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English-German Dictionary

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cytomegalic inclusion disease <CID>zytomegale Einschlusskrankheit {f}
cytomegaloviral disease [ICD-10]Pneumonie {f} durch Zytomegalieviren [ICD-10]
cytomegalovirus Speicheldrüsenvirus {n} {m}
cytomegalovirus <CMV>Zytomegalovirus {n} [ugs.: {m}] <ZMV>
cytomegalovirus <CMV> Zytomegalievirus {n} [ugs.: {m}] <ZMV>
cytomegalovirus <CMV> Cytomegalie-Virus {n} <CMV> [ugs. auch {m}]
cytomegalovirus infection Zytomegalievirusinfektion {f}
cytomegalovirus infection Zytomegalovirusinfektion {f}
cytomegaloviruses <CMVs>Cytomegalieviren {pl} <CMV>
cytomegaly Zytomegalie {f}
cytomembrane Cytomembran {f}
cytomembrane Zytomembran {f}
cytometric zytometrisch
cytometryZytometrie {f}
cytomorphogenesisCytomorphogenese {f}
cytomorphologically zytomorphologisch
cytomorphologyZellmorphologie {f}
cytomorphology Zytomorphologie {f}
cytopathic zellschädigend
cytopathic effect <CPE>cytopathischer Effekt {m} <CPE>
cytopathogenic zytopathogen
cytopathogenic effect <CPE> cytopathischer Effekt {m} <CPE>
cytopathogenicity Zytopathogenität {f}
cytopathological [Br.] zytopathologisch
cytopathology Zytopathologie {f}
cytopathology Zellpathologie {f}
cytopempsis Zytopempsis {f}
cytopenia Zytopenie {f}
cytophageZytophag {m}
cytophageZellfresszelle {f}
cytophages Zytophagen {pl}
cytophages Zellfresszellen {pl}
cytophagic zytophagisch
cytophore Zytophor {m}
cytophoreCytophor {m}
cytophotometric zytophotometrisch
cytophotometric cytophotometrisch
cytophotometrically zytophotometrisch
cytophotometryZytophotometrie {f}
cytophotometryCytophotometrie {f}
cytophysiologic zellphysiologisch
cytophysiological zellphysiologisch
cytophysiologically zellphysiologisch
cytophysiologyZytophysiologie {f}
cytophysiologyZellphysiologie {f}
cytopipetteZytopipette {f}
cytoplasmZytoplasma {n}
cytoplasm Zellplasma {n}
cytoplasm Cytoplasma {n}
cytoplasmic zytoplasmatisch
cytoplasmic cytoplasmatisch
cytoplasmic bodyCytoplasmakörper {m}
cytoplasmic bridge Cytoplasmabrücke {f}
cytoplasmic concentration cytoplasmatische Konzentration {f}
cytoplasmic determinants cytoplasmatische Determinanten {pl}
cytoplasmic domaincytoplasmatische Domäne {f}
cytoplasmic domain zytoplasmatische Domäne {f}
cytoplasmic dynein zytoplasmatisches Dynein {n}
cytoplasmic dyneins zytoplasmatische Dyneine {pl}
cytoplasmic exchangeCytoplasmaaustausch {m}
cytoplasmic hybridcytoplasmatischer Hybrid {m}
cytoplasmic hybrid zytoplasmatischer Hybrid {m}
cytoplasmic massCytoplasmamasse {f}
cytoplasmic mass Zytoplasmamasse {f}
cytoplasmic matrixzytoplasmatische Matrix {f}
cytoplasmic matrixZytomatrix {f}
cytoplasmic membrane Zytoplasmamembran {f}
cytoplasmic membrane Cytoplasmamembran {f}
cytoplasmic membrane Plasmalemm {n} [veraltet]
cytoplasmic membrane Plasmalemma {n} [veraltet]
cytoplasmic membrane Zellmembran {f}
cytoplasmic streaming Cytoplasmaströmung {f}
cytoplasmic streaming Zytoplasmaströmung {f}
cytoplast Zytoplast {m}
cytoplast Kernzelle {f}
cytopodiumCytopodium {n} [in der Anatomie auch: Zellfüßchen, füßchenförmiger Zellausläufer]
cytopyge Cytopyge {f}
cytopyge Zellafter {m}
cytorrhexisZytorrhexis {f}
cytosegresome Zytosegresom {n}
cytosine <C, Cyt> [C4H5N3O]Cytosin {n} <C, Cyt>
cytosine base Cytosinbase {f}
cytosine deaminationCytosin-Desaminierung {f}
cytosine-phosphate-guanine island <CpG island>Cytosin-Phosphat-Guanin-Insel {f} <CpG-Insel>
cytosis Zytose {f}
cytoskeletal Zytoskelett-
cytoskeletal zytoskelettal
cytoskeletal cytoskelettal
cytoskeletal proteinZytoskelettprotein {n}
cytoskeletal proteins Zytoskelettproteine {pl}
cytoskeleton Cytoskelett {n}
cytoskeleton Zellskelett {n}
cytoskeleton Zytoskelett {n}
« cymbcyprCyprcystcytocytocytoCzecD[grdachdadd »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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