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English-German Dictionary

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cuvée [= vat] Bottich {m}
cuvée [wine]Cuvée {f} {n}
Cuvelai BasinCuvelai-Becken {n}
cuvette Küvette {f}
cuvie [Laminaria hyperborea]Palmentang {m}
Cuvierian tubes Cuvier'sche Schläuche {pl}
Cuvierian tubules Cuviersche Schläuche {pl} [alt]
Cuvierian tubules Cuvier'sche Schläuche {pl}
Cuvier's beaked whale [Ziphius cavirostris] Cuvier-Schnabelwal {m}
Cuvier's bichir [Polypterus senegalus]Senegal-Flösselhecht {m}
Cuvier's brushturkey [Talegalla cuvieri] Rotschnabeltalegalla {n} [auch: Rotschnabel-Talegalla]
Cuvier's dwarf caiman [Paleosuchus palpebrosus] Brauen-Glattstirnkaiman {m}
Cuvier's fire-footed squirrel [Funisciurus pyrrhopus, syn.: F. pyrropus]Rotschenkelhörnchen {n}
Cuvier's gazelle [Gazella cuvieri]Cuviergazelle {f}
Cuvier's spiny lizard [Acanthosaura lepidogaster]Kleiner Grüner Nackenstachler {m}
Cuvier's spiny lizard [Acanthosaura lepidogaster]Schwarzkopf-Nackenstachler {m} [auch: Schwarzkopfnackenstachler]
Cuvier's toucan [Ramphastos tucanus cuvieri] Cuvier-Tukan {m}
Cuvier's tubes Cuvier'sche Schläuche {pl}
Cuvier's tubes Cuvier-Schläuche {pl}
cuxiús [genus Chiropotes]Bartsakis {pl}
cuz [coll.] [cousin]Cousin {m}
cuz [sl.] weil
Cuzco brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes canigenis]Schieferbuschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Cuzco calico snake [Oxyrhopus erdisii]Cuzco-Mondnatter {f}
Cuzco warbler [Basileuterus chrysogaster, syn.: Myiothlypis chrysogaster] Goldbauch-Waldsänger {m}
cuzticite [Fe2TeO6·3H2O] Cuzticit {m}
CV boot kit [short for: constant velocity joint boot kit] Achsmanschettensatz {m} [auch: Achsmanschetten-Satz]
CV joint [constant velocity joint] Gleichlaufgelenk {n}
CV joint shaftGleichlaufgelenkwelle {f}
CV outbreak [corona virus outbreak] Covid-19-Ausbruch {m}
CV steel [chromium-vanadium steel]CV-Stahl {m} [Chrom-Vanadium-Stahl]
CW light Gleichlicht {n}
C-washer Vorsteckscheibe {f}
cwm [Welsh] Kar {n}
C-wrench Hakenschlüssel {m}
cy pres so nah wie möglich
cyan aquamarin
cyan blaugrün
cyan kobaltblau
cyan türkis
cyan zyan
cyan Cyan {n} [Cyanblau]
cyanZyan {n}
cyan blue Cyanblau {n}
cyan cast Cyanstich {m}
cyanateZyanat {n}
cyanates Zyanate {pl}
cyanella family {sg} [family Tecophilaeaceae] Tecophilaeaceen {pl}
Cyane's octopus [Octopus cyanea] Großer Blauer Krake {m} [ugs. auch Große Blaue Krake {f}]
cyanethylation Cyanethylierung {f}
cyanhydric acidBlausäure {f}
cyanhydric acidCyanwasserstoffsäure {f}
cyanhydric acid Zyanwasserstoffsäure {f}
cyani flower [Centaurea cyanus]Kornblume {f}
cyanic acid Cyansäure {f}
cyanidationZyanidierung {f}
cyanidationZyanidlaugung {f}
cyanidation Cyanidlaugung {f} [Zyanidlaugung]
cyanideZyanid {n}
cyanideCyanid {n}
cyanide poisoningBlausäurevergiftung {f}
cyanide poisoning Cyanidvergiftung {f}
cyanidesZyanide {pl}
cyanidesCyanide {pl}
cyanidinCyanidin {n}
cyanine Cyanin {n}
Cyanippus Kyanippos {m}
cyanite [Al2SiO5] Cyanit {m}
cyanite schistKyanitschiefer {m}
cyanite schist Cyanitschiefer {m}
cyanite schistDisthenschiefer {m}
cyano (bacteria) [Cyanobacteria] Blaualgen {pl}
cyanoacrylateCyanoacrylat {n}
cyanoacrylate Cyanacrylat {n}
cyanoacrylate adhesive <CA> Sekundenkleber {m}
cyanoacrylate adhesive <CA>Cyanacrylat-Kleber {m}
cyanoacrylate sealant Cyanacrylat-Kleber {m}
cyanobacteria Cyanobakterien {pl}
cyanobacteria [Cyanophyta, Cyanobacteria] Blaualge {f} [Cyanobakterie]
cyanobacterial Cyanobakterien-
cyanobacterial bloom Cyanobakterienblüte {f}
cyanobacterial bloomBlaualgenblüte {f}
cyanobacteriumCyanobakterium {n}
cyanochroite [K2Cu(SO4)·6H2O]Cyanochroit {m}
cyanocobalamin [C63H88CoN14O14P] Cyanocobalamin {n}
cyanogenCyan {n}
cyanogen Zyan {n}
cyanogen Dicyan {n}
cyanogen azide [N3CN, CN4] Cyanazid {n}
cyanogen bromide Bromcyan {n}
cyanogen chloride [ClCN] Chlorcyan {n}
cyanogen chloride [ClCN] Cyanchlorid {n} [Chlorcyan]
cyanogen fluoride [CFN] Fluorcyan {n}
cyanogenesis Cyanogenese {f}
cyanogenetic cyanogen
cyanogenic cyanogen
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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