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ceramic sample Keramikprobe {f}
ceramic sharpening stone Keramikwetzstein {m}
ceramic substrateKeramiksubstrat {n}
ceramic supplier Händler {m} für Keramikbedarf
ceramic supplier Keramikbedarfshändler {m}
ceramic supportStützkeramik {f}
ceramic surface Keramikoberfläche {f}
ceramic tile Keramikfliese {f}
ceramic tile Keramikplatte {f} [Fliese]
ceramic tiles Keramikfliesen {pl}
ceramic tiling Fliesenbelag {m}
ceramic tip Keramikspitze {f} [z. B. bei Elektroden]
ceramic tube Keramikrohr {n}
ceramic vaseKeramikvase {f}
ceramic vase [Vasum ceramicum, syn.: Vasum (Vasum) ceramicum, Murex ceramicus]Keramikvase {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
ceramic veneerKeramikverblendung {f}
ceramic vessel Keramikgefäß {n}
ceramic ware Töpferware {f}
ceramic ware Keramikwaren {pl}
ceramic woolKeramikwolle {f}
ceramicist Keramiker {m}
ceramic-on-ceramic <CoC> [e.g. combination, bearing, system] Keramik-auf-Keramik- [z. B. Kombination, Lager, System]
ceramics Keramikwaren {pl}
ceramics {pl}Keramik {f}
ceramics {pl} [articles] Töpferware {f}
ceramics {pl} [usually treated as sg.] [the art of making ceramic articles]Töpferkunst {f}
ceramics engineer Keramikingenieur {m}
ceramics engineer [female] Keramikingenieurin {f}
ceramics factory Keramikfabrik {f}
ceramics manufacturer Keramikhersteller {m}
ceramics researchKeramikforschung {f}
ceramics shop Keramikladen {m}
ceramidaseCeramidase {f}
ceramidase deficiencyCeramidasemangel {m} [auch: Ceramidase-Mangel]
ceramide Ceramid {n}
ceramidesCeramide {pl}
ceramistKeramiker {m}
ceramistTöpfer {m}
ceramist [female] Töpferin {f}
ceran stove [CERAN ®] Ceranherd {m} [CERAN® ist eine eingetragene Marke der SCHOTT AG]
Ceraplatin™ crown Folienkrone {f} [Ceraplatin™-Krone]
cerargyrite [AgCl]Kerargyrit {m}
cerate Wachssalbe {f}
ceration Ceration {f}
ceratitic sutureceratitische Lobenlinie {f} [bei Ammoniten]
ceratodon moss [Ceratodon purpureus]Purpurstieliges Hornzahnmoos {n}
ceratopogonids [family Ceratopogonidae] Ceratopogoniden {pl} [Bartmücken]
ceratopogonids [family Ceratopogonidae]Bartmücken {pl}
ceratopogonids [family Ceratopogonidae]Gnitzen {pl}
ceratopsids [family Ceratopsidae] [extinct] Ceratopsiden {pl} [ausgestorbene Familie der Dinosaurier]
ceraunoscopyKeraunoskopie {f}
Cerberus Zerberus {m}
CerberusCerberus {m} [Rsv.]
CerberusKerberos {m}
Cerberus GlacierCerberus-Gletscher {m}
Cerberus ground snake [Atractus cerberus] Pacoche-Spindelnatter {f}
Cercaphus Kerkaphos {m}
cercariaZerkarie {f}
cercariaCercarie {f}
cercariae [Schistosoma cercariae] Cercariae {pl}
cercarial dermatitis Cercariendermatitis / Cercarien-Dermatitis {f}
cercarial dermatitis Zerkariendermatitis / Zerkarien-Dermatitis {f}
cerchiaraite [Ba4(Mn3+,Fe3+,Al)4 [Cl|O3|(OH)3|Si2O3(OH)4|Si4O12]] Cerchiarait {m}
cerchiaraite-(Al) [Ba4Al4O3(OH)3(Si4O12) [Si2O3(OH)4]Cl] Cerchiarait-(Al) {m}
cerci {pl}Cerci {pl} [paarige obere Anhänge]
cerci lengthCercilänge {f} [auch: Cerci-Länge]
cerci shapeCerciform {f} [auch: Cerci-Form]
cerclage Cerclage {f}
cerclage wire Cerclagedraht {m} [auch: Cerclage-Draht]
cercopod [cercus] Aftergriffel {m} [Schwanzanhang]
Cercyon Kerkyon {m}
cere Wachs {n}
cere Nasenwachshaut {f} [bei Vögeln]
cere Wachshaut {f} [am Vogelschnabel]
cere clothLeichentuch {n}
cerealGetreide {n}
cereal Getreidepflanze {f}
cereal Kornfrucht {f}
cereal Zerealie {f}
cerealGetreideflockengericht {n}
cereal {sg}Getreideflocken {pl}
cereal {sg}Cornflakes {pl}
cereal [attr.] [e.g. growing, flakes]Getreide- [z. B. Anbau, Flocken]
cereal [grain] Körnerfrucht {f} [veraltend]
cereal allergy Getreideallergie {f}
cereal aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi] Haferblattlaus / Hafer-Blattlaus {f}
cereal aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi] Traubenkirschenlaus {f}
cereal aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi] Mehlige Traubenkirschenblattlaus / Traubenkirschen-Blattlaus {f}
cereal aphidsGetreideblattläuse {pl}
cereal bar Müsliriegel {m}
cereal bowl Müslischale {f}
cereal breakfast [meal type]Cerealienfrühstück {n}
cereal bug [Eurygaster maura]Europäische Breitbauchwanze {f} [Getreideschädling]
cereal bug [Eurygaster maura]Europäische Getreidewanze {f}
cereal bug [Eurygaster maura](Gemeine) Getreidewanze {f}
cereal chafer [Anisoplia segetum, syn.: A. fruticola] Gemeiner Getreidelaubkäfer {m}
cereal crop Getreideart {f}
cereal cropHalmfrucht {f}
cereal crop Ährenfrucht {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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