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English-German Dictionary

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caterpillar body Raupenkörper {m}
caterpillar damage Raupenfraß {m}
caterpillar development Raupenentwicklung {f}
caterpillar driveRaupenantrieb {m}
caterpillar fungus [Cordyceps sinensis]Raupenpilz {m}
caterpillar growthRaupenwachstum {n}
caterpillar haul-off [plastics extrusion] Raupenabzug {m} [Kunststoffextrusion]
caterpillar hunter [Calosoma inquisitor]Brauner Puppenräuber {m}
caterpillar hunter [Calosoma inquisitor]Kletterlaufkäfer {m}
caterpillar hunter [Calosoma inquisitor] Kleiner Puppenräuber {m}
caterpillar hunters [genus Calosoma] [genus of large ground beetles] Puppenräuber {pl} [Laufkäfergattung]
caterpillar invasionRaupeninvasion {f}
caterpillar of a / the swallowtailSchwalbenschwanzraupe {f} [auch: Schwalbenschwanz-Raupe]
caterpillar of puss moth [Cerura vinula]Gabelschwanzraupe {f}
caterpillar of the (European) grapevine moth [Lobesia botrana, syn.: Olindia rosmarinana](Gelbköpfiger) Heuwurm {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
caterpillar species Raupenart {f}
caterpillar stageRaupenstadium {n}
caterpillar tread [e.g. on a bulldozer]Gleiskette {f}
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides] Bohnenbaum {m}
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides] Amerikanischer Trompetenbaum {m}
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides] Gemeiner Trompetenbaum {m}
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides]Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum {m}
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides] Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum {m}dingsda
caterpillar tree [Catalpa bignonioides] Zigarrenbaum {m}
caterpillar weight Raupengewicht {n}
caterpillared mit Raupen versehen
caterpillarsRaupen {pl}
caterwaulMaunzen {n} [bes. einer läufigen Katze]
caterwauler Heulboje {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Sänger]
caterwauling Katzenmusik {f} [pej.] [Katzenkonzert] [auch fig.]
caterwauling Gejohle {n} [von Betrunkenen]
caterwauling Gegröle {n}
caterwaulingKatzengeschrei {n}
Catesby's lily [Lilium catesbaei]Leoparden-Lilie / Leopardenlilie {f}
Catesby's lily [Lilium catesbaei]Kiefern-Lilie / Kiefernlilie {f}
Catesby's lily [Lilium catesbaei]Catesbys Lilie {f} [Kiefern-Lilie]
catey [Aratinga euops]Kubasittich {m}
cat-eyed snakes [genus Boiga] Nachtbaumnattern {pl}
cat-eyed water snake [Gerarda prevostiana] Katzenaugen-Wassertrugnatter {f}
catface rockcod [Epinephelus andersoni] Andersons Zackenbarsch {m}
catfight Katzenkampf {m}
catfightCatfight {m} [Frauenringkampf]
catfight [coll.]lautstarker Disput {m}
catfight [coll.] [between women] Zickenkampf {m} [ugs.] [selten] [Zickenkrieg]
catfight [coll.] [between women]Zickenkrieg {m} [ugs.]
catfight [coll.] [physical, between women] Schlägerei {f} unter Frauen
catfight [usually amongst women] [fig.] Gezänk {n} [auch: Gezanke] [bes. von Frauen]
catfishKatfisch {m}
catfish Seewolf {m}
catfish {pl} [family Amphiliidae] [in general]Quappenwelse {pl}
catfish [Ameiurus nebulosus, syn.: A. vulgaris, Ictalurus nebulosus] Katzenfisch {m}
catfish [Siluriformes] Welsartige {pl}
catfish [sl.] Catfish {m} [falsche Identität im Internet]
catfishes / catfish {pl} Welse {pl}
catfishingCatfishing {n}
catflap Katzentür {f}
catflap Katzenklappe {f}
Catfoot [Disney] Schnauz
catgutDarmsaite {f}
catgutCatgut {n}
catgut Katgut {n}
catgut Katzendarm {m} [Naht, Saite]
catgut string Darmsaite {f}
catgut suture Catgut-Naht {f} [Catgutnaht]
catgut thread [catgut suture] Katgut-Faden {m}
cath lab [coll.] Katheterlabor {n}
Cathar Katharer {m}
Cathar katharisch
Cathar yellow cross Ketzerkreuz {n}
Cathari {pl} Katharer {pl}
Catharist Catharist {m}
CatharsKatharer {pl}
catharses Entspannungen {pl}
catharsisEntspannung {f}
catharsis Katharsis {f}
catharsis Läuterung {f}
catharsis Darmabführung {f}
catharsis Entschlackung {f} [des Darms]
catharsis Affektabfuhr {f}
cathartic erlösend
catharticReinigungsmittel {n}
catharticAbführmittel {n}
cathartic method kathartische Methode {f} [Breuer, Freud]
catharticsReinigungsmittel {pl}
cat-hater Katzenhasser {m}
Cathay [obs.]Cathay {n} [veraltet] [China, bes. Nordchina]
Cathay quince [Chaenomeles cathayensis] Chinesische Scheinquitte {f}
Cathay quince [Chaenomeles cathayensis] Cathaya-Scheinquitte {f}
Cathaysia floraCathaysia-Flora {f}
cathead Kattdavit {m}
cathead Kattbalken {m}
cathead Penterbalken {m}
cathead Kranbalken {m}
cathead Kattenkopf {m}
cathedra kirchlicher Stuhl {m}
cathedra Kathedra {f}
« catacatacatccatccatecatecathcathcathcatkcat' »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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