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celery root [Apium graveolens var. rapaceum]Knollensellerie {m} [österr. auch {f}]
celery root [coll.] [Apium graveolens var. rapaceum] [celeriac]Wurzelsellerie {m} [Knollensellerie]
celery root salad Selleriesalat {m}
celery saladZellersalat {m} [österr.]
celery salad Selleriesalat {m}
celery salt Selleriesalz {n}
celery seed Selleriesamen {pl} [Gewürz]
celery seed [Rumex obtusifolius, syn.: Rumex obtusifolius subsp. obtusifolius] [broad-leaved dock] Stumpfblättriger Ampfer {m}
celery seeds Selleriesamen {pl}
celery soupSelleriesuppe {f}
celery stalk Selleriestange {f}
celery stick Selleriestick {m}
celeryleaf / celery-leaf buttercup [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata] Gift-Hahnenfuß / Gifthahnenfuß {m}
celeryleaf / celery-leaf buttercup [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata] Gefährlicher Hahnenfuß {m} [Gift-Hahnenfuß]
celeryleaf / celery-leaf crowfoot [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata] Gift-Hahnenfuß / Gifthahnenfuß {m}
celeryleaf / celery-leaf crowfoot [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata]Gefährlicher Hahnenfuß {m} [Gift-Hahnenfuß]
celery-leaved buttercup [Ranunculus sceleratus] Gift-Hahnenfuß {m}
celery-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata] Gift-Hahnenfuß / Gifthahnenfuß {m}
celery-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus sceleratus, syn.: Hecatonia scelerata] Gefährlicher Hahnenfuß {m} [Gift-Hahnenfuß]
celestaCelesta {f}
celeste Celesta {f}
celeste pedalModerator-Pedal {n} [Klavier]
celeste tuningCeleste-Register {n} [Orgel]
celestial Himmelsbewohner {m}
celestial [heavenly]überirdisch [himmlisch]
celestial alignment Sternenkonstellation {f}
celestial beinghimmlisches Wesen {n}
celestial blisshimmlischer Segen {m}
celestial blue monarch [Hypothymis coelestis] Himmelsschnäpper {m}
celestial bodies Himmelskörper {pl}
celestial bodies Planeten {pl}
celestial body Himmelskörper {m}
celestial bodyGestirn {n}
celestial burialHimmelsbestattung {f}
celestial chart Sternkarte {f}
celestial coordinate systemHimmelskoordinatensystem {n}
celestial dragon Himmelsdrache {m}
Celestial Empirealtes China {n}
Celestial Empire Himmlisches Reich {n} [China]
celestial equatorHimmelsäquator {m}
celestial event Himmelsereignis {n}
celestial events Himmelsereignisse {pl}
celestial globe Sternenglobus {m}
celestial globeHimmelsglobus {m}
celestial hierarchyhimmlische Hierarchie {f}
celestial map Sternenkarte {f}
celestial mapHimmelskarte {f}
Celestial Master [Chinese Tianshi/T'ien Shih] Himmelsmeister {m}
celestial mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.] Himmelsmechanik {f}
celestial meridian Himmelsmeridian {m}
celestial navigation Navigation {f} nach den Gestirnen
Celestial Navigation [Anne Tyler]Segeln mit den Sternen
celestial nose [turned-up nose] Himmelfahrtsnase {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
celestial object Himmelsobjekt {n}
celestial object astronomisches Objekt {n}
celestial orbit Himmelsbahn {f}
celestial parrotlet [Forpus coelestis] Blaugenick-Sperlingspapagei {m}
celestial parrotlet [Forpus coelestis]Blaunacken-Sperlingspapagei {m}
celestial parrotlet [Forpus coelestis]Graurücken-Sperlingspapagei {m}
celestial parrotlet [Forpus coelestis] Himmelspapagei {m}
celestial path Himmelsbahn {f}
celestial peace himmlische Ruhe {f}
celestial peacehimmlischer Friede {m}
celestial pearl danio [Danio margaritatus] Perlhuhnbärbling {m}
celestial phenomena himmlische Erscheinungen {pl}
celestial phenomena himmlische Phänomene {pl}
celestial phenomenaHimmelserscheinungen {pl}
celestial phenomenaHimmelsphänomene {pl}
celestial phenomenon Himmelserscheinung {f}
celestial phenomenon Himmelsphänomen {n}
celestial physics [treated as sg.] [esp. Johannes Kepler]Himmelsphysik {f} [bes. Johannes Kepler]
celestial pole Himmelspol {m}
celestial reference frameraumfester Bezugsrahmen {m}
celestial sphereHimmelssphäre {f}
celestial sphere Himmelskugel {f}
celestial teapot Russells Teekanne {f}
celestial vaultHimmelsgewölbe {n}
celestially himmlisch
celestially überirdisch
celestical [obs.] [celestial]zölestisch [veraltet] [himmlisch]
celestina [barrel organ]Celestina-Drehorgel {f}
celestine [SrSO4] Cölestin / Coelestin {m}
Celestines [religious order]Zölestiner {pl}
Celestines [religious order] <OSBCoel> Cölestiner {pl} <OSBCoel>
celestite [SrSO4] [celestine]Zölestin {m} [veraltet] [Coelestin]
CeleusKeleos {m}
celiac [Am.] [a person with celiac disease] Zöliakier {m} [auch: Zöliaker]
celiac arteriography [Am.]Zöliakographie {f}
celiac arteriography [Am.] Zöliakografie {f}
celiac disease [Am.] Sprue {f} [Unverträglichkeit von Gluten]
celiac disease [Am.] Zöliakie {f}
celiac disease [Am.] Coeliakie {f} [Rsv.]
celiac ganglion <CG> [Ganglion coeliacum] Bauchhöhlenganglion {n} [selten] [Ganglion coeliacum {n}]
celiac plexus [Am.] [solar plexus] Sonnengeflecht {n}
celiac plexus [solar plexus] [Am.]Solarplexus {m}
celiac sprue [Am.] Zöliakie {f}
celiacography [Am.]Zöliakographie {f}
celiacography [Am.] Zöliakografie {f}
celiacography [Am.]Coeliakografie {f}
« cebicediceilcelecelecelecelicellcellcellcell »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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