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English-German Dictionary

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carious kariös
carious Karies-
carious von Karies befallen
carious lesionkariöse Läsion {f}
carious lesionKariesläsion {f}
carious teeth kariöse Zähne {pl}
carious toothkariöser Zahn {m}
cariprazine [C21H32Cl2N4O] Cariprazin {n}
caritas Caritas {f}
caritas science Caritaswissenschaft {f}
Caritas Well [Caritasbrønden]Caritas-Brunnen {m} [in Kopenhagen]
caritative karitativ
caritative charitativ [selten]
Carius bomb tube Bombenrohr nach Carius {n}
Carius furnaceBombenofen {m}
Carius tubeEinschmelzrohr {n}
Carius tube Bombenrohr nach Carius {n}
carjackerAutoräuber {m}
carjacker [esp. Am.] Carjacker {m}
carjackers [esp. Am.]Carjacker {pl}
carjacking Autoraub {m}
carjackingAutoentführung {f}
carjacking [esp. Am.] Carjacking {n}
carking care [archaic] drückende Sorge {f}
Carl Conrad Coreander [The Neverending Story] Karl Konrad Koreander [Die unendliche Geschichte]
Carl Joseph Gauss Carl Joseph Gauß {m}
Carl LinnaeusCarl von Linné {m}
Carleman's inequalityCarleman-Ungleichung {f}
Carlens tube [also: Carlens' tube]Carlens-Tubus {m}
carless ohne Wagen [nachgestellt]
carless Sunday autofreier Sonntag {m}
Carleton GlacierCarleton-Gletscher {m}
carletonite [KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(OH,F)·H2O] Carletonit {m}
Carleton's spots Carleton-Flecken {pl}
carlfrancisite [Mn3(Mn,Mg,Fe,Al)42 [AsO3]2(AsO4)4 [(Si,As)O4]6 [(As,Si)O4]2(OH)42] Carlfrancisit {m}
carlfriesite [CaTe2TeO8]Carlfriesit {m}
carlgieseckeite-(Nd) [NaNdCa3(PO4)3F] Carlgieseckeit-(Nd) {m}
carlhintzeite [Ca2AlF7·H2O]Carlhintzeit {m}
carlin [pug] Mops {m} [Hunderasse]
carlin [Scot.] [unpleasant old woman] alte Hex {f} [ugs.]
carlin [Scot.] [witch]Hexe {f}
carline [chiefly Scot.] alte Frau {f}
carline skipper [Pyrgus carlinae] Südwestalpen-Würfeldickkopf {m} [Tagfalter]
carline skipper [Pyrgus carlinae] [butterfly]Ockerfarbiger Würfelfalter {m}
carline skipper [Pyrgus carlinae] [butterfly] Südwestalpen-Würfeldickkopffalter {m}
carline thistle [Carlina vulgaris] Golddistel {f}
carline thistle [genus Carlina]Eberwurz {f}
carlinite [Tl2S]Carlinit {m}
Carlisle [England]Carlisle {n}
Carlislian [from Carlisle (England)] aus Carlisle [nachgestellt]
Carlism [Carlismo; Spanish monarchist political movement]Carlismus {m}
car-loadWagenladung {f}
carload [Am.] Wagenladung {f}
carload [Am.]Waggonladung {f}
carload lot [Am.] Waggonladung {f}
carload of [Am.]Wagenladung {f} von
carload rate [Am.]Waggonfrachtsatz {m}
carload-lot rate [Am.] Waggonfrachtsatz {m}
Carloman Karlmann {m}
carlosbarbosaite [(Ca0.5?0.5)(UO2)2(NbSi)O6(OH)2·2H2O] Carlosbarbosait {m}
carlosruizite [K3(Na,K)2Na3Mg5(IO3)6(SeO4,SO4,CrO4)6·6H2O] Carlosruizit {m}
carlosturanite [(Mg,Fe,Ti)21(Si,Al)12O28(OH)34·H2O]Carlosturanit {m}
Carlovingian karolingisch
Carlsbad [Karlovy Vary] Karlsbad {n}
Carlsbad Decrees Karlsbader Beschlüsse {pl}
Carlsbad salt Karlsbader Salz {n}
carlsbergite [CrN]Carlsbergit {m}
Carlstrom FoothillsCarlstrom Foothills {pl}
Carlton House [London] Carlton House {n}
Carlyon GlacierCarlyon-Gletscher {m}
Carlyon GlacierundsooCarlyon-Gletscher {m}
C-arm C-Arm {m}
C-armC-Bogen {m}
C-arm movement C-Bogen-Bewegung {f} [auch: C-Bogenbewegung]
C-arm support C-Bogenlagerung {f}
C-arm system C-Bogensystem {n}
C-arm X-ray unit C-Bogen-Röntgengerät {n}
carmaggedon [coll.] Megastau {m} [ugs.]
carmaker Autohersteller {m}
carmaker Autoproduzent {m}
carman [dated] [drayman, carter] Fuhrmann {m}
Carmania Karmanien {n}
CarmeKarme {f}
Carmel [short form of Order of Carmelites] Karmel {m} [Kurzform für Karmeliterorden]
Carmel daisy [Scabiosa prolifera, syn.: Lomelosia prolifera] Berg-Carmel-Skabiose {f}
CarmeliteKarmeliter {m}
Carmelite karmelitisch
Carmelite abbeyKarmeliterabtei {f}
Carmelite church Karmeliterkirche {f}
Carmelite church Karmelitenkirche {f}
Carmelite convent Karmeliterkloster {n} [für Nonnen]
Carmelite convent Karmeliterinnenkloster {n}
Carmelite monastery Karmeliterkloster {n} [für Mönche]
Carmelite monastery Karmelitenkloster {n} [für Mönche]
Carmelite monks Karmeliten {pl}
Carmelite monks Karmeliter {pl}
Carmelite nuns Karmelitinnen {pl}
Carmelite order Karmeliterorden {m}
« carecarecargcarhcaricaricarmcarncarncarocaro »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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