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chestnut turban [Bolma rugosa, syn.: Astraea rugosa, Baldufa rugosa, Turbo rugosa] Roter Runzelstern {m} [Stachelschnecke] [Meeresschneckenart]
chestnut turban [Bolma rugosa, syn.: Astraea rugosa, Baldufa rugosa, Turbo rugosa]Stachelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
chestnut turban [Bolma rugosa, syn.: Astraea rugosa, Baldufa rugosa, Turbo rugosa] Rote Turbanschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
chestnut vendorMaronibrater {m} [österr.]
chestnut wattle-eye [Platysteira castanea]Weißbürzel-Lappenschnäpper {m}
chestnut weaver [Ploceus rubiginosus] Maronenweber {m}
chestnut (white-bellied) rat [Niviventer fulvescens] Kastanien-Weißbauchratte {f}
chestnut (white-bellied) rat [Niviventer fulvescens] Kastanienmaus {f}
chestnut woodKastanienholz {n}
chestnut wood quail [Odontophorus hyperythrus] Kastanienwachtel {f}
chestnut woodpecker [Celeus elegans]Fahlkopfspecht {m}
chestnut wood-quail / woodquail [Odontophorus hyperythrus]Kastanienwachtel {f}
chestnut wood-quail / woodquail / wood quail [Odontophorus hyperythrus] Kastanienzahnwachtel {f}
chestnut wrinkle lichen [Cetraria sepincola, syn.: Tuckermannopsis sepincola]Zaun-Tartschenflechte {f}
chestnut-backed antbird [Myrmeciza exsul]Braunrücken-Ameisenvogel {m}
chestnut-backed antshrike [Thamnophilus palliatus] Mantelwollrücken {m}
chestnut-backed antshrike [Thamnophilus palliatus]Dunkelmantel-Ameisenwürger {m}
chestnut-backed bluebird [Sialia mexicana] Blaukehl-Hüttensänger {m}
chestnut-backed bush warbler [Bradypterus castaneus]Molukkenbuschsänger {m}
chestnut-backed button-quail [Turnix castanota]Rotrücken-Laufhühnchen {n}
chestnut-backed chickadee [Poecile rufescens, syn.: Parus rufescens] Rotrückenmeise {f}
chestnut-backed forktail [Enicurus ruficapillus]Rotkopf-Scherenschwanz {m}
chestnut-backed ground thrush [Zoothera dohertyi] Sumbawadrossel {f}
chestnut-backed ground-thrush [Zoothera dohertyi, syn.: Geokichla dohertyi]Sumbawadrossel {f}
chestnut-backed jewel babbler [Ptilorrhoa castanonota] Buntflöter {m}
chestnut-backed laughing thrush [Garrulax nuchalis] Rotrückenhäherling {m}
chestnut-backed laughing-thrush [Garrulax nuchalis, syn.: Dryonastes nuchalis, Ianthocincla nuchalis]Rotrückenhäherling {m} [auch: Rotrücken-Häherling]
chestnut-backed laughingthrush [Garrulax nuchalis]Rotrückenhäherling {m}
chestnut-backed laughingthrush / laughing-thrush / laughing thrush [Garrulax nuchalis, syn.: Dryonastes nuchalis, Ianthocincla nuchalis] Rotnackenhäherling {m}
chestnut-backed minla [Heterophasia annectens, syn.: Leioptila annectens, Minla annectens] Rotrückentimalie {f}
chestnut-backed minla [Minla annectens, syn.: Heterophasia annectens, Leioptila annectens]Rotrückensiva {f}
chestnut-backed owlet [Glaucidium castanonotum] Prachtkauz {m}
chestnut-backed scimitar babbler [Pomatorhinus montanus]Rotrückensäbler {m}
chestnut-backed scimitar-babbler [Pomatorhinus montanus] Rotrückensäbler {m}
chestnut-backed sibia [Heterophasia annectens, syn.: Leioptila annectens, Minla annectens]Rotrückentimalie {f}
chestnut-backed sibia [Heterophasia annectens, syn.: Leioptila annectens, Minla annectens]Rotrückensiva {f}
chestnut-backed sparrow-lark [Eremopterix leucotis] Weißwangenlerche {f}
chestnut-backed sparrow-weaver [Plocepasser rufoscapulatus] Rotrückenmahali {m}
chestnut-backed sparrow-weaver [Plocepasser rufoscapulatus] Rotrückenweber {m}
chestnut-backed tanager [Tangara preciosa]Prachttangare {f}
chestnut-backed thornbird [Phacellodomus dorsalis] Rotrücken-Bündelnister {m}
chestnut-backed thrush [Zoothera dohertyi, syn.: Geokichla dohertyi]Sumbawadrossel {f}
chestnut-backed titmouse [Poecile rufescens, syn.: Parus rufescens]Rotrückenmeise {f}
chestnut-banded plover [Charadrius pallidus] Fahlregenpfeifer {m}
chestnut-banded plover [Charadrius pallidus] Rotband-Regenpfeifer {m} [auch: Rotbandregenpfeifer]
chestnut-banded sand plover [Charadrius pallidus]Rotband-Regenpfeifer {m}
chestnut-banded wren [Cyphorhinus thoracicus]Braunbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
chestnut-bellied cotinga [Doliornis remseni]Kastanienbauchkotinga {f}
chestnut-bellied cuckoo [Coccyzus pluvialis] Regenkuckuck {m}
chestnut-bellied eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii] Rotbauchadler {m}
chestnut-bellied eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii]Rotbauchzwergadler {m}
