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chauvinistically chauvinistisch
chav [Br.] [coll.] prollig [ugs.]
chav [Br.] [coll.]Prolet {m} [ugs.]
chav [Br.] [coll.]Proll {m} [ugs.]
chavette [Br.] [coll.]Prolette {f} [ugs.]
chavvy [Br.] [coll.] prollig [ugs.]
chavvy [Br.] [sl.] [pej.]proletenhaft [ugs.] [pej.]
chawbacon [pej.] [archaic]Hinterwäldler {m} [meist pej.]
chawed gekaut
chawing kauend
chayesite [K(Mg,Fe)4Fe(Si12O30)] Chayesit {m}
chayote [Sechium edule]Chayote {f}
che [Maclura tricuspidata]Seidenraupenbaum {m}
che [Maclura tricuspidata] Che {m}
Che - Part One: The Argentine [Steven Soderbergh]Che - Revolución
Che - Part Two: Guerrilla [Steven Soderbergh]Che - Guerrilla
Che! [Richard Fleischer] Che!
cheap billig
cheap kostengünstig
cheap wohlfeil [veraltet]
cheap [Am.] [coll.] [miserly]knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
cheap [Am.] [coll.] [miserly]geizig
cheap [Am.] [coll.] [miserly] bhäb [schwäbisch] [geizig]
cheap [contemptible]gemein
cheap [low in price; charging low prices] günstig [billig]
cheap [of inferior quality or worth] wertlos [ohne bleibenden Wert]
cheap [of inferior quality] minderwertig
cheap [of inferior worth]von minderem Wert
cheap [of poor quality]von minderer Qualität [nachgestellt]
cheap [of poor quality] von niederer Qualität [nachgestellt]
cheap [person, behaviour, appearance] ordinär
cheap add-on billiger Zusatz {m}
cheap airline Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
cheap and cheerful [Br.] [idiom]preiswert und gut
cheap and nasty ärmlich
cheap and nastybillig und schlecht
cheap article billiger Artikel {m}
cheap article Billigprodukt {n}
cheap brand Billigmarke {f}
cheap buildingbilliges Gebäude {n}
cheap cafe billiges Café {n}
cheap candy [Am.] billige Süßigkeit {f}
cheap car Billigauto {n} [ugs.]
cheap carrier Billigflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
cheap cigarbillige Zigarre {f}
cheap cigarette billige Zigarette {f}
cheap conduct schäbiges Benehmen {n}
cheap copy Abklatsch {m}
cheap credit billiger Kredit {m}
cheap credit billiges Darlehen {n}
cheap day billiger Tag {m}
cheap day return billige Tagesrückfahrkarte {f}
cheap dress [also pej.: of poor quality]billiges Kleid {n} [auch pej.: von minderer Qualität]
cheap eating-housebillige Gaststätte {f}
cheap edition Billigausgabe {f}
cheap effectbilliger Effekt {m}
cheap electioneering [pej.] billige Stimmenfängerei {f} [pej.]
cheap entertainmentbillige Unterhaltung {f}
cheap farce billiger Schwank {m}
cheap farce [pej.] Klamotte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
cheap farebillige Fahrt {f}
cheap fare Fahrkarte {f} zum verbilligten Tarif
cheap flattery billige Schmeichelei {f}
cheap flight Billigflug {m} [ugs.]
cheap for what it ispreiswert
cheap glorybilliger Ruhm {m}
cheap goods {pl} billige Ware {f}
cheap goods {pl}Ware {f} geringer Qualität
cheap goods {pl} Billigware {f}
cheap goods {pl} [inexpensive goods]Schleuderware {f} [ugs.]
cheap hotelschäbiges Hotel {n}
cheap imitationBilligkopie {f}
cheap importsBilligimporte {pl}
cheap in the running [postpos.]billig im Gebrauch
cheap jack billiger Jakob {m}
cheap jewellery [esp. Br.] [often pej.] billiger Schmuck {m} [oft pej.]
cheap jewelry [Am.] billiger Schmuck {m}
cheap Johnny [coll.]Schleuderer {m} [südd.] [ugs.] [Billigladen]
cheap Johnny [coll.]Schnäppchen-Markt {m} [ugs.] [Billigladen]
cheap joke billiger Scherz {m}
cheap jokes billige Scherze {pl}
cheap jokesseichte Witze {pl}
cheap journeybillige Reise {f}
cheap labor [Am.] {sg} Billiglöhner {pl} [ugs.]
cheap labour {sg} [Br.]billige Arbeitskräfte {pl}
cheap labour [Br.]billige Arbeit {f}
cheap labour [Br.] billige Arbeitskraft {f}
cheap labour [Br.] {sg} Billiglöhner {pl} [ugs.]
cheap literatureTrivialliteratur {f}
cheap loan billiger Kredit {m}
cheap material billiges Material {n}
cheap meat Billigfleisch {n} [pej.]
cheap merchandise [Am.] Billigware {f}
cheap moneybilliges Geld {n}
cheap moneyleicht verdientes Geld {n}
cheap novelbilliger Roman {m}
cheap novelettebilliger Groschenroman {m}
« charcharchasChatchatchaucheacheachecchecchec »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers