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English-German Dictionary

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celeb chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.] Promi-Tussis {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Frauen]
celeb chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.] Promitussis {pl} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
celeb perks [coll.] Promiboni {pl} [ugs.]
celeberrimous [obs.] frenetisch gefeiert [person]
celeberrimous [obs.] hochberühmt
Celebes babbler [Malia grata] Mooswaldtimalie {f}
Celebes babbler [Malia grata] Ballmanweber {m}
Celebes barn owl [Tyto rosenbergii] Sulawesieule {f}
Celebes barn owl [Tyto rosenbergii] Celebes-Schleiereule {f}
Celebes (bearded) bee-eater [Meropogon forsteni] Celebesspint {m}
Celebes blue-eared kingfisher [Cittura cyanotis] Blauohrliest {m} [auch: Blauohr-Liest]
Celebes blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula bonthaina]Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m} [auch: Bonthain-Grundschnäpper]
Celebes crested macaque [Macaca nigra, syn.: Cynopithecus nigra, Macaca lembicus, M. malayanus]Schopfaffe {m}
Celebes crested macaque [Macaca nigra, syn.: Cynopithecus nigra, Macaca lembicus, M. malayanus] Schopfmakak {m}
Celebes crested myna [Basilornis celebensis] Königsatzel / Königs-Atzel {f}
Celebes dwarf squirrel [Prosciurillus murinus, syn.: Sciurus evidens, S. murinus] Gemeines Sulawesi-Zwerghörnchen {n}
Celebes dwarf-kingfisher / dwarf kingfisher [Ceyx fallax] Rostfischer {m}
Celebes flat-billed kingfisher [Cittura cyanotis]Blauohrliest {m} [auch: Blauohr-Liest]
Celebes flowerpecker [Dicaeum aureolimbatum]Minahassamistelfresser {m} [auch: Minahassa-Mistelfresser]
Celebes flowerpecker [Dicaeum aureolimbatum] Gelbflanken-Mistelfresser {m}
Celebes flowerpecker [Dicaeum nehrkorni]Nehrkornmistelfresser {m} [auch: Nehrkorn-Mistelfresser]
Celebes flycatcher [Cyornis hoevelli, syn.: Niltava hoevelli]Celebesblauschnäpper {m}
Celebes flycatcher [Ficedula rufigula] Celebesgrundschnäpper {m} [auch: Celebes-Grundschnäpper]
Celebes (forest) kingfisher [Ceyx fallax] Rostfischer {m}
Celebes green kingfisher [Actenoides monachus, syn.: A. monacha, Halcyon monacha] Einsiedlerliest {m} [auch: Einsiedler-Liest]
Celebes ground-thrush [Geomalia heinrichi]Celebesdrossel {f}
Celebes hanging parrot [Loriculus stigmatus, syn.: Loriculus quadricolor]Rotplättchen {n}
Celebes hawk eagle [Nisaetus lanceolatus, syn.: Spizaetus lanceolatus] Celebesadler {m}
Celebes hawk-eagle [Spizaetus lanceolatus] Celebesadler {m}
Celebes hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Nisaetus lanceolatus, syn.: Spizaetus lanceolatus]Celebeshaubenadler {m}
Celebes hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus, syn.: Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus]Sulawesi-Hornvogel {m}
Celebes hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus] Helmhornvogel {m}
Celebes hornbill [Penelopides exarhatus] Celebeshornvogel {m}
Celebes jungle flycatcher / jungle-flycatcher [Rhinomyias colonus, syn.: Cyornis colonus] Suladschungelschnäpper {m}
Celebes king starling / king-starling [Basilornis celebensis]Königsatzel / Königs-Atzel {f}
Celebes longfin eel [Anguilla celebesensis, syn.: Anguilla ancestralis] Celebes-Aal {m}
Celebes lowland kingfisher [Actenoides monachus, syn.: A. monacha, Halcyon monacha]Einsiedlerliest {m} [auch: Einsiedler-Liest]
Celebes magpie [Streptocitta albicollis]Weißhalsatzel / Weißhals-Atzel {f}
Celebes maleo [Macrocephalon maleo] Hammerhuhn {n}
Celebes maleo [Macrocephalon maleo]Maleo {m}
Celebes malia [Malia grata]Mooswaldtimalie {f}
Celebes malia [Malia grata]Ballmanweber {m}
Celebes mountain ground-thrush [Geomalia heinrichi]Celebesdrossel {f}
