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English-German Dictionary

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chemioinformatics [treated as sg.] Chemoinformatik {f}
chemiosmosis Chemiosmose {f}
chemiosmotic chemiosmotisch
chemiosmotic coupling chemiosmotische Kopplung {f}
chemiosmotic potentialchemiosmotisches Potenzial {n}
chemiosmotic potential chemiosmotisches Potential {n}
chemiosmotic theorychemiosmotische Theorie {f}
chemiosmotically chemiosmotisch
chemiseFrauenhemd {n}
chemise Hemd {n} [Damenunterhemd]
chemise Unterkleid {n}
chemiseChemise {f} [veraltet]
chemise dressHemdkleid {n}
chemise dressChemisekleid {n} [bes. schweiz. oder historisch]
chemisette Chemisette {f}
chemisorptionChemisorption {f}
chemistChemiker {m}
chemist [Br.] Giftmischer {m} [hum.] [Apotheker]
chemist [Br.] [shop]Apotheke {f}
chemist [female] Chemikerin {f}
chemist [female] [Br.] Giftmischerin {f} [hum.] [Apothekerin]
chemist [female] [nondispensing] [Br.] Drogistin {f}
chemist [nondispensing] [Br.]Drogist {m}
chemistryChemie {f}
chemistry [chemical properties or composition] Chemismus {m}
chemistry assistant chemischer Assistent {m}
chemistry book Chemiebuch {n}
chemistry class [school lesson] Chemieunterricht {m}
chemistry crammer [tutor]Chemiepauker {m} [ugs.] [selten] [veraltend] [pej.] [Schülersprache] [Chemielehrer]
chemistry exam Chemieprüfung {f} [auch: Chemieexamen, Chemie-Examen]
chemistry expert Chemieexperte {m}
chemistry expert Chemie-Experte {m}
chemistry fundamentals courseGrundlagenkurs {m} Chemie
chemistry geek [coll.]Chemiefreak {m} [ugs.]
chemistry lab [coll.] [in schools]Chemiesaal {m}
chemistry lesson Chemiestunde {f}
chemistry of buildingBauchemie {f}
chemistry of fatsChemie {f} der Fette
chemistry of food Nahrungsmittelchemie {f}
chemistry of iron Eisenchemie {f}
chemistry of metalsChemie {f} der Metalle
chemistry of salts Chemie {f} der Salze
chemistry of silicates Silikatchemie {f}
chemistry of solidsFeststoffchemie {f}
chemistry set Chemiebaukasten {m}
chemistry set Chemiekasten {m}
chemistry shares [esp. Br.] Chemieaktien {pl}
chemistry studies {pl} Chemiestudium {n}
chemistry teacherChemielehrer {m}
chemistry teacher [female] Chemielehrerin {f}
chemistry technician Chemikant {m}
chemistry technician [female]Chemikantin {f}
[chemistry, math ] 101 Einführung {f} [in die Chemie, Mathematik, etc.]
chemists Chemiker {pl}
chemist's [Br.] Apotheke {f}
chemist's [Br.] [non-dispensing] Drogerie {f}
chemists [female]Chemikerinnen {pl}
chemist's apprentice [Br.] Drogistenlehrling {m}
chemist's assistant [Br.] Apothekenhelfer {m}
chemist's assistant [Br.] [female]Apothekenhelferin {f}
chemist's chain [Br.]Drogeriekette {f}
chemist's open at night [Br.] Nachtapotheke {f}
chemist's shop [Br.] [OTC-drugs only]Drogerie {f}
chemist's (shop) [Br.] [non-dispensing chain store]Drogeriemarkt {m}
(chemist's) nostrum [Br.] [patent medicine] Hausrezeptur {f} [patentiert]
Chemnitz [Germany, Saxony; known as Karl-Marx-Stadt (from 1953 to 1990)] Chemnitz {n} [Karl-Marx-Stadt (1953-1990)]
Chemnitz revisitedWiedersehen {n} mit Chemnitz
chemo [coll.] [short for: chemotherapy] Chemo {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Chemotherapie]
chemoanaesthesia [Br.] Chemoanästhesie {f}
chemoanesthesia [Am.]Chemoanästhesie {f}
chemoattraction Chemoattraktion {f}
chemoautotroph chemoautotroph
chemoautotrophy Chemoautotrophie {f}
chemoclineChemokline {f} [Gewässerkunde]
chemoecological chemoökologisch
chemoecology Chemoökologie {f}
chemoembolisation <CE> [Br.] Chemoembolisation {f} <CE>
chemoembolization <CE> Chemoembolisation {f} <CE>
chemoenzymatic chemoenzymatisch
chemoenzymatically chemoenzymatisch
chemogenetics [treated as sg.]Chemogenetik {f}
chemogenetics [treated as sg.]chemische Genetik {f}
chemogenomics [treated as sg.] Chemogenomik {f}
chemoimmunoconjugate Chemoimmunkonjugat {n}
chemoinformatics [treated as sg.]Chemoinformatik {f}
chemoinformatics [treated as sg.]Cheminformatik {f}
chemoinformatics [treated as sg.] Chemieinformatik {f}
chemokine Chemokin {n}
chemokine receptor Chemokinrezeptor {m}
chemokine receptors Chemokinrezeptoren {pl}
chemokine systemChemokinsystem {n}
chemokinesChemokine {pl}
chemokinesis Chemokinese {f}
chemokinetic chemokinetisch
chemolithotrophic chemolithotroph
chemolithotrophically chemolithotroph
chemoluminescence [spv.] Chemolumineszenz {f}
« cheechefchemchemchemchemchemChencheqchercher »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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