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chickpea flour Kichererbsenmehl {n}
chick-pea milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus cicer] Kicher-Tragant / Kichertragant {m}
chick-pea milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus cicer]Kicher-Stragel {m}
chick-pea milkvetch / milk-vetch [Astragalus cicer] Kichererbsen-Tragant {m}
chickpea noodlesKichererbsennudeln {pl}
chickpea soup Kichererbsensuppe {f}
chickpeas Kichererbsen {pl}
chicksKüken {pl}
chicks Jungvögel {pl}
chicks Junghühner {pl}
chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Tussis {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Mädchen, Frauen]
chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Tussen {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Mädchen, Frauen]
chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.] Hühner {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] [Mädchen]
chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.] Junghühner {pl} [auch ugs.: Mädchen]
chicks night out [esp. Am.] [sl.]Frauenabend {m}
chicks with dicks [esp. Am.] [vulg.]Transsexuelle {pl}
chickweed [Stellaria holostea] Sternmiere {f}
chickweed [Stellaria media] Vogelmiere {f}
chickweed willowherb [Epilobium alsinifolium] Mierenblättriges Weidenröschen {n}
chickweeds Vogelmieren {pl}
chicle Gummi {m} [Kaugummirohstoff, Chicle]
chicleros [South Americans who collect chicle] Chicleros {pl}
chicleros [South Americans who collect chicle] Gummizapfer {pl} [auch: Gummi-Zapfer] [Chicleros]
chiclet keyboard [coll.] [fig.] Kaugummitastatur {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
Chicli spinetail [Synallaxis spixi]Spixschlüpfer {m}
Chico Formation [California to Oregon] Chico-Formation {f}
chicoriesZichorien {pl}
chicory [Am.] [frisée, curly endive]Friséesalat {m}
chicory [Cichorium intybus, syn.: C. intybus var. foliosum] [preliminary binomial] Chicorée {m} [auch {f}]
chicory [Cichorium intybus, syn.: C. intybus var. foliosum] [preliminary binomial] Schikoree {m} {f} [alt] [Chicorée]
chicory [Cichorium intybus] Wegwarte {f}
chicory [Cichorium intybus]Kaffeekraut {n}
chicory [Cichorium intybus]Zichorie {f}
chicory [Cichorium intybus] Zichori {f} [regional]
chicory [esp. Am.] [endive]Endivie {f}
chicory [genus Cichorium]Zichorie {f}
chicory [genus Cichorium] Zichori {f} [regional]
chicory coffeeZichorienkaffee {m}
chicory forcer Chicorée-Treibtopf {m}
chicory rootZichorienwurzel {f}
chicory salad Chicoréesalat {m}
chid getadelt
chidden [archaic] gescholten
chidden [archaic] getadelt
chided [rare] gescholten
chiding Schelte {f} [geh.]
chidingly scheltend
chiefChef {m}
chiefHäuptling {m}
chiefLeiter {m}
chief Chief {m}
chief Schildhaupt {n}
chief Fürst {m} [Häuptling]
chief [attr.] hauptsächlich
chief [attr.] Haupt-
chief [attr.] [e.g. cardiologist]Chef- [z. B. Kardiologe]
chief [attr.] [e.g. chief technician]leitend [z. B. leitender Angestellter]
chief [attr.] [most important] wichtigste
chief [attr.] [most important] bedeutendste
chief [attr.] [prime] erste [wichtigste]
chief [boss] Prinzipal {m} [Geschäftsinhaber, Lehrherr]
chief [coll.] [boss]Boss {m} [ugs.]
chief [coll.] [boss] Boß {m} [alt] [ugs.]
chief [leader, head]Oberhaupt {n}
chief [of a gang etc.]Anführer {m}
chief [principal] Geschäftsherr {m} [veraltet]
chief accountantHauptbuchhalter {m}
chief accountant <CA>Chefbuchhalter {m}
chief activity Haupttätigkeit {f}
chief activityHauptbeschäftigung {f}
chief administrative officer <CAO> Chief Administrative Officer {m} <CAO> [Vorstand für interne Aufgabenbereiche]
chief administrator Verwaltungschef {m}
chief advantage Hauptvorteil {m}
chief adversary Hauptwidersacher {m}
chief adviser leitender Berater {m}
chief adviser [female]leitende Beraterin {f}
chief agency Generalvertretung {f}
chief agent Generalvertreter {m}
chief agent [Can.]Hauptvertreter {m}
chief aim Hauptziel {n}
chief aimHauptzweck {m}
chief apostle [highest minister in the New Apostolic Church] Stammapostel {m} [höchste Amtsstufe der Neuapostolischen Kirche]
chief architectChefarchitekt {m}
chief architectleitender Architekt {m}
chief architect [also fig.]Hauptarchitekt {m} [auch fig,]
chief argument erstes Argument {n}
chief argument Hauptargument {n}
chief attraction Hauptattraktion {f}
chief audit executive <CAE> Leiter {m} der internen Revision
chief audit executive <CAE> [female]Leiterin {f} der internen Revision
chief bailiff Obervogt {m}
chief blaster Sprengmeister {m} [Leitender einer Sprengung]
chief blaster [female]Sprengmeisterin {f} [Leitende einer Sprengung]
chief branding officer <CBO>Chief Branding Officer {m} <CBO> [Bezeichnung für eine Person, welche die Verantwortung für die in einem Unternehmen vorhandenen Marken trägt.]
chief bridesmaid erste Brautjungfer {f}
Chief Burgomaster [when referring to continental European cities] [Br.]Oberbürgermeister {m} <OB>
chief buyer Haupteinkäufer {m}
« ChetchewChicchicchicchicchiechiechiechiechig »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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