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causative agent Verursacher {m}
causative factor Kausalfaktor {m}
causative factorVerursachungsfaktor {m}
causative principle Verursacherprinzip {n}
causative verb kausatives Verb {n}
cause Anlass {m}
cause Grund {m}
cause Ursache {f}
causeVerursachen {n}
cause Gegenstand {m}
causeRechtssache {f}
cause Verursachung {f}
causeErreger {m}
cause Fall {m}
'cause [coll.] [because]denn
'cause [coll.] [because] nämlich
cause [concern] Anliegen {n}
cause [matter, purpose, ideal] [also law: action] Sache {f} [Frage, Anliegen] [auch jur.]
cause [matter]Angelegenheit {f}
cause [motive, reason]Beweggrund {m}
cause [purpose, concern] Sache {f} [Anliegen, Ziel]
cause [reason, rationale] Vernunftgrund {m}
cause [reason] Veranlassung {f}
cause and consequence [less frequent] Ursache und Wirkung
cause and effect Ursache und Wirkung
cause and effect diagramUrsache-Wirkungs-Diagramm {n}
cause célèbre Cause célèbre {f}
cause for a complaintAnlass {m} zur Beschwerde
cause for a conflict Anlass {m} zu einem Streit
cause for alarm Anlass {m} zur Aufregung
cause for alarmGegenstand {m} der Besorgnis
cause for alarm Grund {m} zur Sorge
cause for alarm Anlass {m} zur Beunruhigung
cause for alarm Grund {m} zur Beunruhigung
cause for celebrationGrund {m} zur Freude
cause for complaintAnlass {m} zur Klage
cause for complaint Beschwerdeursache {f}
cause for complaintGegenstand {m} der Beschwerde
cause for complaint Grund {m} zur Beschwerde
cause for concern Anlass {m} zur Sorge
cause for concern Anlass {m} zur Besorgnis
cause for concern Grund {m} zur Besorgnis
cause for conflict Konfliktstoff {m}
cause for distrust Anlass {m} zum Misstrauen
cause for laughterGegenstand {m} des Gelächters
cause for problems Problemverursacher {m}
cause for rejoicingAnlass {m} zur Freude
cause for suspicion Verdachtsgrund {m}
cause for thoughtDenkanstoß {m}
cause for thought Denkanregung {f} [Denkanstoß]
cause list Terminkalender {m}
cause of a diseaseKrankheitsursache {f} [Ursache einer Krankheit]
cause of a dispute Anlass {m} zum Streit
cause of a fireBrandursache {f} [Ursache eines Brandes]
cause of a loss Ursache {f} eines Schadens
cause of abortion Abortursache {f}
cause of actionKlagegrund {m}
cause of actionKlageanspruch {m}
cause of actionSachverhalt {m} einer Klage
cause of action Klagerecht {n}
cause of all thingsVerursacher {m} aller Ereignisse
cause of an accidentUnfallursache {f} [Ursache eines Unfalls]
cause of an illness Krankheitsursache {f} [Ursache einer Erkrankung]
cause of anxiety Anlass {m} zur Sorge
cause of cancellationGrund {m} der Kündigung
cause of cancellation Annullierungsgrund {m}
cause of chronificationChronifizierungsursache {f}
cause of conflagrationBrandursache {f}
cause of damage Schadensursache {f}
cause of deathTodesursache {f}
Cause of Death [Patricia Cornwell]Trübe Wasser sind kalt
cause of defect Fehlerursache {f}
cause of diseaseKrankheitsursache {f}
cause of dismissalEntlassungsgrund {m}
cause of divorce Ehescheidungsursache {f}
cause of divorce Scheidungsursache {f} [Scheidungsgrund]
cause of errorFehlerursache {f}
cause of explosionExplosionsursache {f}
cause of failure Fehlerursache {f}
cause of litigationProzessstoff {m}
cause of loss Schadensursache {f}
cause of loss Schadenshergang {m}
cause of morbidity Morbiditätsursache {f}
cause of mortality Mortalitätsursache {f}
cause of national importanceAngelegenheit {f} von nationaler Bedeutung
cause of pain Schmerzursache {f}
cause of povertyArmutsursache {f}
cause of quarrel Anlass {m} zum Streit
cause of scandal Anlass {m} zum Skandal
cause of the / a malfunction Störungsursache {f}
cause of the accidentUnfallursache {f} [Ursache des Unfalls]
cause of the accidentUnglücksursache {f}
cause of the crashAbsturzursache {f}
cause of the disease Krankheitsursache {f} [Ursache der Krankheit]
cause of the fireBrandursache {f} [Ursache des Brandes]
cause of the illness Krankheitsursache {f} [Ursache der Erkrankung]
cause of the problem Problemursache {f} [Ursache des Problems]
cause of (the) bleedingBlutungsursache {f} [Ursache der Blutung]
cause of (the) injury Verletzungsursache {f}
« cattcatwCauccaudcaulcauscauscauscautCavacave »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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