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English-German Dictionary

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cascading menus überlappende Menüs {pl}
cascading output Kaskadierausgang {m}
cascading style sheetKaskadenstilentwurf {m}
cascading style sheets <CSS> kaskadierte Stylesheets {pl}
cascading stylesheet Kaskadenstilentwurf {m}
Cascajal Block [also: Cascajal block]Cascajal-Stein {m}
cascalote [Caesalpinia coriaria, syn.: Libidibia coriaria, Poinciana coriaria] Dividivibaum {m}
cascalote [Caesalpinia coriaria]Divi-Divi-Baum {m}
cascandite [Ca(Sc,Fe)Si3O8(OH)] Cascandit {m}
cascara (buckthorn) [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus] Sagrada-Faulbaum {m}
cascara (buckthorn) [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus]Amerikanischer Faulbaum {m}
cascara sagrada [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus]Sagrada-Faulbaum {m}
cascara sagrada [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus] Amerikanischer Faulbaum {m}
cascarilla bark [Croton eluteria]Rinde {f} des Kaskarillabaumes
cascarilla oil Cascarilla-Öl {n} [auch: Cascarillaöl]
cascarilla (tree) [Croton eluteria] Kaskarillabaum {m}
cascode [portmanteau derived from "cascaded cathode"] Kaskode {f} [Kofferwort, abgeleitet von "kaskadierte Kathode"]
cascode (circuit) Kaskodenschaltung {f}
case Fach {n}
caseKoffer {m}
case Prozess {m}
case Kasus {m}
case Krankheitsfall {m}
case Rechtsfall {m}
caseStreitfall {m}
caseCausa {f} [österr.]
case Computergehäuse {n}
case Anlassfall {m} [österr.]
caseRechtssache {f}
case [accusative, etc.]Casus {m} [Kasus]
case [box, esp. wooden box] Kasten {m} [Kiste]
case [box] Schachtel {f}
case [cabinet]Schrein {m}
case [capital or small letter] Buchstabe {m} [Groß- oder Kleinbuchstabe]
case [casing, frame] Zarge {f} [Tür / Fenster]
case [circumstance]Umstand {m}
case [container]Behälter {m}
case [cover, mantle] Hülle {f}
case [encasement] Gehäuse {n}
case [fact]Tatsache {f}
case [initial capital or small letter] [Groß- oder Kleinbuchstabe]
case [issue, affair, cause] Sache {f}
case [issue, affair, cause] [also ling., law, med.]Fall {m} [Sache] [auch ling., law., med.]
case [lawsuit] Klage {f} [Zivilrecht]
case [matter, issue]Angelegenheit {f}
case [pupal case] Larvensack {m}
case [sheath] Futteral {n}
case [shell, capsule etc.] Hülse {f}
case [situation]Lage {f} [Situation]
case [situation] Situation {f}
case [small box, receptacle] Etui {n}
case [suitcase]Reisekoffer {m}
case [wooden box]Kiste {f} [Behälter]
case adjourned for a week für eine Woche vertagter Fall {m}
case analysis Fallanalyse {f}
case analysisFallunterscheidung {f}
case apartSonderfall {m}
case assignment plan Geschäftsverteilungsplan {m}
case before the court Fall {m} vor dem Gericht
case binderOrdner {m} [Aktenordner]
case bindingDeckenband {m}
case boardsRegalbretter {pl}
case by casefallweise
Case ClosedDetektiv Conan
case conference Fallkonferenz {f}
case configuration Fallkonstellation {f}
case count Fallzahl {f}
case counts Fallzahlen {pl}
case definition Falldefinition {f}
case dependency Fallabhängigkeit {f}
case descriptionFallschilderung {f}
case differentiation Fallunterscheidung {f}
case digestFallsammlung {f} [Zusammenstellung]
case discussion Epikrise {f}
case discussion Fallbesprechung {f}
case discussionFalldiskussion {f}
Case dismissed! Klage abgewiesen!
case documentationFalldokumentation {f}
case ending Kasusendung {f}
case ending Fallendung {f}
case endings Kasusendungen {pl}
case exampleFallbeispiel {n}
case fanGehäuselüfter {m}
case fatality rate <CFR>Fallsterblichkeitsrate {f}
case file Sachaktenordner {m}
case file Fallordner {m}
case fileVorgangsakte {f}
case fileVorgang {m} [Akte]
case file Verfahrensakte {f}
case file Fallakte {f}
case file Strafakte {f}
case file identifier / evidence file identifierSachaktenordner {m}
case file (of the patient) Patientenakte {f}
case file on X Akte {f} zum Fall X
case finalization Fallabschluss {m}
case for the alliance [lat. Casus foederis, according to article 5 of Nato] Nato-Bündnisfall {m}
case governed by a verb Rektion {f} eines Verbs
case grammarKasusgrammatik {f}
case group Fallgruppe {f}
case handler Sachbearbeiter {m}
« cartCartcartcartcarvcasccasecasecasecashcash »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers