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catchRaste {f}
catchMitnehmer {m}
catch Verrastung {f} [Arretierung]
catch Rastung {f}
catch {sg only} [unevenness in a person's voice] Stocken {n} [in der Stimme]
catch [children's game] [throwing and catching an object, e.g. a ball]Werfen und Fangen {n} [Kinderspiel]
catch [e.g. door catch] Falle {f}
catch [fig.]Haken {m} [fig.]
catch [round][engl. Kanon]
Catch and Release [Kevin Smith]Lieben und lassen
catch and release <C&R>Fangen und Freilassen
catch areaFanggebiet {n}
catch basin Auffangwanne {f}
catch basinAuffangbecken {n}
catch basin [storm drain] Straßenablauf {m}
catch boltRastbolzen {m}
catch crop Zwischenfrucht {f}
catch croppingZwischenfruchtbau {m}
catch diodeFreilaufdiode {f}
catch diodeSchutzdiode {f}
catch fence Fangzaun {m}
catch figuresFangzahlen {pl}
catch leverFanghebel {m}
Catch Me If You Can [Steven Spielberg] Catch Me If You Can
Catch me!Fang mich!
Catch me!Hasch mich!
catch mechanism Verrastung {f} [Mechanismus]
Catch my drift? [Am.] [coll.] Ist klar, was ich meine? [ugs.]
catch of fish Fang {m} [Fischbeute]
catch of the day Tagesfang {m}
catch phrase Schlagwort {n}
catch phrase Slogan {m}
catch phrase Werbespruch {m}
catch points {pl}Auffangweiche {f}
catch points {pl} [trailing points] stumpf befahrene Weiche {f}
catch position Raststellung {f}
catch question Fangfrage {f}
catch quota Fangquote {f}
catch range Fangbereich {m}
catch rateFangrate {f}
catch rate Fangquote {f}
catch spring Rastfeder {f}
catch spring Einschnappfeder {f}
catch spring Schnappfeder {f}
catch tank Auffangbehälter {m}
Catch That Kid [Bart Freundlich]Mission: Possible – Diese Kids sind nicht zu fassen!
Catch the trade winds in your sails. [attributed to Mark Twain] Erfasse die Passatwinde mit deinen Segeln.
catch tray [Am.] [photo copier] Auffangfach {n} [Fotokopierer]
Catch ya later! [coll.] Bis dann!
catch-22ausweglose Situation {f}
catch-22Dilemma {n}
catch-22 ausweglose Falle {f}
catch-22 Sackgasse {f} [fig.]
catch-22Teufelskreis {m}
Catch-22 [Joseph Heller] Catch-22
Catch-22 [Mike Nichols] Catch-22 – Der böse Trick
catch-22 situationZwickmühle {f} [fig.]
catchable greifbar
catch-all das Allumfassende {n}
catch-all bag[geräumige Tasche]
catch-all elementAuffangtatbestand {m}
catch-all party Volkspartei {f}
catch-all party Allerweltspartei {f}
catchall phrase(unbestimmter / vager) Sammelbegriff {m}
catch-all phrase(unbestimmter / vager) Sammelbegriff {m}
catch-all term(unbestimmter / vager) Sammelbegriff {m}
catchall term (unbestimmter / vager) Sammelbegriff {m}
catch-cry [Aus.] Slogan {m}
catcher Fänger {m}
catcher Fangboot {n}
catcherCatcher {n} [Fangkatheter]
catcherCatcher {m} [amerikanisches Baseball]
catcher [female]Fängerin {f}
catcher [piano mechanics]Gegenfänger {m} [Klaviermechanik]
catcher's glove [baseball] Fanghandschuh {m}
catcher's mitt [baseball] [Am.] [coll.] Fanghandschuh {m}
catch-fart [vulg.] [archaic] Laufbursche {m}
catchfly [genus Lychnis] Pechnelke {f}
catchier schwieriger
catchiest schwierigste
catchiness Verfänglichkeit {f}
catching fangend
catchingFang {m} [das Fangen]
catching [infectious]ansteckend
Catching Fire [Suzanne Collins] [2nd novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy] Die Tribute von Panem – Gefährliche Liebe [Band 2 der Trilogie]
catching loopFangschlinge {f}
catching of eels Aalfang {m} [Aktivität]
catching the attention of the media [postpos.] medienwirksam
catching-up process Aufholprozess {m}
catch-lineSchlagzeile {f}
catchline Schlagzeile {f}
catchment Staumenge {f} [Wasser]
catchment Reservoir {n}
catchment areaEinzugsgebiet {n}
catchment area Wassereinzugsgebiet {n}
catchment area Einzugsbereich {m}
catchment areaUmland {n}
catchment area [of river] Stromgebiet {n}
« catmcatacatacatacatacatccatccatecatecatgCath »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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