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customary in practicepraxisüblich
customary (in the market) marktüblich
customary in the profession [postpos.]berufsüblich
customary in the trade handelsüblich
customary in trade branchenüblich
customary international law Völkergewohnheitsrecht {n}
customary law Gewohnheitsrecht {n}
customary law Brauchtumsrecht {n}
customary law [local, regional] Observanz {f} [Gewohnheitsrecht]
customary market ratesmarktübliche Zinsen {pl}
customary packing handelsübliche Verpackung {f}
customary packing übliche Verpackung {f}
customary recess Börsenfeiertag {m}
customary right Gewohnheitsrecht {n}
customary riskhandelsübliches Risiko {n}
customary risksübliche Risiken {pl}
customary tareübliches Gewicht {n} der Verpackung
customary to the operationfür den Vorgang üblich
custom-builtauf (die) Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnitten
custom-built nach Kundenwünschen gefertigt
custom-built nach Wünschen des Kunden erstellt
custom-builtnach Wunsch gefertigt
custom-built speziell angefertigt
custom-built spezialangefertigt
custom-built maßgefertigt
custom-built articlenach Kundenwünschen gefertigter Artikel {m}
custom-built item Maßanfertigung {f} [Kleidungsstück, Möbel]
custom-built model Spezialanfertigung {f} für einen Kunden
custom-designedauf (die) Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnitten
customerKunde {m}
customerAbnehmer {m}
customer Gast {m} [in Gaststätte etc.]
customerKlient {m}
customerAuftraggeber {m} [Kunde]
customerKundmann {m} [veraltet] [Kunde]
customer Käufer {m} [Kunde]
customerKundschaft {f} [österr., sonst reg.] [Kunde]
customer Kunde {f} [österr.] [bes. Kaufleute-Jargon] [Kundschaft]
customerBesteller {m} [Kunde]
customer [coll.] [man, chap] Kerl {m}
customer [female] Kundin {f}
customer [of a service]Bezieher {m}
customer abroad Auslandskunde {m}
customer acceptanceKundenakzeptanz {f}
customer accountKundenkonto {n}
customer account managerKundenbetreuer {m}
customer account manager Kundenberater {m}
customer account manager Kundenmanager {m}
customer account manager [female] Kundenbetreuerin {f}
customer account manager [female] Kundenberaterin {f}
customer account manager [female]Kundenmanagerin {f}
customer account manager salary [rare] [salary of customer account manager] Kundenbetreuergehalt {n} [selten] [Gehalt als Kundenbetreuer]
customer accounts departmentKundenbuchhaltung {f}
customer acquisition Akquise {f}
customer acquisitionKundengewinnung {f}
customer acquisition Kundenakquise {f}
customer acquisition and retention Kundengewinnung und -bindung {f}
customer activity Kundenaktivität {f}
customer adviceKundenberatung {f}
customer advisorKundenbetreuer {m}
customer advisory office Kundenberatung {f}
customer advisory officeKundenberatung {f} [Stelle]
customer advisory service Kundenberatung {f}
customer agreement portfolio <CAP>Kundenvereinbarungsportfolio {n}
customer approach Kundenansprache {f}
customer assessmentKundeneinschätzung {f}
customer asset Kunden-Asset {n}
customer aversion Kundenabneigung {f}
customer base Kundenstamm {m}
customer baseKundschaft {f} [Kundenstamm]
customer baseKundenbestand {m}
customer base Kundenkreis {m} [Kundenstamm]
customer behavior [Am.]Kundenverhalten {n}
customer behaviour [Br.]Kundenverhalten {n}
customer benefitKundennutzen {m}
customer car park [esp. Br.] Kundenparkplatz {m}
customer careKundenpflege {f}
customer careKundenbetreuung {f}
customer care assistant Mitarbeiter {m} zur Kundenpflege
customer care concept <CCC>Kundenbetreuungskonzept {n}
customer care concept <CCC> Customer-Care-Konzept {n} [auch: Customer Care Concept]
customer center [Am.] Kundencenter {n}
customer centre [Br.]Kundencenter {n}
customer channel Kundenkanal {m}
customer churn Kundenabwanderung {f}
customer churn managementVermeidung {f} von Kundenabwanderung
customer communicationKommunikation {f} mit dem Kunden [DIN EN ISO]
customer complaintKundenreklamation {f}
customer complaint <CC> Kundenbeschwerde {f}
customer complaintsKundenbeschwerden {pl}
customer connectivity <CC>Kundenbindung {f} <KB>
customer consultantKundenberater {m}
customer consultant [female]Kundenberaterin {f}
customer consultants Kundenberater {pl}
customer contact Kundenkontakt {m}
customer country Abnehmerland {n}
customer credit balanceKundenguthaben {n}
customer credit note Kundengutschrift {f}
customer data Kundendaten {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers