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English-German Dictionary

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cargo area Ladefläche {f}
cargo areaFrachtraum {m}
cargo area Laderaum {m}
cargo bagRiesentasche {f}
cargo barKlemmbalken {m}
cargo bay Frachtraum {m}
cargo bay Ladebucht {f}
cargo bayLaderaum {m}
cargo bay fuel tank <CBT>Frachtraumtank {m}
cargo bicycle Lastenfahrrad {n}
cargo bike Lastenrad {n}
cargo bike [coll.]Lastenfahrrad {n}
cargo bike [coll.]Transportvelo {n} [schweiz.]
cargo bike [coll.]Lastenvelo {n} [schweiz.]
cargo bike [coll.] [cargo bicycle] Transportrad {n} [Lastenrad]
cargo bike rider [female] Lastenfahrradfahrerin {f}
cargo block Ladeblock {m}
cargo boat Frachter {m}
cargo boat Frachtschiff {n}
cargo bookLadebuch {n}
cargo bulkhead Trennwand {f} zum Frachtraum
cargo capacity Ladekapazität {f}
cargo capacity Frachtkapazität {f}
cargo center [Am.]Frachtzentrum {n}
cargo centre [Br.]Frachtzentrum {n}
cargo compartment Frachtraum {m}
cargo containerFrachtcontainer {m}
cargo cult Cargo-Kult {m}
cargo delivery spacecraft Frachttransporter {m}
cargo derrickLadebaum {m}
cargo door [aircraft] Frachttür {f}
cargo door [aircraft] Ladetür {f}
cargo elevator [Am.] Lastenaufzug {m}
cargo fasteners {pl} Anschlaggeschirr {n}
cargo fastening Frachtbefestigung {f}
cargo fastening equipment Anschlaggeschirr {n}
cargo ferry Frachtfähre {f}
cargo flightFrachtflug {m}
cargo freighterFrachtversion {f} [eines Flugzeugs]
cargo gear Ladegeschirr {n}
cargo handling charge Frachtentgelt {n}
cargo handling chargesUmschlagskosten {pl} [Fracht]
cargo hatch Frachtluke {f}
cargo hatch Ladeluke {f}
cargo helicopter Frachthubschrauber {m}
cargo helicopterTransporthubschrauber {m}
cargo hold Frachtraum {m}
cargo holdLaderaum {m}
cargo homewards Rückfracht {f}
cargo hook Ladehaken {m}
cargo hook swivel Ladehakenwirbel {m} [auch: Ladehaken-Wirbel]
cargo hubFrachtzentrum {n}
cargo insurance Frachtversicherung {f}
cargo insurance Kargoversicherung {f}
cargo insuranceSeefrachtversicherung {f}
cargo insurance Versicherung {f} der Seefrachtgüter
cargo insurance Transportversicherung {f}
cargo insurance Güterversicherung {f}
cargo jet Frachtjet {m} [auch: Fracht-Jet]
cargo lift [Br.] Lastenaufzug {m}
cargo list Frachtliste {f}
cargo listLadeliste {f}
cargo load Nutzlast {f}
cargo load Frachtlast {f}
cargo loadFrachtladung {f}
cargo loading system Frachtladesystem {n}
cargo loss Ladungsverlust {m}
cargo made up of one commodityFracht {f} nur von einer Warenart
cargo manifestLadungsverzeichnis {n}
cargo manifest Ladeliste {f}
cargo manifestLadungsmanifest {n}
cargo moleculeFrachtmolekül {n}
cargo movement Frachtbewegung {f}
cargo net Ladenetz {n}
cargo outward Hinfracht {f}
cargo pants {pl} [one pair] [esp. Am.] Cargohose {f}
cargo parachuteLastenfallschirm {m}
cargo plane Frachtflugzeug {n}
cargo plane Frachtmaschine {f} [ugs.] [Frachtflugzeug]
cargo plane Frachtflieger {m} [ugs.]
cargo plane Transportflugzeug {n}
cargo policy Frachtversicherung {f}
cargo policy Frachtversicherungspolice {f}
cargo protein Frachtprotein {n}
cargo rateFrachtrate {f}
cargo residues Ladungsrückstände {pl}
cargo rocket Lastrakete {f}
cargo rocket Raumfrachter {m}
cargo service Frachtdienst {m}
cargo shackleLadeschäkel {m}
cargo shed Frachtschuppen {m}
cargo shipFrachtschiff {n}
cargo shipFrachter {m}
cargo shipTransportschiff {n}
cargo shipping Frachtschifffahrt {f}
cargo shorts Cargo-Shorts {pl}
cargo skirtCargorock {m}
cargo space Transportraum {m} [Räumlichkeit]
cargo steamer Frachter {m}
cargo tackle Lasttalje {f}
« carecarecarecarecarecargcargcaricariC-arcarn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers