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chemolysis Chemolyse {f}
chemomechanical chemomechanisch
chemometrician Chemometriker {m}
chemometrician [female] Chemometrikerin {f}
chemometrics [treated as sg.]Chemometrik {f}
chemometrics [treated as sg.] Chemometrie {f}
chemomorphosisChemomorphose {f}
chemonastic chemonastisch
chemonasty Chemonastie {f}
chemonucleolysis Chemonukleolyse {f}
chemoorganotrophic chemoorganotroph
chemoparasitic caries theory chemoparasitäre Kariestheorie {f}
chemoperceptive chemoperzeptiv
chemophobia Chemophobie {f}
chemopreventionChemoprävention {f}
chemoprophylaxis Chemoprophylaxe {f}
chemoradiation Chemoradiotherapie {f}
chemoreception Chemorezeption {f}
chemoreceptorChemorezeptor {m}
chemoreceptors Chemorezeptoren {pl}
chemoreduction <CR> Chemoreduktion {f} <CR>
chemorefractory chemorefraktär
chemoresistanceChemoresistenz {f}
chemoresistance Chemotherapeutika-Resistenz {f}
chemosensillaChemosensille {f}
chemosensitive chemosensibel
chemosensitivity Chemosensibilität {f}
chemosensitivityChemosensitivität {f}
chemosensor Chemosensor {m}
chemosensory chemosensorisch
chemosis Schwellung {f} der Bindehaut
chemosis Chemosis {f}
chemosis Chemose {f}
chemosorptionChemosorption {f}
chemostat Chemostat {m}
chemostat experiment Chemostatversuch {m}
chemosuppressionChemosuppression {f}
chemosurgeryChemochirurgie {f}
chemosymbiosis Chemosymbiose {f}
chemosynthesis Chemosynthese {f}
chemosystematic chemosystematisch
chemosystematically chemosystematisch
chemosystematics [treated as sg.]Chemosystematik {f}
chemotactic chemotaktisch
chemotactic gradientchemotaktischer Gradient {m}
chemotactic gradients chemotaktische Gradienten {pl}
chemotactically chemotaktisch
chemotaxisChemotaxis {f}
chemotaxonomy Chemotaxonomie {f}
chemotherapeutic cycleZyklus der Chemotherapie {m}
chemotherapeutic indexchemotherapeutischer Index {m}
chemotherapeutic (substance)Chemotherapeutikum {n}
chemotherapeutic substancesChemotherapeutika {pl}
chemotherapeuticsChemotherapeutika {pl}
chemotherapist Chemotherapeut {m}
chemotherapist [female] Chemotherapeutin {f}
chemotherapy Chemotherapie {f}
chemotherapy-induced [disease, suffering, etc.]durch Chemotherapie induziert [Krankheit, Leiden etc.]
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia <CIN> Chemotherapie-induzierte Neutropenie {f} <CIN>
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia <CIN>durch Chemotherapie verursachte Neutropenie {f} <CIN>
chemotopy Chemotopie {f}
chemotransmitter Chemotransmitter {m}
chemotransmitter chemische Botensubstanz {f} [Chemotransmitter]
chemotrophically chemotroph
chemotrophyChemotrophie {f}
chemotropism Chemotropismus {m}
chemotypeChemotyp {m}
chempedak [Artocarpus integer] Cempedakbaum {m}
chemtrails Chemtrails {pl}
chemtrails [chemical trails]Chemiestreifen {pl}
Chen prime Chen-Primzahl {f}
chenevixite [Cu2Fe2(AsO4)2(OH)4·H2O]Chenevixit {m}
Cheney's beetle [Gathidium cheneyi] [a slime-mold beetle] Cheney-Schwammkugelkäfer {m}
chengdeite [Ir3Fe]Chengdeit {m}
Chengdu Plain Chengdu-Ebene {f}
Chengjiang biotaChengjiang-Faunengemeinschaft {f}
Cheng's jird [Meriones chengi] Cheng-Rennmaus {f}
Cheng's jird [Meriones chengi] Chengs Chinesische Rennratte {f}
Cheng's theorem Satz {m} von Cheng
chenguodaite [Ag9FeTe2S4] Chenguodait {m}
chenille [fabric] Chenille {f} [Gewebe]
chenille plant [Acalypha hispida]Katzenschwänzchen {n}
chenille plant [Acalypha hispida] Raues Nesselblatt {n}
chenille plant [Acalypha hispida] Nesselschön {n}
chenille plant [Acalypha hispida]Paradiesnessel {f}
chenilleplant / chenille plant [Acalypha hispida, syn.: A. sanderi, A. sanderiana] Roter Katzenschwanz {m}
chenin blancChenin Blanc {m} [auch: Chenin blanc]
chenite [Pb4Cu(SO4)2(OH)6]Chenit {m}
Chen-Kao reactionChen-Kao-Reaktion {f}
« chefchemchemchemchemchemChencheqchercherChes »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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