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chemical formulachemische Summenformel {f}
chemical formulation chemische Formulierung {f}
chemical giant Chemieriese {m}
chemical giantChemiegigant {m}
chemical goggles {pl} [one pair] Chemieschutzbrille {f}
chemical gradient chemischer Gradient {m}
chemical groupchemische Gruppe {f}
chemical group [company] Chemiekonzern {m}
chemical hazardschemische Gefahren {pl}
chemical indicatorchemischer Indikator {m}
chemical industry chemische Industrie {f}
chemical industry Chemieindustrie {f}
chemical industryChemiebranche {f}
chemical industryChemie-Industrie {f}
chemical industry Chemiesektor {m}
chemical informatics [treated as sg.] Chemieinformatik {f}
chemical informatics [treated as sg.] Cheminformatik {f}
chemical informatics [treated as sg.]Chemoinformatik {f}
chemical investigations office Chemisches Untersuchungsamt {n}
chemical ion pumpIonenverdampferpumpe {f}
chemical kinetics chemische Kinetik {f}
chemical knight [Tricholoma stiparophyllum]Weißer Birkenritterling {m} [auch: Weißer Birken-Ritterling]
chemical knight [Tricholoma stiparophyllum] Gerippter Gasritterling {m} [auch: Gerippter Gas-Ritterling]
chemical knight [Tricholoma stiparophyllum] Strohblasser Ritterling {m}
chemical laboratory chemisches Laboratorium {n}
chemical laboratory assistant Chemielaborant {m}
chemical laboratory assistant [female] Chemielaborantin {f}
chemical ligationchemische Ligation {f}
chemical macechemische Keule {f} [fig.]
chemical major führender Chemiewert {m}
chemical makeup chemische Zusammensetzung {f}
chemical management Chemikalienmanagement {n}
chemical manure Kunstdünger {m}
chemical material Chemiewerkstoff {m}
chemical mechanism chemischer Mechanismus {m}
chemical messenger chemische Botensubstanz {f}
chemical method chemisches Verfahren {n}
chemical milieuchemisches Milieu {n}
chemical mixerChemiemischer {m}
chemical nomenclaturechemische Nomenklatur {f}
chemical notation chemische Zeichensprache {f}
chemical oxygen demand <COD> chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf {m} <CSB>
Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser <COIL>Sauerstoff-Jod-Laser {m}
chemical phosphorus eliminationdritte Reinigungsstufe {f} [Abwasserbehandlung] [schweiz.]
chemical pinkeye [coll.] [conjunctivitis caused by chemicals or drugs] rosa Auge {n} [auch: rotes Auge] [ugs.] [Bindehautentzündung durch chemische Substanzen]
chemical pipette Pipette {f} [z. B. in biologisch-chemischen Laboren]
chemical plantChemiewerk {n}
chemical plantChemiefabrik {f}
chemical plant operator [Am.] [chemical plant worker] Chemikant {m}
chemical potential chemisches Potential {n}
chemical potential chemisches Potenzial {n}
chemical processchemischer Prozess {m}
chemical process chemischer Prozeß {m} [alt]
chemical process engineer Chemieverfahrenstechniker {m}
chemical (process) pump Chemiepumpe {f}
chemical product chemisches Produkt {n}
chemical products chemische Produkte {pl}
chemical productsChemieerzeugnisse {pl}
chemical propertieschemische Eigenschaften {pl}
chemical propertychemische Eigenschaft {f}
chemical protection Chemikalienschutz {m}
chemical protectionchemischer Schutz {m} [z. B. gegen Strahlung]
chemical protection suitChemieschutzanzug {m}
chemical protection suit Chemikalienschutzanzug {m} <CSA>
chemical pulp chemische Pulpe {f}
chemical pulpZellstoff {m}
chemical purificationchemische Reinigung {f}
chemical puritychemische Reinheit {f}
chemical quenching Photobleichung {f} [Photobleaching]
chemical reactionchemische Reaktion {f}
chemical reaction engineering chemische Verfahrenstechnik {f}
chemical reagentchemisches Reagenz {n}
chemical researchchemische Forschung {f}
chemical residues Rückstandschemikalien {pl}
chemical resistance chemische Beständigkeit {f}
chemical resistance Chemikalienbeständigkeit {f}
chemical resistance Beständigkeit {f} gegen Chemikalien
chemical riskchemisches Risiko {n}
chemical rougheningchemisches Aufrauhen {n} [alt]
chemical roughening chemisches Aufrauen {n}
chemical rubber Kunstgummi {m}
chemical saltschemische Salze {pl}
chemical sanitizationchemische Sanitisierung {f}
chemical science chemische Wissenschaft {f}
chemical science [chemistry]Chemie {f}
chemical scientist Chemiker {m} [Forscher, Wissenschaftler]
chemical scientist [female] Chemikerin {f} [Forscherin, Wissenschaftlerin]
chemical sectorChemiesektor {m}
chemical (sedimentary) rock Chemiegestein {n}
chemical sensorchemischer Sensor {m}
chemical shieldingchemische Abschirmung {f}
chemical shift chemische Verschiebung {f}
chemical shift artefact [esp. Br.] Chemical-Shift-Artefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
chemical shift artifact [Am.] Chemical-Shift-Artefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
chemical shift selective saturation technique <CHESS technique> CHESS-Technik {f}
chemical siteChemiestandort {m}
chemical skilled worker Chemiefacharbeiter {m}
chemical solution chemische Lösung {f}
chemical speciationSpeziierung {f}
chemical spill Chemieunfall {m}
« cheecheecheechefchemchemchemchemchemChencheq »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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