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chalk lineSchlagschnur {f}
chalk line Kreidestrich {m}
chalk mannerKrayonmanier {f}
chalk maple [Acer leucoderme]Kalk-Ahorn / Kalkahorn {m}
chalk mark Kreidemarkierung {f}
chalk milkwort [Polygala calcarea (subsp. calcarea)] Kalk-Kreuzblume / Kalkkreuzblume {f}
chalk milkwort [Polygala calcarea (subsp. calcarea)] Kalk-Kreuzblümchen / Kalkkreuzblümchen {n}
chalk paintingKalkmalerei {f}
chalk painting Kreidemalerei {f}
chalk powder Kreidepulver {n}
chalk powderKreidestaub {m}
chalk quarrying Kreideabbau {m}
chalk resistance Kreidungsbeständigkeit {f}
chalk rock [boulder-like] Kreidefelsen {m}
chalk rock [esp. material] Kreidefels {m}
chalk soilKreideboden {m}
chalk soil [lime soil]Kalkboden {m}
chalk sprayKreidespray {m} {n}
chalk stick Kreidestück {n}
chalk teeth [coll.] [molar incisor hypomineralization] Kreidezähne {pl} [ugs.] [Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation]
Chalk up one for him!Ein Pluspunkt für ihn.
chalk-bedKreideschicht {f}
chalkboard [Am.]Schultafel {f}
chalkboard [Am.] Tafel {f} [Schultafel etc.]
chalkboard [Am.]Kreidetafel {f}
chalkboard [Am.] Schreibtafel {f}
chalkboard cloth [Am.]Tafellappen {m}
chalkboard coating (paint) Schultafellack {m}
chalkboard paintTafellack {m} [matt]
chalkboard paint Tafelfarbe {f}
chalkboard pointer [Am.]Zeigestock {m} [für Schultafeln]
chalkbroodKalkbrut {f}
chalk-browed mockingbird [Mimus saturninus ] Camposspottdrossel {f}
chalkcutter Kreidegräber {m}
chalkdrawing Kreidezeichnung {f}
chalked off for offside [Br.] wegen Abseits nicht gegeben
chalked upangekreidet [nicht fig.]
chalk-eyed grauäugig
chalkhill blue [Polyommatus coridon, syn.: Lysandra coridon] [butterfly] Silbergrüner Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
chalkhill blue [Polyommatus coridon] [butterfly]Silberbläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
Chalkidiki [peninsula in northern Greece] Chalkidiki {f} [Halbinsel]
chalkier kreidehaltiger
chalkiest kreidehaltigste
chalkingVerkreiden {n}
chalking resistanceKreidungswiderstand {m}
chalking upankreidend
chalkogens [spv.]Chalkogene {pl}
chalkophanite [rare spv.] [(Zn,Fe,Mn)Mn3O7·3H2O] Chalkophanit {m}
chalkpit Kreidegrube {f}
chalk-pit Kalksteinbruch {m}
chalksKreiden {pl}
chalkstone Kalkstein {m}
chalkstone pillarsKalksteinsäulen {pl}
chalk-surfaced paper Kreidepapier {n}
chalk-white kreidebleich
chalkykalkhaltig [z. B. Boden, Gestein]
chalky voller Kreide [nachgestellt] [kreidig]
chalky deposit Kalkablagerung {f}
chalky macoma [Macoma calcarea, syn.: M. tenera, Tellina calcarea] Kalk-Plattmuschel {f}
chalky macoma [Macoma calcarea] Kalkige Tellmuschel {f}
chalky paper Kreidepapier {n}
chalky soilkalkhaltige Erde {f}
chalky soilKalkboden {m}
chalky stoneGichtknoten {m}
chalky waterkalkhaltiges Wasser {n}
chalky white kreideweiß
chalky white skinKreidehaut {f} [selten]
chalky-white kreidebleich
challacolloite [KPb2Cl5]Challacolloit {m}
challahChallah {f} {n} [Art Hefezopf] [Sabbatbrot]
challah [also: chala / hallah ] Challa {f} {n}
challah [esp. Am.]Hefezopf {m} [Challah]
challengeHerausforderung {f}
challenge Kampfansage {f}
challenge Anfechtung {f}
challenge Anruf {m} der Schildwache
challenge Infragestellung {f}
challenge Ablehnung {f} [von Richtern bzw. Geschworenen]
challengeProvokation {f}
challenge Aufforderung {f}
challenge Forderung {f} [Herausforderung, auch zum Duell]
challenge [call of "who goes there"] Werdaruf {m}
challenge [problem]Aufgabe {f} [Problem]
challenge [task]Anforderung {f} [Herausforderung, Aufgabe]
challenge cup Wanderpokal {m}
challenge cup Trophäe {f}
challenge of digitalizationDigitalisierungsherausforderung {f}
challenge on grounds of bias Befangenheitsantrag {m}
challenge rate Anforderungshäufigkeit {f}
challenge testChallenge-Test {m}
Challenge to Lassie [Richard Thorpe] Lassie in Not
challenge to the world communityHerausforderung {f} an die Weltgemeinschaft
challenge trophies Wanderpreise {pl}
challenge trophy Wanderpreis {m}
« chaichaichaichaichalchalchalchamchamchamcham »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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