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chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis] Herbstbeiß {m} [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Sendlinger Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis] Schlern-Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis] Tiroler Herbst-Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Giesinger Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis] Gadnerbeiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
chigger infestation [also: jigger infestation] [caused by the chigoe / sand flea Tunga penetrans, family Tungidae]Sandflohbefall {m} [Tungiasis]
chigger infestation [Am.] Trombikulabefall {m} [selten] [Herbstmilbenbefall]
chigger mite [Am.] [genus Trombicula, family Trombiculidae] [harvest mite] Trombikulid {m} [Herbstmilbe]
chigger-weed [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] [stinking chamomile]Stink-Hundskamille {f}
chigger-weed [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] [stinking chamomile](Stinkende) Hundskamille {f}
Chigi Chapel Chigi-Kapelle {f}
chignonNackenknoten {m} [Frisur]
chignon Chignon {m} [Frisur]
chignonHaarknoten {m}
chignon hairstyle (kunstvoll geflochtene) Haarknotenfrisur {f}
chignon hairstyle (kunstvoll geflochtene) Duttfrisur {f}
chignon hairstyle(kunstvoll geflochtene) Dutt-Frisur {f}
chignon net Duttnetz {n}
chigoe [Tunga penetrans]Sandfloh {m}
chigoe flea [Tunga penetrans, syn.: Dermatophilus penetrans, Sarcopsylla penetrans] Sandfloh {m}
Chigro [sl.] [Mischling mit chinesischen und negriden Vorfahren]
Chiguanco thrush [Turdus chiguanco] Chiguancodrossel {f}
chihuahua Chihuahua {m}
Chihuahua Desert horned lizard [Phrynosoma orbiculare]Mexikanische Kurzhorn-Krötenechse {f}
Chihuahua hook-nosed snake [Gyalopion canum] Chihuahua-Hakennasennatter {f}
Chihuahua pine [Pinus leiophylla var. chihuahuana, syn.: P. leiophylla] Chihuahua-Kiefer {f}
Chihuahua spruce [Picea chihuahuana]Chihuahua-Fichte {f}
Chihuahua white pine [Pinus strobiformis, syn.: P. reflexa, P. ayacahuite var. strobiformis] Südwestliche Weiß-Kiefer {f}
Chihuahua woodpecker [Picoides villosus, syn.: Dendrocopos villosus, Dryobates villosus, Leuconotopicus villosus] Haarspecht {m}
Chihuahuan black-headed snake [Tantilla wilcoxi] Chihuahua-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Chihuahuan centipede snake [Tantilla wilcoxi]Chihuahua-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Chihuahuan deermouse [Peromyscus polius] Chihuahua-Maus {f}
Chihuahuan Desert Chihuahua-Wüste {f}
Chihuahuan desert lyresnake [Trimorphodon biscutatus vilkinsonii]Texas-Lyraschlange {f}
Chihuahuan desert spadefoot (toad) [Spea multiplicata]Gebirgs-Schaufelfuß {m}
Chihuahuan lyre snake [Trimorphodon biscutatus vilkinsonii] Texas-Lyraschlange {f}
Chihuahuan mole salamander [Ambystoma rosaceum]Chihuahua-Querzahnmolch {m}
Chihuahuan mouse [Peromyscus polius] Chihuahua-Maus {f}
Chihuahuan pine [Pinus leiophylla var. chihuahuana, syn.: P. leiophylla] Chihuahua-Kiefer {f}
Chihuahuan raven [Corvus cryptoleucus] Weißhalsrabe {m}
chikari (string) Chikarisaite {f} [Sitar]
chikungunyaChikungunya-Fieber {n}
chikungunya feverChikungunyafieber {n}
Chikungunya virus <CHIKV>Chikungunya-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] <CHIKV>
chilacayote [Cucurbita ficifolia, syn.: C. melanosperma, Pepo ficifolia] [fig-leaf gourd] Feigenblatt-Kürbis / Feigenblattkürbis {m}
Chilaiditi syndrome Chilaiditi-Syndrom / Chilaiditisyndrom {n}
Chilam BalamChilam Balam {n}
chilaquiles Chilaquiles {pl}
chilblain Frostbeule {f}
chilblained von Frostbeulen befallen
chilblainsFrostbeulen {pl}
child Kind {n}
child [attr.] [e.g. abduction, abuse, maltreatment] Kindes- [z. B. Entführung, Missbrauch, Misshandlung]
child [attr.] [e.g. bride, death, murderer]Kinds- [z. B. Braut, Tod, Mörder]
child [attr.] [e.g. labour, mortality, actor, abuser]Kinder- [z. B. Arbeit, Sterblichkeit, Darsteller, Schänder]
child abandonment Kindesweglegung {f} [österr.] [Kindesaussetzung]
child abduction Kindesentführung {f}
child abduction Kinderraub {m}
child abuse Kindesmisshandlung {f} [allg.]
child abuse Kindesmissbrauch {m} [allg.]
child abuse [sexual]Kinderschändung {f}
child abuse [sexual]Kinderschänderei {f}
child abuse incidents Kindesmisshandlungen {pl}
child abuse ringKinderschänderring {m}
child abuser [female] [sexual abuse]Kinderschänderin {f}
child abuser [physically] Kindesmisshandler {m}
child abuser [sexual abuse]Kinderschänder {m}
child activist [female] Kinderaktivistin {f}
child actorKinderstar {m} [Schauspieler]
child actorKinderschauspieler {m}
child actor Kinderdarsteller {m}
child actors Kinderdarsteller {pl}
child actressKinderschauspielerin {f}
child advocacy group Kinderrechtsgruppe {f}
child allowance Kinderermäßigung {f}
child allowanceKindergeld {n}
child allowanceKinderzulage {f}
child allowance [taxation]Kinderfreibetrag {m}
child analysisKinderanalyse {f}
child and adolescent medicineKinder- und Jugendmedizin {f}
child and adolescent psychiatry Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie {f}
child and adolescent psychiatry or pediatric psychiatryKinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie {f} <KJPP>
child and youth protection Kinder- und Jugendschutz {m}
child and youth services {pl} Kinder- und Jugendhilfe {f}
Child and Youth Welfare Act [Germany]Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz {n} <KJHG>
child assault Kindesmisshandlung {f}
child assault Angriff {m} auf ein Kind
child assaultKindesmissbrauch {m}
child at riskRisikokind {n}
child at the breastKind {n} an der Brust
child bed [dated]Kindbett {n} [veraltend]
child beggars Bettelkinder {pl}
child beggars bettelnde Kinder {pl}
child benefitKinderzulage {f}
child benefitFamilienbeihilfe {f} [österr.]
child benefit <CB> Kindergeld {n} <KG>
child benefit claim Kindergeldantrag {m}
child benefit numberKindergeldnummer {f}
child born a month prematurely Achtmonatskind {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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