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Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest [James D.R. Hickox]Kinder des Zorns 3 – Das Chicago Massaker
Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering [Greg Spence]Kinder des Zorns 4 – Mörderischer Kult
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror [Ethan Wiley] Kinder des Zorns 5 – Feld des Terrors
children of the first marriage Kinder {pl} aus erster Ehe
children of the king Königskinder {pl}
children of the planets [astrology] Planetenkinder {pl} [Astrologie]
Children of the Red King [Jenny Nimmo]Die Kinder des roten Königs
children of the village Dorfkinder {pl}
children of unmarried couplesKinder {pl} aus nicht ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften
children of war Kriegskinder {pl}
Children on a Country Road Kinder auf der Landstraße [Franz Kafka]
children orphaned by the warKriegswaisen {pl}
children playing with firezündelnde Kinder {pl}
children running wild verwildernde Kinder {pl}
Children travel at half price. Kinder reisen zum halben Preis.
Children under 5 are free.Kinder unter 5 sind frei.
children under 7 years Kinder {pl} unter 7 Jahren
children welfare Kinderwohlfahrt {f}
children with learning disabilities lernbehinderte Kinder {pl}
children with reading and spelling disabilitieslese-rechtschreibschwache Kinder {pl}
[children of immigrant families in Switzerland, originally those of Latin background] Secondos {pl} [schweiz.]
[children of mixed racial parentage] Mischlingskinder {pl}
childrenite [FeAl(PO4)(OH)2·H2O] Childrenit {m}
children's [attr.]Kinder-
Children's Act [law defining the rights of children] Gesetz {n} über die Rechte der Kinder
Children's Advisory Board Kinderbeirat {m}
children's aidKinderhilfe {f}
children's allowanceKinderfreibetrag {m}
children's allowanceKindergeld {n}
children's allowance fraud Kindergeldbetrug {m}
children's amusement park Kindervergnügungspark {m}
Children's and Household Tales [Grimm Brothers]Kinder- und Hausmärchen [Brüder Grimm]
children's and youth literature Kinder- und Jugendliteratur {f}
children's apparel Kinderkleidung {f}
children's apron for frontal protection Kinderschürze {f} für Frontschutz
children's audiometryKinderaudiometrie {f}
children's balletKinderballett {n}
children's bank Kinderbank {f}
children's bathtub Kinderbadewanne {f}
children's bedroom Kinderschlafzimmer {n}
children's beer [malt beer without alcohol]Kinderbier {n} [ugs.] [Malzbier]
children's BibleKinderbibel {f}
children's bicycle Kinderfahrrad {n}
children's bicycle Kinderrad {n}
children's bikeKinderfahrrad {n}
children's bike Kinderrad {n}
children's birthday partyKindergeburtstag {m} [Feier]
children's bookKinderbuch {n}
children's book award Kinderbuchpreis {m}
children's book characterKinderbuchfigur {f}
children's book illustration Kinderbuchillustration {f}
children's book illustrator Kinderbuchillustrator {m}
children's book illustrator [female]Kinderbuchillustratorin {f}
children's book publishers {pl} [firm] Kinderbuchverlag {m}
children's book seriesKinderbuchreihe {f}
children's book writer Kinderbuchautor {m}
children's book writer [female]Kinderbuchautorin {f}
children's books Kinderbücher {pl}
children's bookshop [esp. Br.]Kinderbuchladen {m}
children's bookstore [esp. Am.] Kinderbuchladen {m}
children's boots Kinderstiefel {pl}
children's bureauKinderbüro {n}
children's camp Kinderlager {n}
children's cancer research Kinderkrebsforschung {f}
children's center [Am.] Kinderzentrum {n}
children's centre [Br.] Kinderzentrum {n}
children's channelKindersender {m}
children's children Kindeskinder {pl} [Enkel]
children's choir Kinderchor {m}
children's choir Kurrende {f}
children's chorusKinderchor {m}
children's church [Sunday school]Kinderkirche {f} [Kindergottesdienst]
children's (church) service Kindergottesdienst {m}
children's cinema [esp. Br.] Kinderkino {n}
children's circusKinderzirkus {m}
children's clinicKinderklinik {f}
children's clothes Kindersachen {pl}
children's clothes {pl} Kinderkleidung {f}
children's clothingKinderbekleidung {f}
children's clothing store [esp. Am.] Kinderbekleidungsgeschäft {n}
children's clubKinderclub {m}
children's coat for all-round protection Kindermantel {m} für Rundumschutz
children's collectionKinderkollektion {f}
children's compartment [train] Kinderabteil {n}
children's concerns Kindersorgen {pl}
children's corner Kinderecke {f}
children's course Kinderkurs {m}
Children's CrusadeKinderkreuzzug {m}
children's cuisine Kinderküche {f}
children's departmentKinderabteilung {f}
children's dictionaryKinderwörterbuch {n}
children's discoKinderdisco {f}
children's diseaseKinderkrankheit {f}
children's doctorKinderarzt {m}
children's doctor [female] Kinderärztin {f}
children's dosage Kinderdosis {f}
children's dreams Kinderträume {pl}
children's editionKinderausgabe {f}
children's entertainment Kinderanimation {f}
« chilchilchilchilchilChilchilchilchilChilchil »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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