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channel controller Kanalsteuerung {f}
channel controller Kanalsteuereinheit {f}
channel converter Kanalumsetzer {m}
channel cover Vorkammerdeckel {m}
Channel crossingKanalüberquerung {f}
channel decodingKanaldecodierung {f}
Channel Definition Format <CDF> XML-basiertes Format {n} für Push-Technologie im WWW
channel density Kanaldichte {f}
channel designationKanalbezeichnung {f}
channel digger Kanalarbeiter {m}
channel encoding Kanalcodierung {f} [Kanalencodierung, Kanal-Encodierung]
channel encoding Kanalkodierung {f}
channel entry Kanaleinfahrt {f}
channel entry Kanaleingang {m}
channel errorKanalfehler {m}
channel estimationKanalschätzung {f}
channel estimation method Kanalschätzmethode {f}
channel filter Kanalfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
Channel Fleet Kanalflotte {f}
channel flow Wasserführung {f}
channel for reporting Meldeweg {m}
channel frequency Kanalfrequenz {f}
channel geometry Gerinnegeometrie {f}
channel interface Kanalanschluss {m}
Channel Island limpet [Patella depressa, syn.: P. intermedia] Flache Napfschnecke {f}
Channel Island pug [Eupithecia ultimaria] Kanalinseln-Blütenspanner {m} [Mottenart]
Channel Islander Kanalinsulaner {m} [selten]
Channel Islands <CI> Kanalinseln {pl}
Channel Islands (gray) fox [Am.] [Urocyon littoralis] (Kalifornischer) Insel-Graufuchs {m}
Channel Islands mammoth [Mammuthus exilis] [extinct]Zwergmammut {n} [ausgestorben]
Channel Islands tree poppy [Dendromecon harfordii, syn.: Dendromecon rigida subsp. harfordii]Harfords Baummohn {m}
channel knife Ziseliermesser {n}
channel knife Kanneliermesser {n}
channel letterProfilbuchstabe {m}
channel locks {pl} [Am.] [one pair] [used as a generic term] [Channellock ®] [water pump pliers] Wasserpumpenzange {f}
channel made by rainwatervom Regenwasser gefurchte Rinne {f}
channel markerKanalmarkierung {f}
channel number Kanalnummer {f}
channel of commerceHandelsweg {m}
channel of communication Geschäftsweg {m}
channel of distribution Vertriebsweg {m}
channel of distributionVertriebskanal {m}
channel of distribution Distributionskanal {m}
channel of distribution Distributionsweg {m}
channel of distribution Absatzweg {m}
channel of information Informationskanal {m}
channel of informationInformationsmittel {n}
Channel of SicilyKanal {m} von Sizilien [inoffizielle Bezeichnung]
Channel of Sicily Straße {f} von Sizilien
channel of supplyVersorgungsweg {m}
channel of thought Weg {m} des Gedankens
channel of tradeHandelsweg {m}
channel offset Kanalversatz {m}
channel protein Kanalprotein {n}
channel protein Tunnelprotein {n}
channel proteinsKanalproteine {pl}
channel rectificationBettbegradigung {f} [Fluss, Strom]
channel scheduling Kanalverwaltung {f}
channel schedulingKanalzuordnung {f}
channel search Sendersuchlauf {m}
channel selection Kanalauswahl {f}
channel selectionProgrammauswahl {f} [Kanalauswahl]
channel selection Senderwahl {f}
channel selectivityKanaltrennschärfe {f}
channel selectorKanalwähler {m}
channel separation Kanalabstand {m}
channel separation Trennung {f} der Kanäle
channel separation filterKanalweiche {f}
channel settingKanalfassung {f} [von Edelsteinen]
channel shape Kanalform {f}
channel shape [e.g. of a riverbed] Rinnenform {f} [z. B. eines Flussbettes]
channel shape [e.g. of a riverbed] Bettform {f} [z. B. eines Flusses]
channel spacingKanalabstand {m}
channel spillway Hochwasserentlastungsanlage {f}
channel status Kanalzustand {m}
channel strip Kanalzug {m}
channel switch Kanalschalter {m}
channel switchKanalumschalter {m}
channel system Kanalsystem {n}
channel translator Kanalumsetzer {m}
channel widening Querschnittserweiterung {f} [Wasserbau]
channel wrack [Pelvetia canaliculata]Rinnentang {m}
(channel) search functionSendersuchlauffunktion {f}
channel-billed cuckoo [Scythrops novaehollandiae] Fratzenkuckuck {m}
channel-billed toucan [Ramphastos vitellinus] Dottertukan {m}
channel-billed toucan [Ramphastos vitellinus] Orangetukan {m}
channeled [Am.] gelenkt
channeled [Am.]kanneliert [gerillt]
channeled applesnail / apple snail [Am.] [Pomacea canaliculata] Gefurchte Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
channeled avalanche [Am.] [in a gully; confined avalanche]Runsenlawine {f}
channeled bonnet [Am.] [Semicassis granulata, syn.: S. lucrativa, Buccinum gibbum, B. inflatum, Cassis abbreviata, C. cepa, C. granulosa, C. globulus, C. abbreviata, C. malum, C. minuta, C. plicata] Mittelmeer-Sturmhaube {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
channeled copper sheet [Am.]Kupferriffelblech {n}
Channeled Scablands Channeled Scablands {pl}
channeled sheet [Am.] Riffelblech {n}
channeled whelk [Am.] [Busycon carica, syn.: Fusus lamellosus] Stachlige Feige {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
channeled whelk [Am.] [Busycotypus canaliculatus, syn.: Buccinum ampullatum, Busycon canaliculatum, Murex granum, Volema granulata]Gekrönte Feige {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
channel-hopping [Br.] [coll.] ständiges Umschalten {n}
channel-hopping [Br.] [coll.] Herumzappen {n} [ugs.]
channeling [Am.]leitend
channeling [Am.]Übermittlung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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