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English-German Dictionary

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castor sugarStreuzucker {m}
castor sugar Feinzucker {m}
castor sugar [esp. Br.] Kastorzucker {m}
Castor® transportCastortransport {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Wunderbaum {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus]Rizinus {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus]Läusebaum {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Kreuzbaum {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Hundsbaum {m}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Palma {f} Christi
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] Christuspalme {f}
castor-bean plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus]Römische Bohne {f} [Rizinus]
castoreum Bibergeil {n}
castoreum Castoreum {n} [Bibergeil]
castorids [family Castoridae]Biber {pl}
castor-oil plant [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus]Römische Bohne {f} [Rizinus]
castors Laufrollen {pl}
castrate kastriertes Tier {n}
castrateUnfruchtbarer {m} [Kastrat, Eunuch]
castrated kastriert
castrated sterilisiert
castrated ramHammel {m}
castrati Kastraten {pl}
castrating kastrierend
castrating knifeKastriermesser {n}
castrationKastration {f}
castration Entmannung {f}
castration Kastrierung {f}
castration anxietyKastrationsangst {f}
castration anxietyKastrationsfurcht {f}
castration by crushing [crushing castration method] Quetschkastration {f}
castration complexKastrationskomplex {m}
castration complexesKastrationskomplexe {pl}
castration knife Kastriermesser {n}
castration method Kastrationsmethode {f}
castration of lambs up to one week of age Kastration {f} von unter einwöchigen Lämmern
castration pliers {pl} [one pair] Kastrationszange {f}
castration ring Kastrationsring {m}
castration scalpelKastrationsskalpell {n}
castration-resistant kastrationsresistent
castration-resistant prostate cancer <CRPC>kastrationsresistentes Prostatakarzinom {n}
castrations Kastrationen {pl}
castrato Kastrat {m}
CastriesCastries {n}
Castroism Castroismus {m}
Castroism Castrismus {m} [Castroismus]
Castro-Stephens couplingStephens-Castro-Kupplung {f}
castrum Castrum {n}
castrum doloris Castrum doloris {n} [Trauergerüst, Trauerlager]
cast-steel roll Stahlgusswalze {f}
casual beiläufig
casual lässig
casual sportlich
casual unmethodisch
casual zwanglos
casual Straßenslipper {m}
casual Gelegenheits-
casual hemdsärmelig [ugs.] [fig.]
casualGelegenheitsarbeiter {m}
casual locker [lässig]
casual [impermanent]unbeständig
casual [occasional] kasual [veraltet]
casual [attitude]gleichgültig
casual [by chance]gelegentlich
casual [careless, irresponsible] leichtfertig
casual [clothes, meeting, conversation] informell
casual [glance, acquaintance etc.] flüchtig
casual [informal]ungezwungen
casual [not planned]zufällig
casual [offhand, informal]salopp
casual acquaintance flüchtiger Bekannter {m}
casual acquaintanceflüchtige Bekanntschaft {f}
casual athlete Gelegenheitssportler {m}
casual athlete [female] Gelegenheitssportlerin {f}
casual attitude lässige Haltung {f}
casual behaviour [Br.] zwangloses Benehmen {n}
casual blouse Freizeitbluse {f}
casual boot Freizeitstiefel {m}
casual bra Freizeit-BH {m}
casual businesssich ergebendes Geschäft {n}
casual clothes {pl} Freizeitkleidung {f} [Warengattung]
casual clothes {pl}Freizeitbekleidung {f}
casual clothing zwanglose Bekleidung {f}
casual clothingFreizeitbekleidung {f}
casual conversationsalopper Umgangston {m}
casual customer Gelegenheitskunde {m}
casual customer gelegentlicher Kunde {m}
casual customerLaufkunde {m}
casual customers {pl} [collectively]Laufkundschaft {f}
casual discussion zwangloses Gespräch {n}
casual dress bequeme Kleidung {f}
casual dressFreizeitkleid {n}
casual duds [coll.] Freizeitklamotten {pl} [ugs.]
casual earnings Nebeneinkünfte {pl}
casual emoluments Nebenbezüge {pl}
casual emolumentsNebeneinnahmen {pl}
casual employeeAushilfskraft {f}
casual employee Gelegenheitsbeschäftigter {m}
« castcastcastcastcastcastcasucasucatbcatmcata »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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