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child lawKindesrecht {n}
child maintenance [Br.] Kindesunterhalt {m}
child maltreatment Kindesmisshandlung {f} [Körperverletzung]
child management Kindererziehung {f}
child marketKindermarkt {m}
child marriageKinderheirat {f}
child marriageKinderehe {f}
child minder [Br.]Tagesmutter {f}
child molestation Kindesmissbrauch {m} [sexuell]
child molester Kinderschänder {m}
child molester Kindervergewaltiger {m}
child molesters Kinderficker {pl} [vulg.] [Vergewaltiger von Kindern]
child mortalityKindersterblichkeit {f}
child mortality rate Kindersterblichkeitsrate {f}
child mummyKindermumie {f}
child murder Kindermord {m}
child murder Kindesmord {m}
child murder Kindsmord {m}
child murderer Kindermörder {m}
child murderer Kindesmörder {m}
child murderer Kindsmörder {m}
child murderer [female] Kindermörderin {f}
child murderer [female]Kindesmörderin {f}
child murderer [female] Kindsmörderin {f}
child murderess [female murderer of a child]Kindsmörderin {f}
child murdersKindermorde {pl}
child neglectKinderverwahrlosung {f}
child nurse [nanny]Kinderschwester {f}
child nutrition Kinderernährung {f}
child of a multiple birth Mehrling {m}
child of a sisterSchwesterkind {n} [veraltet]
child of a wet nurse Ammenkind {n}
child of a whore [pej.] [archaic] [illegitimate child]Hurenbalg {m} {n} [pej.] [veraltet] [uneheliches Kind]
child of brother or sisterGeschwisterkind {n} [veraltet, noch regional]
child of divorceKind {n} aus geschiedener Ehe
child of divorceScheidungskind {n}
child of divorced parents Kind {n} aus geschiedener Ehe
child of divorced parents Scheidungskind {n}
child of divorced parentsScheidungswaise {f}
child of four Kind {n} von vier Jahren
child of God Gotteskind {n}
child of God Kind {n} Gottes
Child of God [Cormac McCarthy]Ein Kind Gottes
child of his / her owneigenes Kind {n}
child of migrant workersGastarbeiterkind {n}
child of nature Naturkind {n}
child of one's imaginationKind {n} der Vorstellung
child of one's old age Kind {n} der alten Tage
child of poor parentsArmeleutekind {n} [ugs.]
child of school age schulpflichtiges Kind {n}
child of separated parents Trennungskind {n}
child of slaves Sklavenkind {n} [Kind von Sklaven]
child of sorrow Sorgenkind {n}
child of sorrow Schmerzenskind {n} [veraltet] [Sorgenkind]
child of ten Kind {n} von 10 Jahren
child of tender years Kind {n} in zarten Jahren
child of the EnlightenmentKind {n} der Aufklärung
child of the first marriageKind {n} aus erster Ehe
Child of the Mississippi [nickname] [Louisiana] [Spitzname für Louisiana, USA]
child of the proletariat [pej.] Proletenkind {n}
child of the second marriageKind {n} aus zweiter Ehe
child of the sun Sonnenkind {n}
child of two zweijähriges Kind {n}
child of unknown parents Kind {n} unbekannter Eltern
child passport Kinderreisepass {m}
child populationAnteil {m} der Kinder an der Bevölkerung
child population Bevölkerungsanteil {m} im Kindesalter
child porn [coll.]Kinderporno {m} [ugs.]
child porn ringKinderpornoring {m}
child pornographickinderpornografisch
child pornographic kinderpornographisch
child pornography Kinderpornografie {f}
child pornography Kinderpornographie {f}
child pose / pose of the child [balasana, balaasana] Stellung {f} des Kindes [Yoga]
child poverty Kinderarmut {f}
child predator [person who preys on children] Mitschnacker {m} [nordd.] [ugs.] [Kinderverführer]
child pregnancyKinderschwangerschaft {f}
child prodigy Wunderkind {n}
child prostitution Kinderprostitution {f}
child prostitutionBabystrich {m} [ugs.]
child protectionKinderschutz {m}
child protective services {pl} <CPS>Jugendamt {n}
child protective services {pl} <CPS> Kinderschutzbehörde {f}
child psychiatristKinderpsychiater {m}
child psychiatry Kinderpsychiatrie {f}
child psychoanalysisKinderpsychoanalyse {f}
child psychologistKinderpsychologe {m}
child psychologist [female] Kinderpsychologin {f}
child psychologyKinderpsychologie {f}
child psychopathology Kinderpsychopathologie {f}
child put out to nurse in Pflege gegebenes Kind {n}
child raising Kindererziehung {f}
child rape Kindervergewaltigung {f}
child rape Kindesvergewaltigung {f}
child rape Vergewaltigung {f} von Kindern
child rapist Kindervergewaltiger {m}
child rapist Kindesvergewaltiger {m}
child rapist Kinderschänder {m} [Vergewaltiger]
child rearing Aufziehen {n} von Kindern
child relief Kinderfreibetrag {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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