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chest depth Brusttiefe {f}
chest disease Erkrankung {f} der Lunge
chest division [organ] Brustwerk {n} [Orgel]
chest drain [Br.] [intercostal catheter] Thoraxdrainage {f} [Drainageschlauch]
chest examinationThoraxuntersuchung {f}
chest expander Expander {m}
chest expander Brustexpander {m}
chest film [chest X-ray] Röntgen-Thorax {m}
chest fluoroscopyThoraxdurchleuchtung {f}
chest for old clothes Kiste {f} für alte Kleider
chest freezerTiefkühltruhe {f}
chest girth Brustumfang {m}
chest girth Brustweite {f}
chest guard Brustschutz {m}
chest hair Brusthaar {n}
chest hair Brustbehaarung {f}
chest hair {sg} Brusthaare {pl}
chest hairs Brusthaare {pl} [einzelne Haare]
chest harness Brustharness {m}
chest harnessBrustgurt {m}
chest height Brusthöhe {f}
chest imaging system [thorax workstation]Thoraxstativ {n} [Thorax-Arbeitsplatz]
chest infectionBrustkorbinfektion {f}
chest injury Brustkorbverletzung {f}
chest injury Brustverletzung {f}
chest key Truhenschlüssel {m}
chest lead [ECG] Brustwandableitung {f} [EKG]
chest lid Truhendeckel {m}
chest measurementBrustumfang {m}
chest measurementBrustweite {f}
chest measurement below the bust Unterbrustweite {f}
chest muscleBrustmuskel {m}
chest muscles {pl} Brustmuskulatur {f}
chest of drawersKommode {f}
chest of tea Teekiste {f}
chest of viols [consort of 6 viols]Chest {m} of Viols [Satz Gamben]
chest organTruhenorgel {f}
chest organsBrustorgane {pl}
chest pain Brustschmerz {m}
chest pain {sg} Brustschmerzen {pl}
chest pain {sg} Thoraxschmerzen {pl}
chest pain {sg}Schmerzen {pl} in der Brust
chest pain [Angina pectoris] Herzbräune {f}
chest pain unit <CPU>Brustschmerzeinheit {f} [auch: Brustschmerz-Einheit]
chest pain unit <CPU> Chest Pain Unit {f} <CPU>
chest pains Thoraxschmerzen {pl}
chest pains Brustschmerzen {pl}
chest physician Lungenspezialist {m}
chest pressBrustdrücken {n}
chest protection Brustschutz {m}
chest protectorBrustschutz {m}
chest protectorBrustprotektor {m}
chest protector Brustpanzer {m}
chest radiograph Röntgen-Thorax {m} [Röntgenaufnahme des Brustkorbs]
chest radiograph [chest X-ray] Thorax-Röntgenaufnahme {f}
chest radiographyThoraxradiografie {f}
chest radiography Thoraxradiographie {f}
chest radiography Lungendiagnostik {f}
chest radiography Brustkorb-Röntgen {n}
chest reception [football] Brustannahme {f}
chest register Brustregister {n} [Gesang]
chest ruptureThoraxriss {m}
chest sizeBrustmaß {n}
chest specialist Brustspezialist {m}
chest specialist Lungenfacharzt {m}
chest specialist [female]Brustspezialistin {f}
chest standLungenstativ {n} [ugs.]
chest strap Brustgurt {m}
chest supportBruststütze {f}
chest (survey) x-rayLungenübersichtsaufnahme {f}
chest thumpingBrusttrommeln {n} [Imponiergehabe bei Affen]
chest tightness Engegefühl {n} in der Brust
chest tightness Enge {f} in der Brust
chest toneBrustton {m}
chest top Truhendeckel {m}
chest trauma Thoraxtrauma {n}
chest traumaThoraxverletzung {f}
chest trouble {sg}Brustbeschwerden {pl}
chest trouble {sg}Brustschmerzen {pl}
chest troublesBrustbeschwerden {pl}
chest tube [intercostal catheter] Pleuradrainage {f}
chest tube [intercostal catheter] Thoraxdrainage {f}
chest type freezer Gefriertruhe {f}
chest vibrato Zwerchfellvibrato {n}
chest voice Bruststimme {f}
chest waderWathose {f}
chest wallBrustwand {f}
chest wall Thoraxwand {f}
chest wall ECG Brustwand-EKG {n}
chest wall tumor [Am.]Brustwandtumor {m}
chest wall tumors [Am.]Brustwandtumore {pl}
chest wall tumour [Br.]Brustwandtumor {m}
chest wall tumours [Br.] Brustwandtumore {pl}
chest widthBrustbreite {f}
chest X-ray Thoraxaufnahme {f} [Röntgen]
chest X-ray Röntgenthoraxaufnahme {f}
chest X-ray Brustaufnahme {f} [ugs.] [Thoraxaufnahme]
chest X-ray Bruströntgen {n}
chest X-ray <CXR>Röntgenthorax {m} [Röntgenaufnahme des Brustkorbes]
chest X-ray <CXR> Röntgen-Thorax {m} [Röntgenaufnahme des Thorax]
« chencheqChercherCheschescheschescheschesches »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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