Celebes mountain thrush [Geomalia heinrichi] Celebesdrossel {f}
Celebes (mountain) kingfisher [Actenoides princeps, syn.: Halcyon princeps, Monachalcyon princeps] Königsliest {m} [auch: Königs-Liest]
Celebes myna [Basilornis celebensis]Königsatzel {f} [auch: Königs-Atzel]
Celebes myna [Streptocitta albicollis]Weißhalsatzel / Weißhals-Atzel {f}
Celebes palm civet [Macrogalidia musschenbroekii] Sulawesi-Roller {m}
Celebes palm civet [Macrogalidia musschenbroekii] Celebes-Roller {m}
Celebes pygmy woodpecker [Dendrocopos temminckii, syn.: Picoides temminckii, Yungipicus temminckii] Temminckspecht {m} [auch: Temminck-Specht]
Celebes pygmy-kingfisher / pygmy kingfisher [Ceyx fallax]Rostfischer {m}
Celebes rail [Aramidopsis plateni] Schnarchralle {f}
Celebes rainbow [Marosatherina ladigesi, syn.: Telmatherina ladigesi] Celebes-Ährenfisch {m}
Celebes rainbow [Marosatherina ladigesi, syn.: Telmatherina ladigesi] Celebes-Sonnenstrahlfisch {m}
Celebes red-throated flycatcher [Ficedula rufigula]Celebesgrundschnäpper {m} [auch: Celebes-Grundschnäpper]
Celebes roller [Coracias temminckii] Celebesracke {f}
Celebes Sea Celebessee {f}
Celebes SeaSulawesisee {f}
Celebes shortwing [Heinrichia calligyna, syn.: Brachypteryx calligyna]Celebeskurzflügel {m}
Celebes starling [Basilornis celebensis]Königsatzel {f} [auch: Königs-Atzel]
Celebes starling [Scissirostrum dubium] Schmalschnabelstar {m}
Celebes starling [Scissirostrum dubium] Finkenschnabelstar {m}
Celebes stork-billed kingfisher [Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, syn.: Halcyon melanorhyncha] Schwarzschnabelliest {m}
Celebes stork-billed kingfisher [Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, syn.: Halcyon melanorhyncha]Schwarzschnabelgurial {m}
Celebes sweetlips {pl} [treated as sg.] [Plectorhinchus celebicus] Celebes-Süßlippe {f}
Celebes thrush [Geomalia heinrichi] Celebesdrossel {f}
Celebes thrush [Zoothera erythronota, syn.: Geokichla erythronota]Rotrückendrossel {f}
Celebes toad [Ingerophrynus celebensis, syn.: Bufo celebensis]Sulawesi-Kröte {f}
Celebes warty pig [Sus celebensis] Celebesschwein {n}
Celebes warty pig [Sus celebensis]Sulawesi-Pustelschwein {n}
Celebes white-eye [Zosterops anomalus] Makassarbrillenvogel {m}
Celebes white-eye [Zosterops anomalus] Sulawesibrillenvogel {m}
Celebes woodcock [Scolopax celebensis] Celebesschnepfe {f}
Celebes woodpecker [Mulleripicus fulvus] Celebesspecht {m}
celebrable [obs.] [praiseworthy, laudable]lobenswert
celebrant Zelebrant {m}
celebrated gefeiert
Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee [translated from the Chinese by Robert van Gulik] Merkwürdige Kriminalfälle des Richters Di
celebrated men berühmte Leute {pl}
celebrated musicianberühmter Musiker {m}
celebrated public characterberühmte Persönlichkeit {f}
celebrated scientist berühmter Forscher {m}
celebrated scientist berühmter Wissenschaftler {m}
celebrating feiernd
celebrating zelebrierend
celebratingFeiern {n}
celebrating of Walpurgis nightFeier {f} der Walpurgisnacht
celebrationFeier {f}
celebrationFestivität {f} [schweiz.; sonst nur noch ugs. und hum.: Festlichkeit]
celebration [act of celebrating something] Begehung {f} [geh.] [das Feiern] [eines Jubiläums etc.]
celebration [commemoration] Jubelfeier {f}
celebration [event] Fest {n} [Veranstaltung]
celebration [mass, ritual] Zelebration {f}
celebration [solemn ceremony] Feierstunde {f} [festliche Veranstaltung]
celebration in advance Feier {f} im Voraus
celebration of a goalTorjubel {m}
celebration of ChristmasFeier {f} des Weihnachtsfestes
« caviCCEEcebicediceilcelecelecelecelicellcell »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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