chestnut-bellied euphonia [Euphonia pectoralis]Braunbauchorganist {m}
chestnut-bellied fantail [Rhipidura hyperythra]Braunbauch-Fächerschwanz {m}
chestnut-bellied flowerpiercer / flower-piercer / flower piercer [Diglossa gloriosissima] Maronenbauch-Hakenschnabel {m}
chestnut-bellied guan [Penelope ochrogaster]Rotbrustguan {m}
chestnut-bellied hawk eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii] Rotbauchadler {m}
chestnut-bellied hawk-eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii, Aquila kienerii] Rotbauchadler {m}
chestnut-bellied hawk-eagle / hawk eagle [Lophotriorchis kienerii, syn.: Hieraaetus kienerii]Rotbauchzwergadler {m}
chestnut-bellied helmetshrike [Prionops caniceps] Rostbauchwürger {m}
chestnut-bellied helmetshrike [Prionops caniceps] Rostbauch-Brillenwürger {m}
chestnut-bellied heron [Agamia agami] Speerreiher {m}
chestnut-bellied (hill) partridge [Arborophila javanica] Javabuschwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied (hill) partridge [Arborophila javanica] Java-Waldrebhuhn {n}
chestnut-bellied hill-partridge [Arborophila javanica, syn.: Tetrao javanicus] Java-Waldrebhuhn {n} [auch: Javawaldrebhuhn]
chestnut-bellied hill-partridge [Arborophila javanica, syn.: Tetrao javanicus] Javabuschwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied hummingbird [Amazilia castaneiventris] Braunbauchamazilie {f}
chestnut-bellied imperial pigeon [Ducula brenchleyi] Braunbauch-Fruchttaube {f}
chestnut-bellied (imperial) pigeon [Ducula brenchleyi] Brenchleyfruchttaube {f}
chestnut-bellied kingfisher [Todiramphus farquhari]Braunbauchliest {m}
chestnut-bellied monarch [Monarcha castaneiventris] Schwarzrückenmonarch {m}
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager [Delothraupis castaneoventris]Braunbauch-Bergtangare {f}
chestnut-bellied mountain-tanager [Delothraupis castaneoventris, syn.: Dubusia castaneoventris] Braunbauch-Bergtangare {f}
chestnut-bellied munia [Lonchura atricapilla] Schwarzkopfnonne {f}
chestnut-bellied nuthatch [Sitta castanea] Zimtkleiber {m}
chestnut-bellied quail [Coturnix chinensis, syn.: Excalfactoria chinensis, Synoicus chinensis]Zwergwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied quail [Coturnix chinensis, syn.: Excalfactoria chinensis, Synoicus chinensis] Asiatische Zwergwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied rail [Eulabeornis castaneoventris] Mangroveralle {f}
chestnut-bellied robin [Turdus fulviventris] Ockerbauchdrossel {f}
chestnut-bellied rock thrush [Monticola rufiventris] Rötelmerle {f}
chestnut-bellied rock-thrush / rock thrush [Monticola rufiventris]Rötelmerle {f}
chestnut-bellied sandgrouse [Pterocles exustus] Braunbauch-Flughuhn {n}
chestnut-bellied sandgrouse [Pterocles exustus]Braunbauchflughuhn {n}
chestnut-bellied (scaled) quail [Callipepla squamata castanogastris] Braunbauch-Schuppenwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied seedeater [Sporophila castaneiventris] Rotbauchpfäffchen {n}
chestnut-bellied sparrowhawk [Accipiter castanilius]Rotflankenhabicht {m}
chestnut-bellied spiny rat [Maxomys ochraceiventer, syn.: Rattus perasper] Ockerbauch-Rajah-Ratte {f}
chestnut-bellied starling [Lamprotornis pulcher] Rotbauch-Glanzstar {m}
chestnut-bellied thrush [Turdus fulviventris] Ockerbauchdrossel {f}
chestnut-bellied titi [Callicebus caligatus] Braunbauch-Springaffe {m}
chestnut-bellied (tree) partridge [Arborophila javanica] Java-Waldrebhuhn {n}
chestnut-bellied (tree) partridge [Arborophila javanica] Javabuschwachtel {f}
chestnut-bellied tree-partridge [Arborophila javanica, syn.: Tetrao javanicus] Java-Waldrebhuhn {n} [auch: Javawaldrebhuhn]
chestnut-bellied tree-partridge [Arborophila javanica, syn.: Tetrao javanicus] Javabuschwachtel {f}
chestnut-belted gnateater [Conopophaga aurita]Cayennemückenfresser {m}
chestnut-belted gnateater [Conopophaga aurita] Rostbrust-Mückenfresser {m}
chestnut-billed emerald-toucanet [Aulacorhynchus haematopygus]Blutbürzelarassari {m} [auch: Blutbürzel-Arassari]
chestnut-breasted bunting [Emberiza stewarti] Silberkopfammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
chestnut-breasted bunting [Emberiza stewarti] Kronammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
chestnut-breasted chlorophonia [Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys]Schwarzbrauenorganist {m}
chestnut-breasted coronet [Boissonneaua matthewsii] Zimtschwanzkolibri {m}
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