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English-German Dictionary

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caesium isotope [Br.] Cäsium-Isotop {n} [fachspr.]
caesium isotope [Br.] Cäsiumisotop {n} [fachspr.]
caesium isotope [Br.] Caesiumisotop {n} [auch: Caesium-Isotop] [fachspr.]
caesium isotope [Br.] Zäsium-Isotop {n}
caesium isotope [Br.] Zäsiumisotop {n}
caesium oxideCäsiumoxid {n}
caesium source [Br.]Cäsiumquelle {f}
caespitose [Br.] [also caespitous] rasig [auch rasenartig]
caespitose [Br.] [also caespitous] in Büscheln wachsend [z. B. Pilze]
caesura Zäsur {f}
caesura Einschnitt {m}
caesura Ruhepunkt {m}
Caetê spindle snake [Atractus caete] Caetê-Spindelnatter {f}
caeteris / ceteris paribus [literally translated as "with other things the same," or "all other things being equal or held constant"]unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen <c.p., cet. par.>
cafard Melancholie {f}
cafarsite [Ca8(Ti,Fe,Fe,Mn)6-7(AsO3)12·4H2O] Cafarsit {m}
cafe Café {n}
caféCafé {n}
cafe Kaffeehaus {n} [bes. österr.]
caféTea Room {n} [schweiz. veraltend]
caféTearoom {n} [schweiz. veraltend]
café Imbissstube {f}
cafe Caféhaus {n} [Rsv.] [bes. österr.]
cafe [Am.] Bar {f}
café [Am.] Bar {f}
cafe [Am.] Nachtlokal {n}
café au laitMilchkaffee {m}
café au laitmilchkaffeefarben
café au laitBrauner {m} [österr.]
café au lait Café au Lait {m}
cafe au lait Café au Lait {m}
café au laitSchale {f} [schweiz.]
cafe coronary (syndrome) [also: café coronary] Café-Coronary-Syndrom {n}
café curtain [Am.] Scheibengardine {f}
Café Griensteidl [a traditional Viennese café] Café {n} Größenwahn [ugs.] [Café Griensteidl] [Kaffeehaus, Künstlerlokal in Wien]
café noir schwarzer Kaffee {m}
café owner Cafetier {m} [veraltet]
cafe owner Cafetier {m} [veraltet]
cafe owner Kaffeehausbesitzer {m} [bes. österr.]
cafe ownerCafébesitzer {m}
café owners Cafetiers {pl} [veraltet]
café society Schickeria {f}
Cafe Terrace at Night [Van Gogh]Caféterrasse bei Nacht
Café Terrace at Night [Vincent van Gogh]Caféterrasse am Abend
café violinist Stehgeiger {m}
café violinist [female]Stehgeigerin {f}
café wall illusionKaffeehaustäuschung {f}
café wall illusionKaffeehaus-Täuschung {f}
café with dance music Tanzcafé {n}
café with dancing Tanzlokal {n}
café with dancing Tanzcafé {n}
[café plus pastry shop]Kaffeekonditorei {f} [österr.]
[cafe where coffee and pastries are consumed standing up] Stehcafé {n}
café-au-lait bowl Café-au-Lait-Schale {f}
café-au-lait spotCafé-au-lait-Fleck {m} [alt]
café-au-lait spot Café-au-Lait-Fleck {m}
café-au-lait spot [small brownish spot on the skin]Freckling {m}
cafedrine [C18H23N5O3]Cafedrin {n}
cafésCafés {pl}
cafesCafés {pl}
cafes [Am.] Bars {pl}
cafestol [C20H28O3] Cafestol {n}
cafeteriaCafeteria {f}
cafeteriaSchnellgaststätte {f}
cafeteria Selbstbedienungsgaststätte {f}
cafeteria Selbstbedienungsrestaurant {n}
cafeteria Selbstbedienungs-
cafeteria Imbissstube {f} [in Kaufhaus etc.]
cafeteria [Am.] Kantine {f}
cafeteria [esp. Am.] Cafete {f} [ugs.] [Cafeteria]
cafeteria clock [Am.] Kantinenuhr {f}
cafeteria manager Kantinenleiter {m} [z. B. in einer Schule, in einem Betrieb]
cafetièreKaffeebereiter {m}
cafetière [Br.] [French press]Pressstempelkanne {f}
cafetière [chiefly Br.]Stempelkanne {f}
cafetite [CaTi2O5·H2O]Cafetit {m}
caff [Br.] [coll.] Café {n}
caffè latteCaffè Latte {m}
(caffè) americano Caffè americano {m}
(caffè) americanoVerlängerter {m} [österr.]
caffeic acid [C9H8O4]Kaffeesäure {f}
caffeinated koffeinhaltig
caffeinatedcoffeinhaltig [Rsv.]
caffeine [C8H10N4O2]Koffein {n}
caffeine [C8H10N4O2] Coffein {n} [Rsv.]
caffeine addiction Koffeinsucht {f}
caffeine concentration Koffeinkonzentration {f}
caffeine contentKoffeingehalt {m}
caffeine intoxicationKoffeinintoxikation {f} [auch: Koffein-Intoxikation]
caffeine intoxication Koffeinvergiftung {f} [auch: Koffein-Vergiftung]
caffeine intoxication Coffeinvergiftung {f} [auch: Coffein-Vergiftung]
caffeine withdrawal Koffeinentzug {m}
caffeine-addicted kaffeesüchtig
caffeine-containing koffeinhaltig
caffeine-containing product koffeinhaltiges Produkt {n}
caffeine-free koffeinfrei
caffeinismKoffeinismus {m}
caffeinism Coffeinismus {m}
CaffrariaKaffernland {n}
« cachcactcadacadecaeccaescaftCaincakecakicala »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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