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English-German Dictionary

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celiac disease [Am.]Sprue {f} [Unverträglichkeit von Gluten]
celiac disease [Am.] Zöliakie {f}
celiac disease [Am.]Coeliakie {f} [Rsv.]
celiac ganglion <CG> [Ganglion coeliacum] Bauchhöhlenganglion {n} [selten] [Ganglion coeliacum {n}]
celiac plexus [Am.] [solar plexus]Sonnengeflecht {n}
celiac plexus [solar plexus] [Am.]Solarplexus {m}
celiac sprue [Am.] Zöliakie {f}
celiacography [Am.] Zöliakographie {f}
celiacography [Am.] Zöliakografie {f}
celiacography [Am.]Coeliakografie {f}
celiacography [Am.] Coeliakographie {f}
celibaciesEhelosigkeiten {pl}
celibacies Zölibate {pl}
celibacy Ehelosigkeit {f}
celibacyZölibat {m} {n}
celibacy of female teachers Lehrerinnenzölibat {n}
celibacy of the clergyEhelosigkeit {f} der Priester
celibate unverheiratet
celibate Unverheirateter {m}
celibate Junggeselle {m}
celibate abstinent [sexuell]
celibatesexuell enthaltsam
celibateZölibatär {m}
celibate zölibatär
celibate keusch
celibate [female]Junggesellin {f}
celibate [female]Unverheiratete {f}
celibate [female]Zölibatärin {f}
celiocentesis Zöliozentese {f}
celioparacentesisZöliozentese {f}
celioscopy [Am.]Zölioskopie {f}
celiprololCeliprolol {n}
Celje Cilli {n} [auch Zilli]
cellSpeicherzelle {f}
cellhoppsa Speicherzelle {f}
cell Zelle {f}
cell Element {n}
cellFassung {f} [Optik]
cellGewölbekappe {f}
cellTonnengewölbekappe {f}
cellRippenbogensegment {n}
cell [Am.] [coll.] [cell phone]Gurke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [selten] [Handy]
cell [Am.] [coll.] [cellphone] Handy {n}
cell [attr.] Zell-
cell [attr.] [Am.] [coll.] [e.g. number, reception]Handy- [z. B. Nummer, Empfang]
cell [attr.] [e.g. number, search, window, door] Zellen- [z. B. Nummer, Durchsuchung, Fenster, Tür]
cell [dungeon]Verlies {n}
cell [figure, motif](motivische) Zelle {f}
cell [hermitage] Klause {f} [Zelle]
cell [rib vault]Rippengewölbekappe {f}
cell [small room] Kammer {f}
Cell [Stephen King] Puls
cell activityZellaktivität {f}
cell adhesion Zelladhäsion {f}
cell adhesion molecule <CAM> Zelladhäsionsmolekül {n} <CAM>
cell adhesion molecules <CAMs> Zelladhäsionsmoleküle {pl} <ZAM>
cell adhesion protein Zelladhäsionsprotein {n}
cell age Zellalter {n}
cell ageing [esp. Br.] Zellalterung {f}
cell agingZellalterung {f}
cell analysis Zellanalyse {f}
cell anatomyZellanatomie {f}
cell area Zellenfläche {f}
cell assembly theory [Hebb's theory of cell assemblies]hebbsche Lernregel {f}
cell atlas Zellatlas {m}
cell attachment Zellanheftung {f}
cell axis Zellachse {f}
cell bank Zellbank {f}
cell behaviour [Br.] Zellverhalten {n}
cell bindingZellbindung {f}
cell biologist Zellbiologe {m}
cell biologist [female] Zellbiologin {f}
cell biology Zellbiologie {f}
cell block Zellenblock {m}
cell body Zellkörper {m}
cell boundary Zellenrand {m}
cell boundary Zellgrenze {f}
cell breathingZellatmung {f}
cell budding Zellsprossung {f}
cell buddingZellknospung {f}
cell carcinoma <CC>Zellkarzinom {n}
cell center [Am.] [centrosome] Zentralkörperchen {n}
cell chemistryZellchemie {f}
cell clone Zellklon {m}
cell colony Zellkolonie {f}
cell communicationZellkommunikation {f}
cell compartmentZellkompartiment {n}
cell compartmentalizationZellkompartimentierung {f}
cell compartmentation Zellkompartimentierung {f}
cell concentrationZellkonzentration {f}
cell connectorSteg {m} [Batterie]
cell constantZellkonstante {f}
cell constant [in measuring procedures]Zellenkonstante {f} [bei Messverfahren]
cell contactZellkontakt {m}
cell contact Zellenkontakt {m}
cell containerZellenbehälter {m}
cell content Zellinhalt {m}
cell contents {pl} Zellinhalt {m}
cell count Zellzahl {f} [Zellzählung]
cell coverZellendeckel {m} [Batterie]
« cedeceilcelecelecelecelicellcellcellcellcell »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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