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centrosymmetric zentralsymmetrisch
centrumZentrum {n}
centrum genitospinalCentrum genitospinale {n} [des Sakralmarks; Sexualzentrum, Paarungszentrum]
centry [obs.] [centre] Mitte {f}
cents Cent {pl}
cents [coins] Cents {pl}
Centum language [also: centum language] Kentumsprache {f}
centuple hundertfältig
centuple Hundertfaches {n}
centuple [hundredfold]hundertfach
centuplicate hundertfach
centuplicateHundertfaches {n}
Centuriators (of Magdeburg) [compilers of the Magdeburg Centuries] (Magdeburger) Zenturiatoren {pl}
centuries Jahrhunderte {pl}
centuries old mehrhundertjährig
centuries-long jahrhundertelang
centuries-old jahrhundertealt
centurion Zenturio {m}
centurionHundertschaftsführer {m}
centurion Centurio {m} [Rsv.]
century [a company of a hundred men of the ancient Roman army] Hundertschaft {f} [100 Mann starke Truppe des römischen Reiches]
century [cricket] Hundert {f}
century [in the ancient Roman army] Zenturie {f}
century [in the ancient Roman army] Centurie {f} [Rsv.]
century <c, cent.> Jahrhundert {n} <Jh., Jhd., Jhdt., Jahrh.>
century and a half150 Jahre {pl}
century and a half anderthalb Jahrhunderte {pl}
century egg Tausendjähriges Ei {n}
century plant [Agave americana] Jahrhundertpflanze {f}
century plant [Boophone disticha, syn.: B. toxicaria, Amaryllis disticha] Fächerlilie {f} [selten]
century plant / centuryplant [Agave americana] Amerikanische Agave {f}
century plant / centuryplant [Agave americana] Hundertjährige Agave {f}
century plant / centuryplant [Agave americana] Hundertjährige Aloe {f}
century-long hundert Jahre während
century-old [around a hundred years old]jahrhundertalt
century-plant family {sg} [family Agavaceae] Agavengewächse {pl}
century-plant family {sg} [family Agavaceae]Agavaceen {pl}
century-plants / century plants [family Agavaceae] Agavaceen {pl}
century-plants / century plants [family Agavaceae] Agavengewächse {pl}
CEO [short for: chief executive officer] CEO {m}
cep [Boletus edulis](Gemeiner) Steinpilz {m}
cep [Boletus edulis] Fichten-Steinpilz {m} [auch: Fichtensteinpilz]
Cepaea sylvatica [terrestrial snail in the family Helicidae] [in non-English sources sometimes: Alpine banded snail] Berg-Bänderschnecke {f}
Cepaea sylvatica [terrestrial snail in the family Helicidae] [in non-English sources sometimes: Alpine banded snail] Fleckenstreifige Bänderschnecke {f}
Cepaea sylvatica [terrestrial snail in the family Helicidae] [in non-English sources sometimes: Alpine banded snail]Wald-Schnirkelschnecke {f}
cèpe [Boletus edulis]Steinpilz {m}
Cepero's groundhopper [Tetrix ceperoi]Westliche Dornschrecke {f}
cephal- Cephal- [auch: cephal-]
cephal-Zephal- [auch: zephal-]
cephalad kopfwärts
cephalalgiaKephalalgie {f}
cephalalgia Zephalalgie {f}
cephaleaCephalea {f}
cephaleaKopfschmerz {m}
cephaleaKopfschmerzen {pl}
cephalgiaKephalgie {f}
cephalgiaKopfschmerz {m}
cephalgiaZephalgie {f}
cephalgia Cephalgie {f}
cephalic [den Schädel betreffend]
cephalic zephalisch [Rsv.] [selten]
cephalic Schädel-
cephalic glandKopfdrüse {f}
cephalic indexKephalindex {m}
cephalic indexSchädelindex {m}
cephalic lateral line Kopfseitenlinie {f}
cephalic presentation Kopflage {f}
cephalic presentation Schädellage {f}
cephalic shieldKopfschild {m}
cephalic vein Hauptblutader {f}
cephalic veinHauptader {f}
cephalic vein [Vena cephalica] Kopfvene {f}
cephalium Cephalium {n}
cephalization Zephalisation {f}
cephalization Cephalisation {f}
cephalo- Cephalo- [auch: cephalo-]
cephalo- Zephalo- [auch: zephalo-]
cephalochordates [subphylum Cephalochordata, syn.: Acrania]Schädellose {pl}
cephalochordates [subphylum Cephalochordata] Cephalochordata {pl}
cephalochordates [subphylum Cephalochordata] Cephalochordaten {pl}
cephalodynia Kephalodynie {f}
cephalofoil Cephalofoil {n}
cephalogenesis Gehirnentwicklung {f}
cephalogenesis Kephalogenese {f}
cephalogenesisCephalogenese {f}
cephalogramKephalogramm {n}
cephalogramSchädelbild {n}
cephalography Kephalographie {f}
cephalometer Kephalometer {m} {n}
cephalometric kephalometrisch
cephalometric examination kephalometrische Untersuchung {f}
cephalometric measurementszephalometrische Messungen {pl}
cephalometric measurementskephalometrische Messungen {pl}
cephalometric radiographFernröntgenbild {n} [Kephalogramm]
cephalometry Kephalometrie {f}
cephalometry Zephalometrie {f}
« centcentcentcentcentcentcephceracerecerecere »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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