}
cusp catastropheSpitzen-Katastrophe {f}
cusp geometryCusp-Geometrie {f}
cuspal interference Höckerinterferenz {f}
cuspate mit einem spitzen Ende
cusped arch Vielpassbogen {m}
cusped toothZahn {m} mit Höcker
cusp-fossa relationship Höcker-Fossa-Relation {f}
cuspid Augenzahn {m}
cuspidEckzahn {m} <3er>
cuspid guidance Eckzahnführung {f}
cuspid tooth einhöckriger Zahn {m}
cuspidal zugespitzt
cuspidal mit einer Spitze versehen
cuspidal curvekuspidale Kurve {f}
cuspidal pointSpitzenpunkt {m}
cuspidate spitz
cuspidatemit einer Spitze versehen
cuspidate toothHöckerzahn {m}
cuspidated zugespitzt
cuspidine [Ca4Si2O7(F,OH)2] Cuspidin {m}
cuspidor Spucknapf {m}
cuspidor Speischale {f}
cuspidor bowl Speibecken {n}
cuspidor flushing Speischalenspülung {f}
cuspids Spitzen {pl}
cuspis Cuspis {f}
cuspless tooth höckerloser Zahn {m}
cuspsSpitzen {pl}
cuspsKuspen {pl} [Spitzen]
cusp-to-fossa relationship / cusp-fossa relationship Schlussbissstellung {f}
cussSchimpfwort {n}
cuss Fluch {m}
cuss Verwünschung {f}
cuss [Am.: fellow]Kerl {m}
cuss [Am.] [fellow] Typ {m} [ugs.]
cuss [annoying person] Außenseiter {m}
cuss [annoying person]Störenfried {m}
cuss [odd male person] Kauz {m} [Nonkonformist]
[cuss word for foreigners, foreign looking people, punks, lefties etc.] Zecken {pl} [ugs.] [Ausdruck der rechtsradikalen Szene]
cussed [coll.]verflucht
cussed [coll.] verflixt [ugs.]
cussed [coll.] [cursed] verdammt [ugs.]
cussed [coll.] [stubborn] stur [ugs.] [pej.]
cussedly gemein
cussednessGemeinheit {f}
cussedness Bösartigkeit {f}
cussedness of the inanimateTücke {f} des Objekts
cusserFluchender {m}
cusser [female] Fluchende {f}
cusses Schimpfworte {pl}
cusses [coll.] Schimpfwörter {pl}
cussing verfluchend
cusso [Hagenia abyssinica, syn.: Banksia abyssinica] Kosobaum {m}
cusso [Hagenia abyssinica, syn.: Banksia abyssinica] Kossobaum {m}
cussword [Am.] [coll.]Fluchwort {n}
cussword [Am.] [coll.]Schimpfwort {n}
cussword [Am.] [coll.]Kraftausdruck {m}
custard Eierkrem {f} [alt] [Eiercreme]
custardgebackener Eierrahm {m}
custard Eierkäse {m} [veraltet]
custardEiercreme {f}
custard [Br.] Vanillesauce {f}
custard [Br.] [pouring custard]Vanillesoße {f}
custard [crème anglaise] Englische Creme {f}
custard [set custard] Vanillepudding {m}
custard apple Zimtapfel {m}
custard apple [Annona cherimola syn.: Annona pubescens, A. tripetala] [cherimoya]Netzannone {f} [Cherimoya]
custard apple [Annona reticulata] [bullock's heart] Eiercreme-Apfel {m}
custard apple [Annona squamosa] Rahmapfel {m}
custard apple [Annona squamosa] [sugar apple]Süßsack {m}
custard apple [plant and fruit] [Annona muricata] Stachelannone {f}
custard apple [plant and fruit] [Annona muricata] Sauersack {m} [Stachelannone]
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Annonengewächse {pl}
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Flaschenbaumgewächse {pl}
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Rahmapfelgewächse {pl}
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Schuppenapfelgewächse {pl}
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Annonaceen {pl}
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Cherimoyagewächse {pl} [selten]
custard apple family {sg} [family Annonaceae] Sauersackgewächse {pl} [selten]
custard apple (tree) [Annona muricata] Sauersackbaum {m}
custard apple (tree) [family Annonaceae]Flaschenbaum {m}
custard apples [family Annonaceae]Annonaceen {pl}
custard apples [family Annonaceae] Annonengewächse {pl}
custard apples [family Annonaceae] Cherimoyagewächse {pl} [selten]
« curscurtcurvcurvCushCusicustcustcustcustcust »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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