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Catalina Island quail [Callipepla californica, syn.: Lophortyx californica, L. californicus] (Kalifornische) Schopfwachtel {f}
Catalina lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Gekrümmtes Liebesgras {n}
Catalina lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Schwachgekrümmtes Liebesgras {n}
Catalina lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis curvula, syn.: E. robusta, Poa curvula]Afrikanisches Liebesgras {n}
Catalina quail [Callipepla californica, syn.: Lophortyx californica, L. californicus] (Kalifornische) Schopfwachtel {f}
catallactics [treated as sg.]Katallaktik {f}
catallaxyKatallaxie {f}
catalog [Am.] Katalog {m}
catalog aria [Am.] Katalogarie {f} [z. B. Mozart]
catalog company [Am.]Versandhaus {n}
catalog distributor [Am.]Prospektverteiler {m}
catalog entry [Am.] Katalogeintrag {m}
catalog entry [Am.] Katalogisat {n} [Katalogeintrag]
catalog labeling [Am.] Katalogschild {n}
catalog maintenance [Am.]Katalogverwaltung {f}
catalog management [Am.] Katalogverwaltung {f}
catalog number [Am.] Katalognummer {f}
catalog of benefits [Am.] Leistungskatalog {m} [Gesundheitswirtschaft]
catalog of books [Am.] Bücherkatalog {m}
catalog of exhibits [Am.]Ausstellungskatalog {m}
catalog of films [Am.] Filmkatalog {m}
catalog of goods and services [Am.] Produkt- und Leistungskatalog {m}
catalog of hardships [Pauline Epistles] Peristasenkatalog {m}
catalog of inscriptions [Am.]Inschriftenkatalog {m}
catalog of measures [Am.] Maßnahmenkatalog {m}
catalog of publications [Am.] Veröffentlichungskatalog {m}
catalog order [Am.] Katalogbestellung {f}
catalog parts [Am.]Katalogteile {pl}
catalog price [Am.]Listenpreis {m}
catalog raisonné [Am.] Werkverzeichnis {n}
catalog selling [Am.]Verkauf {m} im Versandhandel
catalog selling [Am.] Verkauf {m} über Katalog
catalog server [Am.]Katalog-Server {m} [auch: Katalogserver]
catalog system [Am.]Katalogsystem {n}
catalog value <CV> [Am.] Katalogwert {m}
cataloged [Am.] katalogisiert
cataloging [Am.] katalogisierend
cataloging [Am.]Katalogisierung {f}
catalogna [Cichorium intybus, syn.: C. intybus var. foliosum] [preliminary binomial]Catalogna {f}
catalogs [Am.] Kataloge {pl}
catalogueProspekt {m} {n}
catalogue Katalog {m}
catalogueListe {f}
catalogueRegister {n}
catalogue Verzeichnis {n}
catalogue ariaKatalogarie {f} [z. B. Mozart]
Catalogue Aria Registerarie {f} [Mozart: Don Giovanni]
catalogue bearing Kataloglager {n} [Lager aus einem Katalog]
catalogue cabinet Katalogschrank {m}
catalogue cardKatalogzettel {m}
catalogue card Katalogkarte {f}
catalogue distributor Prospektverteiler {m}
catalogue drawer Katalogschubkasten {m}
catalogue entry Katalogeintrag {m}
catalogue in book formBandkatalog {m}
catalogue labellingKatalogschild {n}
catalogue number Katalognummer {f}
catalogue number [for ordering an item to purchase] Bestellnummer {f} [Katalognummer]
catalogue of booksBücherkatalog {m}
catalogue of books sold at the fairMessekatalog {m}
catalogue of complaints Beschwerdenkatalog {m}
catalogue of drugs Arzneimittelverzeichnis {n}
catalogue of exhibitions Ausstellungskatalog {m}
catalogue of films Filmkatalog {m}
catalogue of fundamental rights Grundrechtskatalog {m}
catalogue of goods Warenkatalog {m}
catalogue of goods for saleKatalog {m} verfügbarer Waren
catalogue of guidelinesRichtlinienkatalog {m}
catalogue of human rights Menschenrechtskatalog {m}
catalogue of inscriptions [Br.]Inschriftenkatalog {m}
catalogue of measuresMaßnahmenkatalog {m}
catalogue of names Namensverzeichnis {n}
catalogue of products Produktkatalog {m}
catalogue of questionsFragekatalog {m}
catalogue of questions Fragenkatalog {m}
catalogue of servicesDienstleistungskatalog {m}
catalogue of sinsSündenregister {n}
catalogue of the estateNachlassverzeichnis {n}
catalogue of vicesLasterkatalog {m}
catalogue of virtuesTugendkatalog {m}
catalogue of works Werkverzeichnis {n}
catalogue of works Werkeverzeichnis {n} [seltener]
catalogue orderKatalogbestellung {f}
catalogue price Listenpreis {m}
catalogue prices Katalogpreise {pl}
catalogue raisonnéWerkverzeichnis {n}
catalogue sale Verkauf {m} nach Katalog
catalogue valueKatalogwert {m}
catalogue volumeKatalogband {m}
catalogue warehouse Kataloglager {n} [Lager für Kataloge]
[catalogue of J.S. Bach's works]Bach-Compendium {n} <BC>
catalogued katalogisiert
catalogued cultural sites [Br.] katalogisierte Kulturstätten {pl}
cataloguerTitelaufnehmer {m}
catalogues Kataloge {pl}
cataloguing [Br.] katalogisierend
cataloguing [Br.]Katalogisierung {f}
cataloguing [Br.] Katalogisieren {n}
cataloguing of forthcoming titles Aufnahme {f} von Neuerscheinungen
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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