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children's swimming poolKinderschwimmbad {n}
children's swimming pool [public]Kinderbad {n} [in Schwimmbädern, auch oft in Parks]
children's tableKatzentisch {m} [hum.]
children's table Kindertisch {m}
children's tales Kindermärchen {pl}
children's tea partyKinderteeparty {f}
children's teethKinderzähne {pl}
children's televisionKinderfernsehen {n}
children's (television) series Kinderserie {f}
children's theater [Am.] Kindertheater {n}
children's theatre [esp. Br.] Kindertheater {n}
children's things Kindersachen {pl}
children's ticketsKinderfahrkarten {pl}
children's toilet seat Kinder-Toilettensitz {m} [Toilettenaufsatz für Kinder]
children's toothpaste Kinderzahnpasta {f}
children's toys Kinderspielsachen {pl}
children's toys {pl} Kinderspielzeug {n}
children's training camp Kindertrainingslager {n}
children's treat Kinderfest {n}
children's troubles Kindersorgen {pl}
children's TV Kinderfernsehen {n}
children's TV networkKinderfernsehen {n} [Fernsehsender für Kinder]
children's (TV) channel Kinderprogramm {n} [Fernsehsender für Kinder]
children's undershirt Hemdchen {n} [Unterhemd für Kinder]
children's university Kinderuni {f} [ugs.]
children's versionKinderversion {f}
children's version Kinderfassung {f}
Children's VillageKinderdorf {n}
children's vocals {pl}Kindergesang {m}
children's voices Kinderstimmen {pl}
children's wardKinderabteilung {f}
children's ward Kinderstation {f}
children's wearKinderkleidung {f}
children's wear department Kinderabteilung {f}
children's winter bootsWinterstiefel {pl} für Kinder
children's world Kinderwelt {f}
children's worries Kindersorgen {pl}
children's writer Kinderbuchautor {m}
children's zoo Streichelzoo {m}
[children's section of youth organisation in GDR] Junge Pioniere {pl}
(children's) picture book of war Kriegsbilderbuch {n} [Kinderbuch]
(children's) story time Märchenstunde {f}
child-resistant kindersicher [von Kindern nicht zu öffnen oder für sie nicht erreichbar]
child's / children's swing Kinderschaukel {f}
child's armchair Kindersessel {m}
child's armchair Kinderfauteuil {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
child's ass [vulg.] [Am.]Kinderarsch {m} [vulg.]
child's assetKindesvermögen {n}
child's backside [coll.]Kinderhintern {m} [ugs.]
child's bag [small] Kindertäschchen {n}
child's bank Kinderbank {f}
child's bedKinderbett {n}
child's behindKinderhintern {m}
child's bicycle Kinderrad {n}
child's bicycle Kinderfahrrad {n}
child's bike Kinderrad {n}
child's bikeKinderfahrrad {n}
child's birthday Kindergeburtstag {m}
child's bottomKinderpo {m}
child's bottom Kinderhintern {m}
child's bottom [esp. Br.]Kinderpopo {m} [ugs.]
child's bum [Br.] [coll.]Kinderpopo {m} [ugs.]
child's butt [Am.] Kinderhintern {m}
child's casket [Am.]Kindersarg {m}
child's chair Kinderstuhl {m}
child's choice Kindeswille {m}
child's clothingKinderkleidung {f}
child's coffin Kindersarg {m}
child's crown of Otto IIIKinderkrone {f} Ottos III.
child's cycle Kinderfahrrad {n}
child's deferred assurance Aussteuerversicherung {f}
child's drawingKinderzeichnung {f}
child's dream Kindertraum {m}
child's eye Kinderauge {n}
child's eyes Kinderaugen {pl}
child's faceKindergesicht {n}
child's faith Kinderglaube {m}
child's fareKindertarif {m}
child's fateKinderschicksal {n}
child's father Kindesvater {m}
child's fatherKindsvater {m}
child's fingerKinderfinger {m}
child's fit of temperkindlicher Wutanfall {m}
Childs Glacier Childs-Gletscher {m}
child's graveKindergrab {n}
child's hand Kinderhand {f}
child's head Kinderkopf {m}
child's heart Kinderherz {n}
child's identification tag Kinderidentitätsanhänger {m}
child's identity cardKinderausweis {m}
child's languageKindersprache {f}
child's laugh Kinderlachen {n}
child's love Kindesliebe {f}
child's meal [restaurant]Kindermenü {n}
child's mother Kindesmutter {f}
child's mother Kindsmutter {f}
child's name Kindsname {m}
child's newly awakened curiosityKinderneugier {f}
child's overcoatKindermantel {m}
child's part in a playKinderrolle {f} in einem Stück
« chilchilchilchilchilchilchilChilchilchilchim »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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