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carrion fauliges Fleisch {n}
carrionAasfleisch {n}
carrion [attr.] [relating to something rotten or repulsive, e.g. odour] aasig [faulig oder ekelhaft, z. B. Geruch]
carrion [decaying flesh] verdorbenes Fleisch {n}
carrion [skinned] Schindluder {n} [veraltet]
carrion bee [subgenus Trigona] Geierbiene {f}
carrion birds Aasvögel {pl}
carrion crow [Corvus corone corone]Rabenkrähe {f}
carrion crow [Corvus corone corone] Aaskrähe {f}
carrion crow bush [Senna alata, syn.: Cassia alata] [also: golden candelabra tree, ringworm cassia, ringworm plant, ringworm tree, Roman candle tree, seven golden candlesticks] Kerzenstrauch {m}
carrion crow bush [Senna alata, syn.: Cassia alata] [also: golden candelabra tree, ringworm cassia, ringworm plant, ringworm tree, Roman candle tree, seven golden candlesticks] Kaiserin-Kerzenstrauch / Kaiserinkerzenstrauch {m}
carrion eater Aasfresser {m}
carrion fauna Aasfauna {f}
carrion feeder Aasfresser {m}
carrion flies [family Calliphoridae] Schmeißfliegen {pl}
carrion flies [family Calliphoridae] Calliphoriden {pl} [Schmeißfliegen]
carrion flower [Orbea / Stapelia variegata] Aasblume {f}
carrion flower family {sg} [family Apocynaceae]Apocynaceen {pl}
carrion flower family {sg} [family Apocynaceae] Immergrüngewächse {pl}
carrion flower family {sg} [family Apocynaceae] Hundsgiftgewächse {pl}
carrion flowers [family Apocynaceae]Apocynaceen {pl}
carrion flowers [family Asclepiadaceae] [now subsumed as subfamily Asclepiadoideae in family Apocynaceae]Asclepiadaceen {pl}
carrion flowers [family Asclepiadaceae] [now subsumed as subfamily Asclepiadoideae in family Apocynaceae]Aasblumengewächse {pl}
carrion flowers [genus Stapelia]Stapelien {pl} [auch: Aasblumen]
carrion flowers [Orbea / Stapelia variegata] Aasblumen {pl}
carrion flowers [subfamily Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae] [formerly Asclepiadaceae] Seidenpflanzengewächse {pl}
carrion flowers [subfamily Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae] [formerly Asclepiadaceae]Schwalbenwurzgewächse {pl}
carrion flyAasfliege {f}
carrion hunterAasjäger {m}
carrion hunting [bait hunting] Köderjagd {f}
carrion odor [Am.]Aasgeruch {m}
carrion odour [Br.] Aasgeruch {m}
carrion-feeding aasfressend
carrion-like odor [Am.] aasartiger Geruch {m}
carrion-like odour [Br.]aasartiger Geruch {m}
Carrion's disease Oroya-Fieber {n}
Carrion's ground snake [Atractus carrioni] Loja-Spindelnatter {f}
Carrizal (blue-black) seedeater [Amaurospiza carrizalensis, syn.: Cyanoloxia carrizalensis] Carrizalpfäffchen {n} [auch: Carrizal-Pfäffchen]
Carrizal (blue-black) seedeater [Amaurospiza carrizalensis, syn.: Cyanoloxia carrizalensis] Carrizal-Körnerfresser {m}
carrizo [Arundo donax] Spanisches Rohr {n}
carrizo [Arundo donax] Riesenschilf {n}
carrizo [Arundo donax] Pfahlrohr {n}
carrolliteCarrollit {m}
carron oilBrandöl {n}
carronade Karronade {f}
carrot Möhre {f}
carrot Ruebli {n} [schweiz.]
carrotWurzel {f} [nordd.] [Möhre]
carrotRüebli {n} [schweiz.]
carrot Rübli {n} [schweiz.]
carrot Mohrrübe {f} [Karotte]
carrot [Daucus carota ssp. sativus]Karotte {f}
carrot [Daucus carota subsp. sativus] Gelbe Rübe {f} [südd.] [Karotte]
carrot [Daucus carota subsp. sativus] Gelbrübe {f} [südd.] [Karotte]
carrot [fig.]Köder {m} [fig.]
carrot [fig.]Belohnung {f}
carrot [fig.] Anreiz {m}
carrot and stick [idiom]Zuckerbrot und Peitsche [Redewendung]
carrot aphid [Semiaphis dauci, syn.: S. carotae, Anuraphis dauci, Aphis carotae] Mehlige Möhrenblattlaus {f}
carrot beetle [Tomarus gibbosus] Pensylvanischer Buckelkäfer {m}
carrot bur-parsley / burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos]Acker-Haftdolde / Ackerhaftdolde {f}
carrot bur-parsley / burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Möhren-Haftdolde / Möhrenhaftdolde {f}
carrot bur-parsley / burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Kletten-Haftdolde / Klettenhaftdolde {f}
carrot cake Karottenkuchen {m}
carrot cake Möhrenkuchen {m}
carrot cake Rüblikuchen {m} [urspr.: schweiz.]
carrot cake Rüblitorte {f} [urspr. schweiz.]
carrot cake Möhrentorte {f}
carrot family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldenblütler {pl} [Familie der Doldenblütler]
carrot family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Doldengewächse {pl} [Familie der Doldengewächse]
carrot family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Apiaceen {pl} [Familie der Apiaceen]
carrot family {sg} [family Apiaceae, syn.: Umbelliferae] Umbelliferen {pl} [Familie der Umbelliferen]
carrot harvest Rüebliernte {f} [schweiz.]
carrot juice Karottensaft {m}
carrot juice Möhrensaft {m}
carrot juiceMohrrübensaft {m} [nordd.]
carrot maggot [Psila rosae, syn.: Chamaepsila rosae] [larva of carrot (rust) fly]Eisenmade {f} [Made der Möhrenfliege]
carrot moth [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa]Möhrenschabe {f}
carrot moth [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa] Kümmelmotte {f}
carrot moth [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa] Kümmelpfeifer {m} [Kümmelmotte]
carrot orange juice Karotten- und Orangensaft {m}
carrot pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Karottenhose {f}
carrot peeler Karottenschäler {m}
carrot peelerMöhrenschäler {m}
carrot psyllid [Trioza apicalis]Möhrenblattfloh {m}
carrot psyllid [Trioza apicalis] Möhrenblattsauger {m}
carrot puree Karottenpüree {n}
carrot (rust) fly [Psila rosae, syn.: Chamaepsila rosae] Möhrenfliege {f}
carrot salad Karottensalat {m}
carrot saladMöhrensalat {m}
carrot salad Mohrrübensalat {m}
carrot seedMöhrensamen {m}
carrot seed moth [Sitochroa palealis]Möhrenzünsler {m}
carrot seed oil Karottensamenöl {n}
carrot skinKarottenschale {f}
carrot skins Karottenschalen {pl}
carrot sliceMohrrübenscheibe {f}
carrot slice Möhrenscheibe {f}
carrot slice Karottenscheibe {f}
« carpcarpcarrcarrcarrcarrcarrcarrcar'Cartcart »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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