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English-German Dictionary

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central bank advanceLombardkredit {m}
central bank book money Giralgeld {n} der Zentralbank
central bank chairwomanNotenbankchefin {f}
central bank chief Zentralbankchef {m}
central bank chief [female] Zentralbankchefin {f}
Central Bank CouncilZentralbankrat {m}
central bank digital currency <CBDC> digitales Zentralbankgeld {n} <CBDC>
central bank discount rate Diskontsatz {m}
central bank facility Zentralbankfazilität {f}
Central Bank Governor Zentralbank-Gouverneur {m} [nationale Zentralbank, z. B. Italien]
central bank governor Zentralbankpräsident {m}
central bank (interest) rates Notenbankzinsen {pl}
central bank intervention Intervention {f} der Zentralbank
central bank moneyZentralbankgeld {n}
central bank money stock Zentralbankgeldmenge {f}
central bank money supplyZentralbankgeldmenge {f}
Central Bank PresidentZentralbankpräsident {m} [nationale Zentralbank, z. B. Deutsche Bundesbank]
central bank rate Leitzinssatz {m}
central bank reserves Zentralbankreserven {pl}
Central Bank vaultTresor {m} der Zentralbank
central bankerNotenbanker {m}
central battery Zentralbatterie {f}
central battery systemZentralbatterieanlage {f}
central beam Zentralstrahl {m}
central bearded dragon [Pogona vitticeps] Streifenköpfige Bartagame {f}
central bearded dragon [Pogona vitticeps] Farbbartagame {f}
central bearded scrub-robin / scrub robin [Cercotrichas barbata, syn.: Erythropygia barbata] Bartheckensänger {m} [auch: Bart-Heckensänger]
central Belgian uplands {pl} mittelbelgisches Hügelland {n}
central black hole zentrales Schwarzes Loch {n}
central blackhead [Apostolepis flavotorquata]Gelbhals-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
central bodyZentralkörper {m}
central bodyZentralgestirn {n}
central bodyZentriole {f}
central Brazil Innerbrasilien {n}
central Brazil Zentralbrasilien {n}
Central Brazilian spindle snake [Atractus pantostictus]São-Paulo-Spindelnatter {f}
central building Hauptgebäude {n}
central building block zentraler Baustein {m}
central building control system Gebäudeleittechnik {f}
central bulge [of a galaxy]zentraler Wulst {m} [zentrale Verdickung einer Galaxie]
central bureau Zentralbüro {n}
central burrowing snake [Apostolepis flavotorquata] Gelbhals-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
central bus station Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof {m} <ZOB>
central business district <CBD>Hauptgeschäftsbezirk {m}
central business district <CBD>Hauptgeschäftszentrum {n}
central business district <CBD> Hauptgeschäftsviertel {n}
central buyer Zentraleinkäufer {m}
central buying Zentraleinkauf {m}
central buyingzentraler Einkauf {m}
Central Canada goose [Branta canadensis interior] Todds Kanadagans {f}
central canalZentralkanal {m}
Central Canarian European robin [Erithacus superbus]Kanarenrotkehlchen {n}
central carbon atomzentrales Kohlenstoffatom {n}
central catalog [Am.] Gesamtkatalog {m}
central catalogue Gesamtkatalog {m}
central catch position mittlere Raststellung {f} [obere - mittlere - untere]
central catheter Zentralkatheter {m}
central cavity Zentralhöhle {f}
central cell Zentralzelle {f}
central cemetery Zentralfriedhof {m}
central character Hauptrolle {f}
central character Hauptfigur {f}
central character Zentralfigur {f}
Central Chile [also: central Chile]Zentralchile {n}
central chimpanzee [Pan troglodytes troglodytes] Zentralafrikanischer Schimpanse {m}
central chimpanzee [Pan troglodytes troglodytes] Tschego {m}
central China Zentralchina {n}
central Chinese zentralchinesisch
central Chinese hedgehog [Mesechinus hughi] Hughs Igel {m}
central city Kernstadt {f}
central clock Taktzentrale {f}
central clock Zentraltaktsteuerung {f}
central clockzentraler Taktgeber {m}
central columella of (the) cochlea [Modiolus]Schneckenspindel {f}
Central Command for Maritime Emergencies [Germany]Havariekommando {n} [bei komplexen Schadenslagen auf See]
Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine <CCNR>Zentralkommission {f} für die Rheinschifffahrt <ZKR>
central committeeZentralausschuss {m}
Central Committee [of a communist party]Zentralkomitee {n} [einer kommunistischen Partei]
central complex Zentralkomplex {m}
central composite design <CCD> Central-Composite-Versuchsplan {m}
central composite design <CCD> zentral zusammengesetzter Versuchsplan {m}
central computer Hauptrechner {m}
central computerZentraleinheit {f}
central concept Leitbegriff {m}
central conceptZentralbegriff {m} [Konzept]
central configuration packagezentrale Konfiguration {f}
central consoleMittelkonsole {f}
central contact Mittenkontakt {m}
central control Zentralsteuerung {f}
central control deskHauptsteuerpult {n}
central control deskHauptkontrollpult {n}
central control desk Hauptbedienungspult {n}
central control deskHauptbedienpult {n}
central control office [Br.] zentrale Betriebsleitung {f}
central control parameterzentrale Steuerungsgröße {f}
central control roomHauptkontrollraum {m}
central control system Hauptkontrollsystem {n}
central control unit <CCU> Hauptkontrolleinheit {f}
central core Zentralkern {m}
central corridorMittelgang {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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