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English-German Dictionary

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centre parties [Br.] Parteien {pl} der Mitte
centre parting [Br.]Mittelscheitel {m}
centre party [Br.] Partei {f} der Mitte
centre party [Br.] Zentrumpartei {f}
Centre Party [Br.]Zentrumspartei {f}
Centre Party [Br.] Zentrum {n} [Partei des II. dt. Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik]
centre pin [Br.] Drehzapfen {m}
centre pin [Br.]Mittelstift {m}
centre pin of a compass [Br.]Magnetnadel {f}
centre pin (valve) [Br.]Ventileinsatznadel {f}
centre plane [Br.]Mittelebene {f}
centre position [Br.]Mittelstellung {f}
centre punch [Br.]Körner {m}
centre punch [Br.]Ankörner {m} [Körner]
centre purlin [Br.] Mittelpfette {f} [eines Pfettendaches]
centre rail [Br.] Mittelschiene {f}
centre rail [Br.]Mittelleiter {m}
centre seat [Br.] Mittelsitz {m}
centre section [Br.]Mittelteil {n}
centre shrine [Br.]Mittelschrein {m}
centre span [Br.] Mittelfeld {n}
centre split rim [Br.] mittengeteilte Felge {f}
centre spot [Br.]Mittelstelle {f}
centre spot [Br.] [football / soccer]Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)]
centre spot [Br.] [football]Anstoßpunkt {m}
centre spread [Br.] Mittelseite {f} [einer Zeitung]
centre stand [Br.]Mittelständer {m} [Motorrad]
centre stick [Br.] [in the centre of the cockpit between the pilot's legs]Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz]
centre strip [Br.] Mittelstreifen {m}
centre thickness [Br.] Mittendicke {f}
centre wheel [Br.] Minutenrad {n}
centre-back [Br.] [football]Innenverteidiger {m}
centre-barred sallow [Br.] [Atethmia centrago] [moth] Ockergelbe Escheneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
centreboard [Br.] Kielschwert {n}
centre-board [Br.] Kielschwert {n}
centreboard [Br.]Schwert {n} [Kielschwert]
centred [Br.]zentriert
centred polygonal number [Br.] zentrierte Polygonalzahl {f}
centred square number [Br.] zentrierte Quadratzahl {f}
centre-fed [Br.] [antenna, track circuit] mittengespeist
centrefield [Br.] Mittelfeld {n} [Baseball]
centrefold [Br.]Ausfalter {m} in der Mitte einer Zeitschrift
centrefold [Br.] Panoramaseite {f} [mittlere Doppelseite]
centre-forward [Br.] [football]Mittelstürmer {m}
centre-half [Br.] [football]Vorstopper {m}
centre-half [Br.] [football] Innenverteidiger {m}
centreing [Br.] Zentrierung {f}
centreing [Br.] [spv.]zentrierend
centre-left [Br.] Mitte-links-
centre-left government [Br.] Mittelinksregierung {f}
centre-left government [Br.] Mitte-links-Regierung {f}
centre-left majority [Br.]Mitte-Links-Mehrheit {f}
centreless grinding [Br.]spitzenloses Schleifen {n}
centreless grinding machine [Br.] spitzenlose Schleifmaschine {f}
centre-of-mass coordinate [Br.]Schwerpunktskoordinate {f}
centre-of-mass system [Br.] Schwerpunktsystem {n}
centre-of-mass theorem [Br.]Schwerpunktsatz {m}
centrepiece [Br.] Mittelstück {n}
centrepiece [Br.] Hauptattraktion {f}
centrepiece [Br.] Herzstück {n}
centrepiece [Br.] Kernstück {n}
centrepiece [Br.] Tafelaufsatz {m}
centrepiece [e.g. of a building complex, a musical composition, a policy] [Br.] Hauptstück {n}
centrepinMagnetnadel {f}
centre-punch mark [Br.] Körnermarke {f}
centre-punching [Br.] Ankörnen {n}
centre-right [Br.] Mitte-rechts-
centre-right government [Br.]Mitte-rechts-Regierung {f}
centres [Br.] Zentren {pl}
centres of an epidemic [Br.] Seuchenherde {pl}
centres of excellence [Br.] Kompetenzzentren {pl}
centres of gravity [Br.]Schwerpunkte {pl}
centres of rotation [Br.] Drehpunkte {pl}
centre-to-centre distance [Br.] Mittenabstand {m}
...-centric auf ... fixiert
centric clamping vise [Am.]Zentrischspanner {m}
centric diatoms [Centrales] zentrische Diatomeen {pl}
centric diatoms [Centrales] zentrische Kieselalgen {pl}
centric gripperZentrischgreifer {m}
centric hinge axiszentrische Scharnierachse {f}
centric occlusionzentrische Okklusion {f}
centric occlusionZangenbiss {m}
centric record Zentrikregistrat {n}
centricalzentrale Lage {f}
centrical zentrisch
centrical mittig
centrically zentrisch
centricity zentralste Lage {f}
centricity Zentriertheit {f}
centrifugal Kreisel-
centrifugal Zentrifugal-
centrifugal nach außen strebend
centrifugal action Zentrifugalwirkung {f}
centrifugal blowerSchleuderlüfter {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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