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cataract surgery [operation] Graue-Star-Operation {f}
cataract surgery [operation] Operation {f} am grauen Star
cataractogenic kataraktogen
cataractsWasserfälle {pl}
cataracts Katarakte {pl}
catarrhKatarr {m} [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2011] [Katarrh]
catarrh Katarrh {m}
catarrh Schnupfen {m}
catarrhal katarrhalisch
catarrhal katarralisch [alt] [katarrhalisch]
catarrhal inflammation katarrhalische Entzündung {f}
catarrhal stagekatarrhalisches Stadium {n}
catarrhine monkey Schmalnasenaffe {m}
catarrhine monkeyAltweltaffe {m}
catarrhous [archaic] [catarrhal]katarrhalisch
catastasis Katastase {f}
catastrophe Desaster {n}
catastropheKatastrophe {f}
catastrophe Unglück {n}
catastrophe Umwälzung {f}
catastrophe Verhängnis {n}
catastrophe Vernichtung {f}
catastropheZusammenbruch {m}
catastrophe bond <CAT bond, cat bond>Katastrophenanleihe {f}
catastrophe bonds Katastrophenanleihen {pl}
catastrophe modelKatastrophenmodell {n}
catastrophe reinsuranceKatastrophenrückversicherung {f}
catastrophe reserve außerordentliche Reserve {f}
catastrophe reserveKatastrophenreserve {f}
catastrophe reserve Rücklage {f} für Katastrophen
catastrophe risk Katastrophenrisiko {n}
catastrophe theoryKatastrophentheorie {f}
catastrophes Katastrophen {pl}
catastrophic katastrophenartig
catastrophic vernichtend [katastrophal]
catastrophic verheerend
catastrophic change katastrophale Wendung {f}
catastrophic drought Dürrekatastrophe {f}
catastrophic earthquake Erdbebenkatastrophe {f}
catastrophic eventkatastrophales Ereignis {n}
catastrophic failurekatastrophales Versagen {n}
catastrophic failure Totalausfall {m} [einer Maschine]
catastrophic flood Überschwemmungskatastrophe {f}
catastrophic geologyKatastrophengeologie {f}
catastrophic loss Katastrophenschaden {m}
catastrophic mess Lotterwirtschaft {f}
catastrophic mining accidentGrubenkatastrophe {f}
catastrophic muddle Lotterwirtschaft {f}
catastrophic reaction Katastrophenreaktion {f}
catastrophically katastrophal
catastrophising [Br.] Schwarzmalerei {f} [ugs.]
catastrophismKatastrophismus {m}
catastrophist Katastrophist {m}
catastrophist katastrophistisch
catastrophist [female] Katastrophistin {f}
catastrophizing Schwarzmalerei {f} [ugs.]
catastrophy [obs.] [catastrophe] Katastrophe {f}
catathymia Katathymie {f}
catathymic katathym
catathymic image perception katathymes Bilderleben {n}
catatoniaKatatonie {f}
catatonic Katatoniker {m}
catatonic [female] Katatonikerin {f}
catatonic schizophrenia katatone Schizophrenie {f}
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum {m}
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Beamten-Baum {m} [Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum]
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Amerikanischer Trompetenbaum {m}
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Gemeiner Trompetenbaum {m}
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Bohnenbaum {m}
catawba [Catalpa bignonioides] Zigarrenbaum {m}
Catawba rhododendron [Rhododendron catawbiense] Catawba-Rhododendron {m}
Catawba rosebay / rose-bay / rose bay [Rhododendron catawbiense]Catawba-Rhododendron {m}
catawba-tree [Catalpa speciosa]Prächtiger Trompetenbaum {m}
catbird Spottdrossel {f}
catbird [Dumetella carolinensis, syn.: Galeoscoptes carolinensis]Katzenvogel {m}
catbird laughingthrush [Garrulax palliatus] Schieferhäherling {m} [auch: Schiefer-Häherling]
catbird seat [Am.] [coll.] günstige Position {f}
catboat Catboot {n}
catbrier [Smilax rotundifolia]Rundblättrige Stechwinde {f}
catcall Auspfeifen {n}
catcallPfiff {m}
cat-callschrille Pfeife {f}
catcall Buhruf {m}
catcall [harassing a girl or woman] Hinterherpfeifen {n}
catcall [sexual harassment] Belästigung {f} [Hinterherpfeifen, anzüglicher Spruch]
catcalling [pursuing esp. women with sexually aggressive whistling]Hinterherpfeifen {n} [Pfeifen als öffentliche sexuelle Anmache]
catcalling [verbal sexual harassment of strangers in public] Catcalling {n}
catcalling [whistling, shouting, etc. esp. to express disapproval in sports]Auspfeifen {n} [als Missfallenskundgebung]
catcalls {pl}Pfeifkonzert {n}
catchFang {m} [Beute]
catch Schnappverschluss {m}
catchguter Fang {m}
catch Riegel {m}
catchArretierung {f}
« catbcatmcatacatacatacatacatccatccatecatecatg »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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