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cellular flooringStahlzellendecke {f}
cellular fluid Zellflüssigkeit {f}
cellular function Zellfunktion {f}
cellular growthzelluläres Wachstum {n}
cellular homeostasis [Am.]Zellhomöostase {f}
cellular homoeostasis [Br.] zelluläre Homöostase {f}
cellular immune response zelluläre Immunreaktion {f}
cellular immune responsezelluläre Immunantwort {f}
cellular immunity zelluläre Immunität {f}
cellular industry Mobilfunkindustrie {f}
cellular infiltration Zellinfiltration {f}
cellular integrity Zellintegrität {f}
cellular intrinsic fiber cementum [Am.]zellulärer Eigenfaserzement {m}
cellular license [Am.]Mobilfunklizenz {f}
cellular lipid metabolism zellulärer Lipidstoffwechsel {m}
cellular localisation [Br.]zelluläre Lokalisierung {f}
cellular localisation [Br.] zelluläre Lokalisation {f}
cellular localization zelluläre Lokalisation {f}
cellular localization zelluläre Lokalisierung {f}
cellular manufacturing Fertigungsinsel {f} [Inselfertigung]
cellular manufacturing [model for workplace design] Inselfertigung {f}
cellular market Mobilfunkmarkt {m}
cellular mechanism Zellmechanismus {m}
cellular mechanism zellulärer Mechanismus {m}
cellular membrane Zellmembran {f}
cellular metabolismZellstoffwechsel {m}
cellular metabolism Zellmetabolismus {m}
cellular mixed stratified cementumzellulärer Gemischtfaserzement {m}
cellular moduleZellmodul {n}
cellular necrosis Zelltod {m}
cellular networkMobilfunknetz {n}
cellular network Mobilnetz {n} [Mobilfunknetz]
cellular neurosciencezelluläre Neurowissenschaft {f}
cellular officeZellenbüro {n}
cellular operatorMobilfunkbetreiber {m}
cellular origin zellulärer Ursprung {m}
cellular pathologyZellpathologie {f}
cellular pathology Zellularpathologie {f}
cellular phone [Am.]Handy {n}
cellular phone [Am.]Mobiltelefon {n}
cellular physiologyZellphysiologie {f}
cellular process Zellprozess {m}
cellular processesZellprozesse {pl}
cellular radiatorLamellenkühler {m}
cellular reaction Zellreaktion {f}
cellular reproduction [cell reproduction] Zellreproduktion {f} [zellulare Reproduktion]
cellular respiration Zellatmung {f}
cellular respiration zelluläre Atmung {f}
cellular responseZellreaktion {f}
cellular router Mobilfunkrouter {m} [auch: Mobilfunk-Router]
cellular rubberMoosgummi {m}
cellular rubber Zellgummi {m}
cellular rubber strip Schaumgummistreifen {m}
cellular senescence zelluläre Seneszenz {f}
cellular senescence Zellseneszenz {f}
cellular shirtNetzhemd {n}
cellular structure Zellenaufbau {m}
cellular structure Zellstruktur {f}
cellular structure Zellaufbau {m}
cellular studies Zellstudien {pl}
cellular synthesisZellsynthese {f}
cellular synthesiszelluläre Synthese {f}
cellular system Zellensystem {n}
cellular systemMobiltelefonsystem {n}
cellular telephoneHandy {n}
cellular telephone Zellulartelefon {n} [selten neben: Handy, Mobiltelefon]
cellular telephonyZellulartelefonie {f}
cellular therapy Zellulartherapie {f}
cellular tissue Zellengewebe {n}
cellular tissueZellgewebe {n}
cellular transmitter Handymast {m} [ugs.]
cellular wallZellenwandung {f}
cellular water Zellwasser {n}
cellularityZellularität {f}
cellularly zellförmig
cellulase Cellulase {f}
cellulaseZellulase {f}
cellulase contentCellulasegehalt {m} [auch: Cellulase-Gehalt]
cellulite Orangenhaut {f} [ugs.]
cellulite Cellulite {f}
cellulite [Dermopanniculosis deformans] Cellulitis {f} [nicht fachspr.] [Cellulite, Orangenhaut]
cellulite [Dermopanniculosis deformans]Zellulitis {f} [nicht fachspr.] [Cellulite, Orangenhaut]
cellulitis Zellulitis {f}
cellulitis Entzündung {f} des Zellgewebes
celluloid Zelluloid {n}
celluloidCelluloid {n} [Rsv.]
celluloid collar Zelluloidkragen {m}
celluloid legs Zelluloidbeine {pl}
cellulolytically cellulolytisch
cellulolytically zellulolytisch
cellulose Zellstoff {m}
cellulose Zellulose {f}
celluloseCellulose {f}
cellulose acetate <CA> Celluloseacetat {n} <CA>
cellulose acetate <CA>Zelluloseacetat {n} <CA>
cellulose acetate <CA> Acetylcellulose {f}
cellulose acetate <CA>Acetylzellulose {f}
cellulose acetate fiber [Am.] Celluloseacetatfaser {f}
« cellcellcellcellcellcellcellCeltcemecemecens »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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