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English-German Dictionary

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center of proliferation [Am.] Proliferationszentrum {n}
center of rear panel [Am.]Rückwandmitte {f}
center of reference <CoR, COR> [Am.]Referenzzentrum {n} <RZ>
center of resistance [Am.] Widerstandszentrum {n}
center of resistance [Am.] Zentrum {n} des Widerstands
center of revolution [rotation] [Am.] Drehpol {m}
center of rotation [Am.]Drehzentrum {n}
center of rotation [Am.]Drehpunkt {m}
center of Scripture [Am.] Mitte {f} der Schrift
center of symmetry [Am.] Symmetriezentrum {n}
center of the body [Am.] Körpermitte {f}
center of the city [Am.] Stadtzentrum {n}
center of the country [Am.] Landesmitte {f}
center of the image [Am.]Bildmittelpunkt {m}
center of the image [Am.] Bildmitte {f}
center of the metastasis [Am.] Metastasenzentrum {n}
center of the picture [Am.]Bildmitte {f}
center of the region [Am.] Mittelpunkt {m} des Gebiets
center of the region [Am.] Zentrum {n} der Region
center of the roof [Am.]Dachmitte {f}
center of the storm [Am.]Sturmzentrum {n} [Zentrum des Sturms]
center of the target [Am.] [e.g. archery] Zentrum {n} der Zielscheibe [z. B. Bogenschießen]
center of the train [Am.] Zugmitte {f} [bes schweiz. auch: Zugsmitte]
center of the uplands region [Am.] Zentrum {n} des Oberlandes
center of the village [Am.] Dorfzentrum {n}
center of the wing [Am.] Flügelmitte {m} [Flügelmittelpunkt]
center of the world [Am.] [also fig.] Weltmitte {f} [auch fig.]
center of (the) camp [Am.]Lagerzentrum {n}
center of (the) camp [Am.] Lagermitte {f}
center of (the) cerebellum [Am.] [Corpus medullare cerebelli]Kleinhirnmark {n}
center of (the) circle [Am.] Kreismittelpunkt {m} [Mittelpunkt des Kreises]
center of (the) wafer [Am.]Waferzentrum {n}
center of (the) wafer [Am.] Wafermitte {f}
center of Tokyo [Am.]Innenstadt {f} von Tokio
center of trade [Am.] Handelszentrum {n}
center of world trade [Am.]Welthandelszentrum {n}
center (or split) cut [Am.] Trennschnitt {m}
center panel [Am.] Mittelwand {f}
center party [Am.]Zentrumpartei {f}
Center Party [Am.] Zentrumspartei {f}
Center Peel [Am.] [military tactic] Ausweichschießen {n} [militärische Taktik zum Lösen kleinerer Einheiten von einem überlegenen Gegner]
center pin [Am.]Mittelstift {m}
center point [Am.] Zentrierspitze {f}
center point steering [Am.]Lenkgeometrie {f} mit Lenkrollradius gleich Null
center position [Am.]Mittelstellung {f}
center position [Am.] Nulllage {f} [z. B. Regler, Joystick]
center punch [Am.] Körner {m}
center punch [Am.] Ankörner {m} [Körner]
center purlin [Am.]Mittelpfette {f} [eines Pfettendaches]
center rail [Am.]Mittelleiter {m}
center right-wing coalition [Am.] Mitte-rechts-Koalition {f}
center section [Am.]Mittelteil {m}
center span [Am.]Mittelfeld {n}
center spot [Am.] [football / soccer] Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)]
Center Stage [Nicholas Hytner] Center Stage
center stand [Am.] Mittelständer {m} [Motorrad]
center stick [Am.] [in the center of the cockpit between the pilot's legs] Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz]
center thickness [Am.]Mittendicke {f}
center third [Am.] [of a netball court]Mitteldrittel {n} [eines Netballplatzes]
center wire [Am.]Mitteldraht {m}
[center, centre] Centrum {n} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901, noch in Eigennamen] [Zentrum]
[center of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate]Nabe {f} [z. B. Fahrrad]
centerboard [Am.]Kielschwert {n}
center-board [Am.] Kielschwert {n}
centerboard [Am.] Schwert {n} [Kielschwert]
centered [Am.] zentriert
centered [Am.] auf die Mitte eingestellt
centered [Am.]mittig [zentriert]
centered [emotionally stable and secure] [Am.] (emotional) gefestigt [ausgeglichen]
centered hexagonal number [Am.] zentrierte Sechseckszahl {f}
centered polygonal number [Am.]zentrierte Polygonalzahl {f}
centered square number [Am.] zentrierte Quadratzahl {f}
center-edge angle <CE angle> [Am.] Centrum-Ecken-Winkel / Zentrum-Ecken-Winkel {m} <CE-Winkel>
center-fed [Am.] [antenna, track circuit] mittengespeist
centerfire [Am.] Zentralfeuer {n}
centerfold [Am.] Ausfalter {m} in der Mitte einer Zeitschrift
centerfold [Am.] mittlere Doppelseite {f}
center-forward [Am.] Mittelstürmer {m}
centering [Am.]zentrierend
centering [Am.] Zentrierung {f}
centering [Am.]Zentrieren {n}
centering [Am.] [temporary supporting structure] Lehrgerüst {n}
centering [Am.] [temporary supporting structure]Lehrbogen {m}
centering accuracyZentriergenauigkeit {f}
centering around Tours Mittelpunkt ist Tours
centering bell [Am.]Zentrierglocke {f}
centering bur [Am.] Körnerbohrer {m}
centering bushZentrierbuchse {f}
centering chuck [Am.]Zentrierfutter {n}
centering cone Zentrierkonus {m}
centering device [Am.] Zentriervorrichtung {f}
centering hole [Am.] Zentrierbohrung {f}
centering insert [Am.] Zentriereinsatz {m}
centering instruction [Am.]Zentrierbefehl {m}
centering lathe [Am.]Zentrierdrehmaschine {f}
centering length [Am.] Zentrierlänge {f}
centering markZentriermarke {f}
centering microscope [Am.] Zentriermikroskop {n}
centering mode [Am.] Zentriermodus {m}
centering of characters [Am.] Zentrierung {f} von Buchstaben
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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